/uni/ full brainlet crying edition

Uni fags hows life? Still hating every single waking moment? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel in any way?
I got a 38% on an exam and the professor had me speak to him after class and basically told me I should drop the class.
Year 4 and im still struggling through engineering. Why do I bother? Im a fuckin brainlet apparently compared to my fellow students yet Ive gotten this far.
I fill the emotional hole with vidya and going to the gym. Hopefully I can stay sane

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>it's already a month into the semester.
I could've sworn it just started yesterday.

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Working on a paper and listening to Sabaton.

Also OP, you should be filling that hole with studying rather than vidya and lifting weights, although physical health is important to maintaining mental ability. If you've made it to your 4th year then that's farther than a lot of people. You just have to put the work in and finish up.

I'm in the biology area though so I don't know dick about anything

>you should be filling that hole with studying rather than vidya and lifting weights,
My motivation is gone. I don't know why. Doesn't help that employers are now starting to push for people to get masters degrees. Id probably off myself without vidya and weights
>I'm in the biology area though so I don't know dick about anything
Know that feel all too well fluids whipped me, physics II may have as well

1 month into my fifth semester.
I haven't done shit, i feel absolutely 0 motivation to do anything, i hate every single moment of it and i have to see my best friend -secretely loved him for the past couple of years- talk about how much he loves a girl he's hitting.
Can i kill myself now?

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>No motivation
havin same issue
No frenz though, just aquaintences so dont know the other
>Can I kill myself now
No, have to wait till youre in finals week of your last year

Doing well in all my classes, but still pretty miserable kek. Living with friends in a suite this year so at least I have people to hang out with when I'm not being a shut in. Fill the void with lifting weights and vidya, seems to work pretty well.

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Holy FUCK I just want this shit to be over. Why the fuck do I need another 4 fucking years of school for a piece of fucking paper to say I can be a good little fucking wagie? Every fucking day I get home so god dam tiring from the super ass slow lectures, just to do a fucking homework assignment that takes me 3 more fucking hours because of one minute detail that the overpaid piece of shit jew FUCK "teaching" me failed to mention. But hey, that's not all! How about a bunch of useless prereqs like Sociology or History? No? Tack on "advanced English" so you're writing a paper every other week on top of the papers due for Sociology AND two extra classes related to your field that, on their own, take at least 15-20 hours a week of my time. Also, don't forget your part-time job since you get fucked in the ass based on where you are born :^)))).

How are you lads doing?

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I feel you, I worked as a lifeguard at a pool over the summer and made like 12 bucks an hour. Wouldn't mind doing that for the rest of my life, easy job were I get to either read manga on my phone or go swimming all day.

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big digits

I make like 10$ an hour if I'm lucky and if I dropped out and went full-time I'd made $19.2k BEFORE taxes leaving me about 1400-1500 a month to cover an apartment, insurance, gas, food, and internet. From my estimations, it's just BAAAAAAAAAAAAARELY fucking do-able and the only thing stopping me is that fact that I'll always have that option so I mine as well suffer through college until I graduate, or fail miserably.

desu I just want to go full hermit mode, get a little cabin out in the woods somewhere where I'd still get internet (muh vidya). I hate being around people, love being around nature, and don't really want to do anything with my life so it sounds like a pretty solid idea. Too bad I'm terrified of disappointing my parents tho oh well.

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You covered it pretty well user

I think my parents are another reason I'm too chicken shit to drop out. How the fuck do you get the money to live in your own cabin in the woods?

>multiple assignments to do and texts to read
>smoked weed all day instead

I want to stop smoking, I need to stop smoking. But I simply can't. Weeds the only pleasure in life, and the only thing I can look forward too, yet it's also frying my brain and destroying my education.

I feel your rage. I don't know why they have to make life so much harder than it has to be.

>graduating in December

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>tfw cs major
>have been scraping by by going to office hours a lot and copying people's code
>im a junior right now
>facing the reality I might not make it, and if I do, my gpa is going to plummet

Yea it's not a realistic idea, just nice to think about as an "I wish" scenario ya know

>go into test thinking "I have no excuse not to get 100%."
>get rekt
>submit discussion post and think about how awful it is all week
>get 100%

Why does this always happen?

Man I wish I was in your spot. Programming is piss easy for me, but the faggot shit like English and Sociology piss me right the fuck off.

Oh my classes are online and I'm taking a CIT course. It's really making me reconsider and it degree and instead go for either engineering or computer science. if I have to use Excel one more time I'm going to kill myself

i have a mechanics exam tomorrow and have just started seriously studying.
I want to fuck eat a shotgun right now.
Why do I do this to myself? I already did an all nighter last week for my chemistry exam.
I just wish i fucking won the lottery and could drop out.

I can't say I relate to you, user. Maybe my brain is just physically unable to handle more stress and is starting to release endorphins at random, but I feel really calm right now. I decided to stop drinking coffee because it exacerbates my anxiety, I wanted to kill myself for two days, but here I am at the end of day two (it's around 9:30 PM where I am) listening to some relaxing beats and I feel a sort of release. I have to study my ass off for the next four days to do good on an important exam but somehow I can't get worked up about it.

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How good are you at math/programming?

i just graduated with engineering last May. It feels great, but I feel sorry for anyone that's in school. It fucking sucked. every semester just got worse. life-wise..

I am good at calculus and such. That's all I really know, for now.

At least you didn't waist 4 and a half years on a fucking worthless meme degree.

If we just made some bullshit like Minecraft we'd be set. Hell, I only need 500k to live off interest, as I'm a very frugal spender.

I wasted a semester changing majors so I'll be going for another 1.5-2 years graduating at a total of 4.5-5 years. What degree did you get?

From what I understand, CS is less math than engineering and you can get the whole array of meme jobs from IT to programming. However, you get more theoretical and software shit, so it really depends what you like.

>I got a 38% on an exam and the professor had me speak to him after class and basically told me I should drop the class.

Personally I'd take his advice and try again next semester/year but I don't know your situation. What I can offer you is reassurance that coming back from the brink so to speak is possible, I averaged 40% on my exams in an accounting class a year ago, I literally needed 90% on the final to pass the course at all, but I took the textbook and locked myself in my room for a month forcing myself to study it and somehow I pulled it off and passed the class. I don't know if that plan would work for you but I want you to know things are not hopeless and good things can happen.

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First exam went ok but now I have got the second on Thursday. So many fucking papers to write and I could not give less of a shit about the topics. Also my professor could not read my submission for an assignment and gave me a zero even though all the other fucking students could download and read it just fine.

>great at writing/rhetoric, english, history, sociology, psych
>my talents will never get me a good job
>fucking shit at/hate anything involving math

Is it over boyos?

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Poli sci. All my life I have never had Interest in anything academically and been horrible at math but my whole family pressured me to go to college. So I picked something I was slightly interested in and now can't find jobs that I wouldn't have been able to get with a half diploma.

Its 7:38 am and im already exhausted because ive just finished the early in the morning revision

>first month of my first semester
>tfw engineering major meme

i feel like such a dumb fucking brainlet why is chemistry so hard for me? i should go into tutoring or something soon because everyone else seems to be okay but i have no clue what im doing

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>First Semester at a community
>Liberal Arts cause I'm autistic and can't make up my mind on my career choice.
>Math 100 is basically everything I learned the first two years of HS
>English 101 is just me BSing my essays and getting As
>History 101 assigned a group project and I haven't talked to anyone in the class so I'm screwed and I probably have to do it alone
>ART 100 is just me paying to "learn to appreciate visual art" and learning shit I can search up.

I have lost all motivation now. If only I had the money to go to the engineering school at least I would be suffering cause I have work to do instead of the shit I'm doing at community. I'm about to change my major back to electrical engineer/computer engineering but I'm still afraid I'll never actually get a job in that field. Life is hard and unpredictable and it just feels my desire to end it all sometimes.

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I wouldn't mind learning something like engineering because I've always liked working with my hands instead of theory. I plan to once I become a junior transfer to a university and then start my degree then

Good luck user, sounds like you have the interest.

Its my semester break now. What do I do now?

>tfw turning 32 next month
>tfw still 3 years more to go

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Read "Influence" by Robert Cialdini.

May as well. You aren't gonna find a job with lib arts either.
t. lib artsfag

I'm just going to say it makes me so happy to feel like I'm not alone for the first time in a long time, OP you've done more for me than you'll ever realize, if nothing else you've made a change in my life.

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>went to uni fall of last year
>first time living on my own with 3 other guys
>smoke weed and play video games
>decide to just not do a major paper at all
>skip class to the point where my grades start dropping a couple letters from absences

I had one class where so many people stopped showing up (logic class) the professor (super chill stoner) sent out an email saying if you pass the final exam (wasnt even cumulative) you pass the class

>didnt even bother taking him up on the kind offer

Crammed for this humanities classes final that I didnt do shit in all semester. Passed it, but still failed the class (lol).

Out of 5 classes in my first semester, the only class I actually passed was a piss easy art class. And I got a D in it cause I had the maximum amount of absences without failing.

Next semester tell myself im gonna do better.

Actually do well. Realize I dont want to do web design. Tell my parents who are paying for everything that im dropping out.

Too embarassed to tell my room mates. Instead sign up for IT online classes at a college that was near my parents house.

Pretend to go to uni still but Im just doing the online classes.

And I already have an AA from a different college I never used.

Ive wasted tens of thousands of dollars of my parents money. But they keep supporting me.

Yet I fucking hate them most of the time. I dont know why. I have this rage inside me that just hates them.

I fantasize about winning the lotto and never talking to them again or going to any family members funerals. Just cutting ties.

Fuck is wrong with me. I get along with normies fine. But I hate the only people who love me.

heeel no you don't user. Think of all the cashiers/full time low status wagies you know. Were they happy? Did they really have such fulfilling lives outside of work?

About as happy as any other wagie. I don't feel fulfilled by what I'm doing, and nothing interests me besides reading/watching movies. If I didn't have to wage, I wouldn't.

any Texas bros in here?

>tfw you're a brainlet
>tfw you're in your third/fourth year but still haven't gotten this shit figured out
>tfw they say the first semester is an adjustment, but you dragged your "adjusting" period all the way to junior year

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I would advise you to think long-term user. With all the poor people getting scholarships to go to
college is the new high school degree and truly you need a degree to do anything other than tradie.

I used to work in the kitchen at a sports bar, I worked with a guy who'd been a line cook for ten years, he was totally bitter and impossible to work with, a few days after I gave my two weeks they made him kitchen manager, this was after he'd been made a supervisor and got demoted for being a control freak and an asshole. My point is he went down that career path and he's alone, his wife left him many years ago over the sort of behavior he exhibits to this day at 34 years old. University is an opportunity to improve your life, I'd advise you to take it.

I wonder how much I could have made working at walmart full time living at home from 18 to 23 vs going to c*llege for a fucking meme degree.
Assuming $9/hr:
9*40*4.33*12*5=93k. Wow. And we could just say 100k assuming working a bit in hs part time.

Now here I am with no money and a worthless scrap of paper no employer gives two shits about all because I was a naive fuck and fell for all the memes.

Like I said in I'll either graduate, or fail. But your posts assume that: I can/want to talk to people, go out of my way to do things like clubs or networking, and have a goal for the future. The first two years of college I was auto-piloting through some piss easy classes and I was mostly content doing absolutely nothing, save the crippling boredom. If anything, I need to take time to figure out what the fuck I like or would be able to stand for more than a few hours every day. I've been browsing /x/ looking for literally any meaning or purpose to go with and some of those things have stayed with me but my broken brain doesn't agree with me and does what it wants.

Which degree, specifically? Your Uni should have some sort of career fairs or job referral programs that you could still take advantage of, worst case yes you have just another blurb on your resume but hey it's not nothing, managers at bars, etc. make decent money. Of course if your degree is something like gender studies then yeah you may be sol.

I worked at Walmart if you're going to work there get a job being a stalker, also it's not $9 an hour to $11 an hour every two weeks usually get paid $700.

And of course we are assuming that money is simply saved and wasn't invested. Investing that money into a low cost index fund would have grown it even more massively. Why does anyone fall for the c*llege meme.

I'm telling ya man, something like night stocking from 10-6 wouldn't be halfbad. No one wants the shift so you're basically guaranteed 40 hours a week, and you can listen to some tunes or even watch shit while you work.

Poli sci. Was kinda wanting a gov job but there is hardly anything around.
Me too part time. Pay ranged from 8.60 to 10.75.
Night stocking always seemed very comfy.

Yeah user, but imagine doing that for day after day, and having no improved career prospects afterwards, except for at (((Walmart))).

Then, when Walmart finds a subcontractor for stocking who they can pay less, you're let go and you're jobless and older

Would you really want that?

Your post can apply to literally every job, and I've yet to see anyone happy as shit to be answering helpdesk tickets for an extra 5-10k a year. You're just as easily replaceable, at least with Walmart everyone thinks it's beneath them and you'll ok until we hit the peak of automation. But even then, everyone is fucked.

switch majors? cs is a much better career path

I'm in CS but slogging through all the basic requirements to get to uni and do fun shit like systems programming is so agonizingly slow. I'm in a web programming class that's 4 hours long, and the fucking professor stretches 30 minutes of material over that whole period.

Well memed. You can easily move up to management especially because most there are nearly brain dead. Career prospects are a meme too. Half the time when people talk about that they mean jobs that pay shit or ok but just SOUND more respectable than retail when the pay is all that actually matters.

Yeah but in normie positions, with desks and offices and managers and shit, with enough education you can
>get your Jewish boss to pay for your MBA/Master's
>screw around on company time, not throwing out your knees or back working a physical job
>regular hours
>leave said Jewish company to work for a slightly more generous Jew

Read 11:23 PM

I'm fully expecting some IT shit where I'm reimbursed for certifications and jerking around most of the time. I'm just saying, it's doing the same shit day-in and day-out just like stocking for marginally more money. I need some physical activity everyday, I'm a sedentary piece of shit.

your call man. I've worked the Walmart jobs like assembly and stocking and while it is fun to be physical, you always have the risk of getting injured. Also
>somewhat low status although like you said, pay is similar
>Walmart has high turnover
>In IT, you don't break a sweat and skills are easily transferable

My uni is by far the faggiest shithole on the face of the earth. St Andrews is full of the worst people in the world, much less the UK. Everyone here is such a fucking stuck up cunt I fucking hate it

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I just finished my associate's degree at my community college. I'm now off to the University of Washington and I start during the Winter quarter which is in January. What should I be expecting considering that I'm a Educational Studies major with focus on the English language?

Also keep in mind I don't have any strong political opinions for either side. I personally don't like to communicate with any radical view points from either the left or the right. How fucked am I in that regard?

Am I going to have to deal with hard core liberalism on a daily basis and if so how much is it going to affect my time in the University of Washington?

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I gave given up on my English class, At least trying to save my math class
>only taking two classes this semester

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if youre at university in America youre gonna be dealing with hardcore liberalism

I definitely don't have the balls to drop out so I don't really have the choice. I'll be at least getting my associates next semester, so even if I fail uni I have a degree to negotiate with. It's just nice to know that I COULD go be a night stocker at my local grocery store and do alright without stressing over all this college shit. Too bad I'm spineless and just do what my parents think is best. I mean what's the difference what job I have when I'll have 17-18k debt, no social life, and a small 1bed apartment that I only leave when absolutely necessary. The entry-level programming jobs are absolutely abysmal, so it's either IT, security, or data science.

>lots of women in classes
>get ready to write papers
Tbqh famalam the notion that colleges are a liberal indoctrination camp is blown out of proportion, I thought I would be surrounded by mindless zombies in uni as well but for the most part, people just keep to themselves. You won't have to street debate or anything.

>remember to hide your powerlevel and your sanity

same, i'm a first year cs major and i'm breezing through my cs courses, but i'm required to take a history course and first year writing which is fucking bullshit, the teacher assigns like 200 pages of reading a night, i got a 33% on a pop quiz earlier this week. and of course the course actually has nothing to do with learning how to write, and instead all we do is talk about racism like every other god damn english course i've taken since middle school

Honestly, I'm not even that good at math. I was struggling with pre-calc last semester, although it was online and shitty, and am starting Calc 1 this week sort of worried. But the fucking intro, advanced, and server programming courses were SO FUCKING EASY. Doing a minor amount of programming/"hacking" in highschool really paid off jesus christ. Anyway, it's fucking useless since I'll just be plugging in computers or setting up networks or some shit.

You are going to be poor.

Thanks user.
I imagine it can be done

I'm fine with writing papers and I have no issues with women. Also, thanks for the reply, I was simply worried that I'd have to deal with Antifa or something on a daily basis or something.

>remember to hide your powerlevel and your sanity

I will keep this in mind and thanks for the advice.

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Good to know my post helped someone
This site gives me most of my social interaction, don't know what Id do without it

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Relating to what all anons above said, I quit uni after the third semester because of how much I hated it and decided to work in a warehouse instead. I hate both but warehouse is so much better, and I will soon have enough saved up to NEET for the rest of my life. Just food for thought.

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>NEET for the rest of my life
but how tho

How in fuck's cunt will you have made enough to be a NEET for the rest of your life? Please share financial advice.

you could probably land some HR job.
maybe send in some letters or stories to a publication.

I've been doing it for 7 years living with my parents the whole time. I haven't even been that thrifty, just standard saving. I guess if you want to do it in less time then you'd have to be really cheap.

Yes but what is your income stream? That's not NEET for the rest of your life, unless you're saving at every turn

But you need money coming in while you're a NEET because eventually your parents will die unless you have a huge inheritance coming or there's some investment shit you're not telling us.

I have no expenses besides gas so I'm not sure what you mean. I guess if your parents wont let you live with them you're really out of luck.

I'm assuming you have been investing all the while? I'm thinking about throwing just about every last dime into low cost index funds once I get a job.

Bong doing a PGCE primary here. It's cosy. I'm the one man in 40 in the class. Really building my confidence and I am going out with one of my cohorts. Best thing Ive ever done.

This thread is kind of a reassuring reminder that i never could get through a tough degeee. I dropped out of real college after freshman year of engineering. Ive just gone to community college for 5 semesters since and got mediocre grades. Eventually i accepted that im way way too brainlet to do engineering and i switchet to poli sci. Either way ill have no chance at a good job or life but at least this shit is easy by comparison.
Im probably gonna kms anyway so why bother getting a useful degree

just realized i can post here, miramar community collage

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I love how this post starts positive and each subsequent sentence gets slightly more negative, invariably ending in suicide. Thanks user.

Kek me too. Did cc and transferred into poli sci because I'm too brainlet to do anything else.

im about to get my bachelors and yet i somehow feel stupider.
i dont think i really learned anything at all.
What the fuck was the point of all this? A piece of paper saying that i jumped through hoops for 4 years like a caged animal?

Its positive because it justifies suicide. Knowing that i was incabable of being an engineer removes the regrets and doubts i have about changing my major. It makes suicide slightly easier to accept

>First month of uni
>gf broke up with me
>60% on first test

Honestly all in all things are pretty alright. I know I gotta actually start working soon cause I haven't been studying at all but classes and assignments are pretty easy for now

why pursue something you have no faith in?

Same and no employer is even gonna give a fuck even though I "did everything right" by getting good grades and internships all because I fell for a meme degree.

>gf broke up with me
Shut it normie

poli sci iss very interesting to me, if not a bit depressing. also i know i cant handle stem so i had to pick from a bunch of useless majors

>muh GF
Normies ALWAYS have to bring up their girlfriend, no matter the conversation. It's annoying.