Why am I so obsessed with Ciara? I think of her every day

Why am I so obsessed with Ciara? I think of her every day.

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Why is she so obsessed with Marky and keeps posting her pics?

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Which ho is Marky? the one who went to Brazil?

You find her looks appealing and her mental illness intriguing.
You need to realize you're a beta cuck
she has a bf she doesn't care about you she is a normalfag

>she has a bf she doesn't care about you she is a normalfag

Her being more than a little evil just adds to the allure.

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Because you're probably Ciara obsessed with yourself
Both the same kind of people except one tries to copy the other

I thought that was odd too lol

Ciara is bisexual but has never acted on her attraction towards women, probably because most women aren't as desperate as the losers she's had as boyfriends and any sane woman would want nothing to do with Ciara. But Ciara has said many times that she hates Marky and that Marky is a stuck up cunt. This is all just a way of masking Ciara's desire for Marky. At the same time, Ciara doesn't just want Marky, Ciara wants to be Marky. That's why she uses Marky's pics on discord and still posts about Marky longer after Marky stopped talking to her.

because she's pretty and have perfect tits i supposed

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No one cares about Ciara. She's old news.
She'll go the way of Rose threads with the same small handful of posters that died out, but she'll be continue self posting trying to not be forgotten.
All she does is make shitty bait now with her boyfriend.

>No one cares about Ciara. She's old news.

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Robots, for reference, when you see a selfpost Ciara thread, just keep on scrolling. Don't feed her narcissism.

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I am not Ciara. I just love her, and find she's the most fascinating human in the world.

1. how do I know if it's a self post
2. how do I talk to her

They don't and the ones that do are pretending so they can see if anything happens to her trainwreck of a life. I follow multiple people who suck up to her in private or on her Instagram posts, but say how much they hate her behind her back and known what she is.

memeing aside she looks like fucking shit.

I have the exact same hoodie as her.

>memeing aside she looks like fucking shit.

How can you say that when she's so cute?

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she WAS cute. lets be honest here, her personality has always been terrible, but her looks got her a free pass. now, as shes aged, her looks are GONE. she looks terrible now; old, unhealthy, frail, bad skin. the few remaining orbiters she had have moved on

I personally believe that every orbiter should at least consider suicide once a day. This aint no way to live. Get your lives together anons.

>the few remaining orbiters she had have moved on

I'm still here. I still love Ciara. I still am fascinated by her. I watch ehr vids.

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You're not just a wifufag you're also a cuck

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I am a happier, and more content person now that Ciara has entered my life. I hope that one day you can understand that anonymous, and find something that gives you the same amount of contentment.

she was always ugly. her teeth were always crooked, her body was always covered in scars and acne, et cetera. what got her attention was her slutty willingness to show her naked body to orbiters

How do I accept Ciara into my heart?

one that looks similar to yours trying to place doubt on whether it's her and also feigning interest in her so her instagram can be posted