Japan's first ever hikikomori employment company

Japan has opened their first hikikomori employment company where hikikomori can now work remotely at home while never leaving their rooms.



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bumping for discussion bump bump bump bump.bump

>the useless to society people are now incetivised to be useful
Why the fuck isn't the west investing in this?

>Why the fuck isn't the west investing in this?

There already are at home job opportunities for hikikomori outside Japan.

There's shit for neets/hikkis to do at home without any experience in anything other than being a human. It's low as fuck pay, shit like amazon mechanical turk and transcribing random garbage.

Too busy importing more useless people.

>Too busy importing more useless people.


>It's low as fuck pay, shit like amazon mechanical turk and transcribing random garbage.

A few years ago a hikikomori could make a shit ton by doing cryptocurrency mining .

>mfw now all neets/hikkikomoris need are gfs (maybe ones issued to them) to completely motivate them and help them turn into functioning people
This could solve the majority of the neet/hikki problem.

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>There already are at home job opportunities for hikikomori outside Japan.
I haven't seen one that are blaring out to hikkis as much as that one in the OP in japan

>first government in the world to mandate girlfriends is japan

Those rucky nip bastards

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>I haven't seen one that are blaring out to hikkis as much as that one in the OP in japan

Ahhh good point.

if every government had issued gfs that are faithful and love you, while having companies assign jobs to people like neets/hikkis, r9k would probably not even exist.

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Well yeah but that time has come and gone. We're talking gainful employment on the regular, not some one off. Maybe if the neet/hikki had some capital already, either saved up or trust fund, they could get into investing and live meagerly, I dunno.
I've done mechanical turk/transcribing audio and from experience it's some of the most dull time I've ever spent, and not like you could do other shit while transcribing which is the bulk of it even on mechanical turk. Also, you'd have to do this shit 8-10 hours a day just to clear ~250 bucks a week on avg, so despite loving the stay at home for months at a time life, you're fucked if you want gainful employment without some sort of experience in something that allows you to live the comfy life. But maybe that's my stupidity talking, I've not put much thought into this. I've heard of people doing all kinds of things to avoid the 9-5 bullshit, flipping/reselling shit, scrapping, whatever.

>mfw we'll be seen as the boomers who didnt live through the government birth rate project
>mfw they will study our archaic NEET ways and greentexts like rare psychology diseases in the future

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Because Japan is actually way closer to their society collapsing. They don't import foriegners to fill the gap with people that other places would consider exploitable and disposable. They can really only try to make some incentives for those people to be useful in society.
In the west, they're not interested in investing in people, they secretly hate everyone. They thrive off being sadists. They think some people have it bad is disconnected from things being well. It's sort of basically they like people to fail, they think people deserve it. They want a person to instead of say have a job and do something functional for society and pay taxes, to not do any of that and think it's not going to impact any of that other stuff when it does and costs people more in the long run. They think the solution is to attempt to punish people further, for them getting their way of stuff not working. It's like a person having a puppy and expecting the puppy should potty train itself then beating the shit out of it when it doesn't. The dog grows up isn't a puppy anymore and they just spend their time trying to beat the shit out of the dog every day and sending it off to a dog pound or shelter.

>In the west, they're not interested in investing in people, they secretly hate everyone. They thrive off being sadists. They think some people have it bad is disconnected from things being well. It's sort of basically they like people to fail,

The sad truth.

Where do I signup? What do we have to do?

>Where do I signup? What do we have to do?

Well live in Japan first of all because it is a Japanese company.

Goddamn we need this in the us. Since it for the hikki, I assume they really don't to leave?

>Goddamn we need this in the us.

It needs to be international since hikikomori does not only exist in Japan

>Since it for the hikki, I assume they really don't to leave?

They work at home and never leave thier homes or rooms. hikikomori don't go outside except for maybe to buy necessities or if possible for important emergencies.

I'll start my own hikki company then. We're all fucking worthless so it'll be about teaching ourselves skills and promoting comfiness. Whatever people wanna do they can do it. We'll combine our thinking to help and encourage each other and slowly expand ourselves into creating hikki products and services to sell. We'll be the founders of the Great Hikki Renaissance, an international online MIT Media Lab for hikkis, funded by high-risk investors entertained by our insane minds, and Japan can kiss our dirty asses when our piss bottles turn into gold.

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>I'll start my own hikki company then. We're all fucking worthless so it'll be about teaching ourselves skills and promoting comfiness.

Sounds like a good idea user.

Making it now before I forget about it and go back to shitposting.

Pretty much.
So many people are one paycheck away from being homeless, yet have zero empathy for them.

Remote work isn't a new idea, it's just that most Western bosses are sadists who expect you to come into the office every once in a while so they can abuse you.

Women. Jobs. Fucking.

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>calling western bosses sadists in a thread about Japan

I think you have a point, but you need to work on your delivery, guy

Can we get paid to shitpost?

>neets/hikikomoris are the first to test waifubot prototypes in a motivation pilot study
I would go to work in a heartbeat.

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Let me know how I can apply

Organic Chemistry

You cumbrains are missing the point its about a way to have a stable future for people in similar situations as ours. stop thinking about getting pussy for two fucking seconds you literal Neanderthals.

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I would like to work for your company, Mr. user boss sir.

I don't have much money but you can contribute to the blog if you want.

Typically, at home jobs are earned after someone proves themselves useful socially, not given straight off the bat

I'm a hikki of 12 years on disability

i would like to try such a thing and the consensus among hikkis that I talk to is that they are genuinely decent people and good, constant workers in their own time, or depressed that they can't have solid work

the issue is that we can't survive workplace histrionics, boss drama, manipulations, etc, these are the things that create a void of never ending despair, the west is out of its mind when it comes to this, negative reinforcements under the hope it 'just werks' etc. maybe we're pussies or something but we just want to work for a livable wage and just work, nothing else, no calming down stacy, no having to show up at company parties, ugh whatever, i cant sum 12 years up in a post

just let us do the fucking work

i am not speaking for junkie hikkis etc, they've always been beyond saving

>the issue is that we can't survive workplace histrionics, boss drama, manipulations, etc, these are the things that create a void of never ending despair
YES thank you for saying it. i have no problem with school/work otherwise

I would love a hikki job but I would probably need a gf to motivate myself so if the state give me a job from home and a cute gf then it's a good deal I'll be functioning member of society in no time.

I wanna know how they're making hikkis useful.

How do we start our own?

>minding my own business programming games at lunch
>chad walks by and shoves his face in my screen
>asks what i'm doing as annoying as possible

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