Be honest, the only thing you really really want in life is a girlfriend isn't it?

Be honest, the only thing you really really want in life is a girlfriend isn't it?

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na. i want to have lots of sex

I just want a quite life.

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no not really I stopped caring about a gf now I'm making more then 10k liquid a day so it's not bad being under 25 and all

It feels so good to have a gf but after a while you become codependent and the moment you break up it just feels so awful. I might kill myself because of it

Also gotta keep in mind that she could cheat on you and shit.

No I really just want money/power/respect

I don't want to just appeal to women, I want people in a room to feel humbled and then enchanted when I treat them as equals.

I already have a loving gf who gets me into threesomes with her friends and lets me fuck whoever else I want and trying to find satisfaction purely out of that part of life will never work long-term.

External validation, which I could get from a girlfriend, but also from all sorts of other things really.

I lack purpose or validation for actually existing. I work and want to contribute to my home (as I live with family) but work is draining and I don't consider that fulfilling. But since the entire rest of my life outside that is here, video games and jogging, I don't feel fulfilled at all and I sometimes end up outright asking for validation, proof I matter to people, from my online friends (which I feel like a dick for doing).

I think more IRL human interaction or shows of affection would help fix this. Alternatively finding more fulfilling hobbies but that's easier said than done.

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I just want a comfy job with a quiet home. That, or instant death in my sleep.

I want someone I can relay on, someone to listen to Burzum or Forgotten Woods with me, someone I can talk to about everything, just a good friend I'd say

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Yes, I'd be pretty content with my life if I had a girlfriend

Nah, what I really want is to get out of this overpriced, isolated, shithole town and have a bunch of random one night stands to get over my ex

The only thing that I really want in my life is my waifu. I want to be with her forever.

A gf gives me purpose and drive, even if artificially. I have no real reason to do most things myself but with a cute and fuckable female at my side, all tasks are suddenly worth doing. I need a carrot and stick.

No i want a tank

Yes but only because i dont have it

also this for same reason

No, I want not to be a balding cripple. I couldn't care any less about absence or presence of women in my life.

I just want to feel worth something, that I matter to someone. Not just being tolerated but someone that actually cares about me/loves me. A girlfriend would be nice but eventually she'd leave. It'd be nice for a little while at least.

A loving girlfriend yes please

HELL FUCKING NO i really want to go to boot camp and listen to drill sarge all day every day but alas I'm a disabled ass cripple

I just want to be left alone and not be hassled. I don't like interacting with people IRL.

I want a million dollars or more

>I just want a comfy job with a quiet home
this. fuck my current situation of living with my nosy parents and our 3 annoying pets, without enough money to move out.
it feels like you're in limbo when you can't even function in your own home due to the noise and pointless stress.

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I don't have any ambitions or goals other than a wife and offspring.

Right now, yes.

Used to be money. Now I have that but it doesn't buy happiness. I want someone to share it with.

Only in the sense that it would affirm I'm not completely alone in this world

I have friends who will put up with the stranger parts of my personality
I have close friends who share some of the stranger parts of my personality

But when it comes to relationships, absolutely no one will deal with my bullshit unless they really care
That's all I want, really, is knowing I'm not so far gone as to not be worth the trouble

So far I'm batting a 0 though, girls tend to give up on me as soon as I start revealing the kind of person I am

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You're not alone in this user got the same feel :(

I don't know anymore. I think about it often, but I'm too fucked in the head, plus I have other severe redflags that are unfixable. No girl would want to be in a relationship with me.

All I want is to be accepted by my peers.

No. Just the opposite in fact. I am no longer as horny as I used to be, now I just want enough money to live securely and comfortably for the rest of my life.

On the one hand, yes, they bring an enormous sense of affirmation and comfort to life. On the other hand, no, because when they leave they leave a sadness greater than the one they dispelled.

Why do normalfags always take this completely for granted and complain about it when it's so hard for us to obtain?

And the ability to provide for her and make her happy.

I don't think there's any sound or feel quite as sweet as coming inside someone you love and hearing them come with you

Great image. Do you have more like that?

Not really. Want I want most is cruising through space, with vidyagames and drugs, maybe bitches would be nice, don't need to be organic. Just selling spice from planet to planet

>The ability

That one. Yes.

My innocence has been destroyed by countless negative relationships with women, some decent but more bad than good. I just want money, and I'll figure it out from there. I still have a oneitis but I think that dream is dead. Not really sure what to do with myself otherwise

Currently I'm more into a quick and painless death asap.

I rather have a wife when in financially stable
boo to premarital relationships

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Not the only thing, but one of the major things I am striving towards yes.

>Be honest, the only thing you really really want in life
Is a country worth living and dying for, which I can actually be proud of, full of people of my own colour and creed and free of Jewish degeneracy.

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THIS so much THIS. I want something to live and die for. Be it a country or religion or ideology.

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