Do you prefer sexual partners who vocalize during sex or stay silent?

Do you prefer sexual partners who vocalize during sex or stay silent?

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I reckon if I did have sex I would need to keep talking because my cock is totally fucking numb and the only thing that will keep me going is a hot conversation. The only thing I haven't fucking done.

I suppose I like it when girls talk during sex so I can tell them to shut up.

I prefer it when they subvocalize

What sexual partners?

I like when a girl moans really loud, makes me feel manly.
But a full conversation kinda misses the point of sex

I prefer girls who call me daddy during sex.

Can't say if I haven't experienced any of them.

Talks during. It annoyed me at first but there was something hot in how nonchalant she was about it. Getting pounded and she's going on about an annoying coworker. You wouldn't think it was hot but it ended up being.

Silent vocalisations