Physical Pain is universally worse than Emotional/ Psychological Pain, prove me wrong

Physical Pain is universally worse than Emotional/ Psychological Pain, prove me wrong

pro tip: you can't

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Physical pain last for way less(except for chronic pain) and psychological shit can affect you for veeeery long

Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind

physical pain goes away eventually in most cases
emotional pain stays there forever

Emotional pain basically causes a type of physical pain (the chemical reaction in your brain or whatever the fuck). Not only does it not last long, it's not as disgustingly complex or crippling. Why do you think so many people cut themselves to deal with emotions? Not the other way round - you'll never see anyone breaking up with their girlfriend to distract from their backache.

I've asked myself this question and have concluded that both are equally bad. I cannot say physical pain is worse and live a life of mental hell and likewise say mental pain is worse and live a life of physical pain.

Depression is debilitating. It's equally as bad as physical pain, sorry.

Self harm though is retarded and does not help anyone whatsoever, if it does work in any form it's probably due to a plecebo effect, also prolonged physical pain can cause mental disorders and psychological issues. If you were tortured for long enough you would develop some sort of psychological long term problems, wether it be trust issues, anxeity, or anything else

>physical pain
oh wow user that hurts I can tell
>emotional pain
you look normal to me

Dude, emotional pain for me has gotten to the point I feel it physically, it manifests itself in actual pain and feelings.

I feel it radiating through my body, it feels like hunger pains for example...

Both types are bad man, I wont try prove one is worse

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There are emotional pains so hideous that one would gladly trade them for having their skin peeled off instead. To feel these sorts of crippling emotional pains, you must first love something with all your being, and cherish it more than anything else in the world. I know this situation doesn't happen often in the life of the depressed and cynical robot.

Whatever you experience atm is worse

>he has never felt anguish

k user

psychological pain can create pain you think is there but it really isn't.
More people kill themselves because of mental pain than physical pain, prove us wrong.

That's because psychological pain is more common than physical pain.

>psychological pain is more common than physical pain

Only on this board dude

>if it does work in any form it's probably due to a plecebo effect
Wrong though. There are plenty of hormones released when you hurt yourself, some people probably feel better from it.

>t. has never had hardship in his life

I have the same blue cheese fungus under my toes. how to get rid of it?

No, you're wrong. I'd rather stub my toe 100 times than have a girl call me ugly once.

>and does not help anyone whatsoever
imagine being this willfully ignorant and wrong

>have deep psychogenic pain over period of 6 years
>can't do anything about it except numb myself with drugs

Go suck it

if you have chronic physical pain its also going to give you psychological pain so yeah its way worse

i have a pretty high pain tolerance but i'm an emotional cunt who is hurt easily. i disagree.

If this is true than explain suicide.
Checkmate you brainlet retard.

Pain is not an illusion, is information as processed by your Nervous System through complex physiological processes.