What is the best philosophy a robot should follow? What philosophy, if any, should a robot live by?

What is the best philosophy a robot should follow? What philosophy, if any, should a robot live by?

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I don't think adhering or committing yourself to one single school philosophy is necessarily better than committing yourself to philosophy as a concept.

A mix of Hedonism and Nihilism.
Basically just do what makes you happy, don't care for anything else and vicariously avoid the things that take your happiness away.

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Isn't philosophy just supposed to be food for thought? I never understood the point of reading philosophy if you just stick to some guy's point of view and treat it as absolute truth.


Hedonism and nihilism are worlds apart as philosophies. I don't think there's any reconciling them without appealing to spooks.

No. Philosophy isn't just "some random bullshit a random dude thinks up". A lot of people think that's what it is, but they're mistaken.


Hedonistic Utilitarianism. Just accept that what makes you happy is being a miserable self hating fuck

You can still combine them both as a said.
>Pursue happiness.
>Don't care about shit.
>Avoid bad things.

Nihilism isn't "LIFE IS POINTLESS AAAAA" y'know.

Point 2 contradicts both 1 and 3.

If you look at them as a collective philosophy and not separate points they don't.
Use ur smarts, user.

May you expand on these 3?

If you don't care, there is no motivation to pursue happiness and avoid bad things.

yeah to pursue happiness and avoid bad things you must care. if there is a spider on the wall you must care to avoid it. if someone took your computer you must care to get back your happiness

Yeah, that's why you look at them as a collective philosophy and not separate parts.
You obviously care about the happiness, that's where the "collective" thing comes in.
C'mon, I told you to use your smarts.

>there are no objective values
>therefore there is no basis from which to value your subjective values

This is nihilism 101 guy

Nihilism is fot black lilled edgy faggots, stoicism is the chad philosophy and everyone should follow it if they aren't NPC's

Stoicism, even if it's outdated and doesn't hold up under modern criticism. But just as a casual thing it can be really fulfilling.

Attached: zeno_citium.jpg (250x328, 21K)

stocism can easily be applied to today's world.
-t. Stoic dolorist ascetic


how the fuck are these numbers not original

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Mah nigga


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I agree. It's really practical and can immediately lead to results, but its metaphysics with its whole "God is imbued into all of Nature, and Nature is therefore logical" is dated. But for personal ethics stoicism is beyond mint

stoicism I think. But it really depends on what you need it for personally.

It's finding out absolute truths a lot of the time.

ugh this guy is the biggest soiboi ever.

Solipsism. Fuck everyone else, they're not real and don't matter.

lnceI ftw

Absurdism is the true way

Achieve heavenn.

Attached: SO_Chapter_146.jpg (240x240, 20K)

Radical NEETism
You don't even have to be a NEET, just strive towards the mindset