I'm scared of trying

I'm scared of trying.

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Are you scared you are going to lose something? In the eyes of who?

No, I should elaborate.
It is more apt to say I am scared of commitment. Forget about relationships here. I'm talking about things like getting a job, shoehorning myself into my major of choice (computer science) simply because it is profitable, moving out on my own, doing things on my own, having my own home, managing my own finances, etc. Maybe even "commitment" is the wrong word, I'm scared of responsibility. That's probably the most correct way of putting it. All my life my hand was held, and now that I'm an adult I'm expected to roam free and be my own man. Most toddlers learn to walk on their own. I guess I didn't.
Thinking about this makes me want to kill myself. There is no conceivable horror greater than the ordeals of reality.

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This will sound like some retarded normie advice but "it gets better" nothing more to say
In the end you learn from your experience whether you commit to any of that or not

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to me, user. I just wish it were as simple as you say. In 18 years I've done nothing noteworthy, memorable, honorable, anything like that. I've had many, many opportunities, and some truly excellent ones, at that, but I managed to squander them nonetheless. All my friends are attending good colleges, some even with proper scholarships and all that, and meanwhile I'm rotting away in a community college, jobless and guilty about it, and yet I refuse to do anything about it. I don't know what's wrong with me.

My only piece of advice for you is to
1. Find G-d and become religious
If that's not your thing...
2. Find Jow Forums and embrace the path of firepower.

Nothing made me more satisfied and pushed away my fear more than getting a bunch of guns and my CCL. I walk around every day knowing that nothing can hurt me, and that I have an easy exit if my life gets too nightmare mode.

come on over to Jow Forums, we'll take care of you.

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That's a good thing OP. The best thing anyone can do is just don't do anything and don't fuck up.

When you decide to listen to music there is a handful of albums that would be best for you to decide from, but you have to decipher those from the thousands. When you ate food you have to pick which is the right thing from you every time unless it's Friday and you should objectively have pizza, but then that's even riskier because there's so much worse pizza than there are apples. Maybe that's a bad example.

There are just so many ways to fuck up if there was a technology that could scan your life like infrared it would see that you're doing like 11% of it right. You know how it's like to have an asshole coach or job trainer breathing down your neck revealing to you you're stupider than a minimum wage wage slave at just about the most simple thing? That coach is the inner monologue for some people, and he's the one grading you all the time. There are no breaks in this life, but besides the designated times we have decided as a culture.

If you just stop doing anything your success rate with everything is going to up from like 11% to 80% and that's a huge relief. If you hear "There's opportunity everywhere!" slice their throats in your mind and do nothing, because your opinion is probably vacuous, whatever it is (and why wouldn't it be? you don't do anything for capital. who said you have to stick around and be the arbiter of good judgement?).

That's my philosophy atm

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Well, it sounds nice enough for you. I do like guns, I think they're very interesting, but unfortunately I live in the Jewest of Yorks where a pea-shooter could probably land you a prison sentence. Either way I think you misunderstand. It's not getting hurt that bothers me. I've been hurt plenty, I don't care. I suppose I'm just spoiled. I probably deep down just want pity cause I know that I'm incapable of doing anything else, not because I'm disabled or inadequate in some way, but because I'm just a piece of shit human being. But thanks for your enthusiasm, you seem happy enough. Good on you, user.

Get on nofap. It will drive you crazy and force you to leave your house.

>Spent 4 days in a row in sheer anxiety due to deliberating whether I should watch anime or not

I'm scared that I won't enjoy it to its fullest potential. Anime is one of the last things that used to make life bearable for me, but it seems that it only causes me unnecessary strife now.

This is beyond pathetic. I need help, but I'm too anxious to even make a call for a psychologist appointment.