Modern humans require hours of entertainment daily to function properly (Youtube, Jow Forums...

Modern humans require hours of entertainment daily to function properly (Youtube, Jow Forums, Facebook) and I think this makes modern humans ridiculous.
You probably don't even realize it thanks to your low IQ, but if your online entertainment was taken away from you, you'd get cranky like a baby.

Remember when people were strong and weren't addicted to so many things? They could spend their day just chopping wood, surviving blizzards and thinking. Of course you don't.

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how do these larping neets even come up with this shit

Human degeneration thanks to the Internet is not a myth "I've come up with", it's something people should take seriously. But we've lost so much IQ as a species we can't even see our shittiness anymore.

>durrr we got iphoens so we have to be doing great as a species

> how do these larping neets even come up with this shit

Ask yourself, why are you on Jow Forums right now?
Shouldn't you be doing something real, something more important?
Don't tell me there are no chores in your house that need to be done.

Are society is in shambles since cell phones were released? Rember when we used to have to imagine titties instead of downloading them and sharing them on whatsapp? And when blockbuster was open? Something is really wrong in todays world.

You can't even type properly so I'd say yeah.

It may be cliche to say but life is meaningless so I don't care

But user, you've been on a shitposting spree for 5 hours straight I don't think you're one to talk.

they have the time

You get used to not having it.
I dont have internet where i life so vacation is borig.
But you get used to it. you think it's objectively untrue that people consume more entertainment and endure less hardship today?
What the fuck is it with people who feel the need to pretend modern society is perfect and basically exactly like the past?

>What the fuck is it with people who feel the need to pretend modern society is perfect and basically exactly like the past?

This. Fucking this.

People who say 2018 is great and humans have reached their peak need a slap. We're weaker than ever before.

True. Anonymous shitposting is a cancer. Sometimes I realize I've spent hours doing absolutely nothing but when I was typing the posts it felt really important.
But really, nothing you ever post on Jow Forums or social media is important or makes any positive difference in your life.
You barely learn anything from posting on Jow Forums but your brain insists you want to stay here rather than study.

>being proud of spending all your precious time making a jew rich

So we need facebook to exist? You realize facebook is only like 10 years ago, modern humans have been here for 170,000 years. Most people work all day beleive it or not

If I can live independently and comfortabley then I don't a fuck. So whats the alternative? Live off welfare? Sounds fun.

Who are you to judge, faggot? How are you any different?

humans have always require hours of entertainment daily to function properly. It's just years ago it wasn't so secular and secluded

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I actually just went through a 4 month sabbatical from the internet and I gotta say, you improve more than you suffer. I've lost about 6 pounds and my mood has greatly improved.

why do they all look inbred?

because you are looking at robots of the 1500s

Have you even chopped wood, high IQ friend?

thus again op is proven to be a cum gurgling retarded faggot

back in the day they started witch hunting, killed people for no reason and shit instead lmao

while going to the local pub to drink and dance ect

Jow Forums is my only source of social interaction. If I lived in the past where people spent the day chopping wood, I would probably have other sources of social interaction.

I don't understand how the bot doesn't auto filter people that use the word cliche just on principle of don't use the fucking word if you're going to do it you daft cunt.

You accuse cliche, you don't dismiss and then double down like some kind of cliche unselfaware regard.

Now satire...

Lewl, this doesnt qualify.

FUCK this board sucks. It would benefit from board id

what's stopping you from rejecting all the modern comforts and technology?

>would benefit from a board ID
If you are thinking these thoughts you already don't belong here anymore. Not trying to be mean but that goes directly against the spirit of this place, wanting that is anti-Jow Forums. It's funny you take the robot thing so seriously while missing the point so much in that regard
Also, just because someone has something cliche to say doesn't make it any less true or relevant. You can disagree but I don't care, you aren't the word police, bitch. He's right, life is fucking meaningless

Maybe it is funny. I come here rarely, and have tried to undsrstand the place legitimately. I've been here many years in one form or another. This board has degenerated from it's supremely original state that was before it was closed down the first time and is unrecognizable to what it used to be.

This joke was co opted by actual faggot. It's evident in all the discord hate threads.

Not everyone here that is trapped here seems to be in on the joke, which is fine for you,but not the actual retards that don't get it, but were looking for a silent place to scream to likeminded people.

Instead they are furtger broken here by the joke.


I get it now,

You're one of them. The shitty ones.

the level of projection in this OP

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Don't blame technology. De-evolution has been happening under our noses for decades.

Oh I get it now, you're just another boring schizo user. Yawn