Incels can't see/empathize past their own dick

Incels can't see/empathize past their own dick.

"Women get more sexual attention." Yes, they get attention when they don't want it. When they're already in relationships. When they're just out for a jog. When they're just trying to buy coffee. When they're trying to not be harassed by coworkers and bosses while working.

"Women can have sex whenever they want." Only if they don't care about who they're having sex with. And this assumes that they prioritize/care about sex as much as incels do.

"Women get free drinks." Sure, if they want to be harassed for the next hour by a dude who thinks she owes him something while she wonders if he spiked it.

"Women have lower suicide rates." Because they're more social and willing to talk about their feelings. Men have the same option, they just don't utilize it due to the very toxic ideas about masculinity that incels promote.

Incels imagine that if they were women, they'd constantly be hit on by supermodels buying them free drinks and begging them for sex. It's so stupid. I've never heard an incel say anything about women having it easy that wasn't absurd when you spent more than 5 seconds thinking about it.

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I get annoyed at female attention because im a sperg and I think im being fucked with when it happens.

So I can imagine if I was made female for a day Id probably not be able to handle the constant attention because you'd just assume they want to fuck you and bounce instantly.

>whiteknighting this hard
It won't get you laid assuming you think it will

>Men have the same option, they just don't utilize it due to the very toxic ideas about masculinity that incels promote.
What is this nonsense? We post our feels on here all the time only to be shut down by cunts such as yourself. Don't meme about "men should express their emotions" because when we do you call us pathetic and tell us to man up. Go overdose on ibuprofen for attention.

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>demand that men initiate and approach woman
>get mad when men initiate and approach woman when it doesn't suit your needs

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Most women love attention they will even admit that. Women attempt suicide just as much as men, only they fail at doing it. I'd love for girls to buy me drinks and give me free attention just for being who I am. I don't want a supermodel I just want a 5/10 who isn't fat

Women love sex, why are there so many thots on tinder? Are they there to find true love? Fuck outta here retard

I don't like incels because they're not very nice people

Women actually attempt suicide more often than men. They don't commit to it because they are just doing it for the sympathy and attention. Whereas men only attempt suicide out of a sincere desire to die.

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>treat a group of people like garbage in school
>post online about how pathetic they are
>"omg they're so mean for like no reason waaaaaah"

This. Women swallow half a bottle of over the counter pills for a trip to the emergency room and free sympathy from everyone she knows. Men go right for the rope, the train or the gun.

kys whore

>just because some women do it means every women do it

>some women
Every "fembot" on this board will admit she's had 30 dudes in her for validation right before she goes on about how casual sex means nothing and being pumped and dumped makes her depressed. I'm a literal autist but you are all fucked in the head.

>make posts about killing normies and raping women
>run some people over with your car
>"they hate us because we're virgins"

>one women rejected me that one time
>guess it's okay for me to act like a pussy for the rest of my life

OP's right but few people here will agree.

The idea of approaching women terrifies me. I sometimes wish the roles were reversed but realize the drawbacks probably outweigh the positives.

Yes, [attractive] women have their pick of men with no fear of rejection. But the trade off is being constantly hit on by men you don't like. Now you have to constantly reject these advances and even if done nicely some will still be bitter and resent you.

Imagine if every fat/ugly chick you ever came across flirted with you and when you made it clear you weren't interested she gave you an attitude. This sounds unbearable. I'd rather be the loner nobody ever talks to.

I'll empathize you, but it would be preposterous to pretend you don't have it easier.
If you consider some guy flirting with you and giving you free shit harassment then I sincerely hope you're raped.

That guy at the bar is just trying to break the ice and win you over. He's not your fucking enemy. If you whores weren't so cowardly, you'd reject men instead of leading them on in politeness.

I hate you bitches, but even I would appreciate a quick "No thank you. I have a boyfriend" (lie) to talking to you for hours and buying you drinks.

Most men aren't psychotic and we will not harm you if you bluntly reject us.

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>But the trade off is being constantly hit on by men you don't like. Now you have to constantly reject these advances and even if done nicely some will still be bitter and resent you.
Sounds good to me.

Again i dont mind telling a fatass off, and i'm not going to use them and waste their time. Women are cowards and will waste a guy's time and money when they have no interest.

Most of us are passive dudes who shitpost all day, some dudes go postal and kill others but it's not because they were treated well by anyone. I honestly can't say I feel bad about it, you torment someone their entire life for being autistic and they you reap what you sow.

You're telling me I'd get attitude? Oh god, what a fucking nightmare. It's not like everyone I know plus the entire internet already treats me like shit. Keep white knighting though, I'm sure it'll improve your situation.

have you ever tried talking to a woman ?

>Most men aren't psychotic and we will not harm you if you bluntly reject us.
But that's not what Buzzfeed told me you brainlet

Incels are stupid and delusional. What else is new?

No, you just happened to reply to the only male on Earth who has never talked to a woman. I hope you realize how sanctimonious you sound when you ask that retarded question.


That's the jist of it all. Men are supposed to put up with rejection, loneliness and pain, and women are so fragile they can't even handle awkwardness or discomfort from someone having interest in them.

It's like a 400 pound cunt complaining about her steak not being seasoned enough, in front of a starving child.

This. Based response. This is what these NPCs always say to us.
They never try to address the argument we make, its always about trying to belittle or demean us.

Still your making an argument that women have it harder because they constantly get hit on and get attention. What a faggot you are

>You're telling me a girl might say "no"? Oh god, what a fucking nightmare.

Two can play that game.

If you're going to downplay constant unwanted attention, the burden to dismiss this attention, and the resulting hurt feelings due to dismissal then I can downplay your fear of rejection.

I'm not "white knighting" shit, I'm looking at things honestly. I fully acknowledge that women have it easier finding dates. But this perk does not come without a price.

Anyone in here have a real argument against OP beyond bitching?

legitimately all a bitch has to do is just say "oh i have a boyfriend"
That's all it takes.

All of the things OP says are true, but he implies it as if thats worse than being non existant and feeling alone.
It isn't.

It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
It's better to have people want you and be valued, than to not be valued at all.


It's easy for girls not to get attention. Cut your hair short and dress like a man and men won't hit on you. they make themselves look as attractive as they can, go out to a place where you're expected to be approached by strangers then get mad when people approach in the process

How about you read the posts before you post, dipshit?
Any time someone disagrees with the roastie narrative of "waaah we have it just as hard despite not being shunned from society and tormented for our autism" you think it's bitching.

You are not men. Incels aren't men. Incels are hysterical sjw tumblrinas who were born with a penis by accident.

Exactly. Even women who aren't single like to dress up and try to look as attractive to men as possible. Why?
Because women are fucking scoundrels..

They could be married and they still want the attention from attractive Chads, and potential replacements for the men they're with.

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Sure, but it's not always appropriate. If a guy point blank asks to take you out or buy you a drink you can tell use this but what if it's more subtle? If a man compliments a woman's smile or clothing it's not really appropriate to reply "I HAVE A BOY FRIEND". It's just an awkward situation that attractive women have to deal with.

Yes, it's not the end of the world. But neither is having a girl reject your advances. There are positives/negatives to each role and personally, despite my irrational fear of rejection, would prefer to be left alone most of the time if it means having the burden of approaching women in select settings. At least I have control over the situation and my fear of rejection is something I can overcome.

Yes that's what you always say. Most normies don't torment people for being autistic. You choose to throw your lot in with the kind of people who celebrate mass murder and then complain about being targeted

SJW tier victimization. Pathetic.

>If a man compliments a woman's smile or clothing it's not really appropriate to reply "I HAVE A BOY FRIEND".
All she has to do is say thank you, and if the man continues flirting she just lets him know she has a bf.

It's actually really simple. But it takes courage from the woman. Courage which women really do not have.

Women are afraid to be blunt even though it would save them in these situations.

>Most normies don't torment people for being autistic.
Were you homeschooled?

>i'd prefer to be left alone most of the time
>most of the time
Dude if you're an incel it's all of the time, and the loneliness starts to weigh.

I know you're a whiteknight but you can't spin this in in a positive way.
>the reason the women are getting unwanted attention
>incels being rejected constantly. and getting noattention from women

Even when women don't want the attention it's still can be seen as a positive thing, because it reminds them of the value they have.

>men are not allowed to have feelings or complain or exaggerate
I see u

>"Women have lower suicide rates." Because they're more social and willing to talk about their feelings. Men have the same option, they just don't utilize it due to the very toxic ideas about masculinity that incels promote.
>having this little self awareness

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>"Oh my god I wish I wasn't so fucking sexy. Men just wont leave me be"
>Literally complaining that you're amazing
Women everyone.

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Half of OPs post is based on nothing but assumption. Also notice how the anons bitching get replies, while legit counter arguments and rational opinions sit at 0.

Is that Ron Pearlman's daughter?

you say this,yet you know she has 50 dudes on call ready to fuck her.

Nope I went to a normal school

people will ignore things that make sense.
usually a lack of reply is either a sign of disinterest or defeat.
a lot of the time i say stuff anons just cant argue against

You are an idiot. Women dress up to try to outdo other women, not to attract men.

>outdo other women
this is also true. but to pretend they dont want the male gaze is also false.
They will always want Chad's eyes.

Just imagine for a minute that you're an autist in high school who doesn't talk to anyone but just sits in the corner and does his work yet people go out of their way to make your life a living hell. Males and females alike.

>people finding you attractive
>a living hell
You see the absurdity of this right. I guarantee any of the women being showered with unwanted attention will miss it once they hit their 30s.

That's just bitches taking their beauty for granted.

And Chad is a different man for everyone. For some girls, they are already dating him or married to him and aren't interested in other men at all.

still wrong.
Because they'res always going to be guys they still find cute.
Sure they may have no interest in dating them. But they will still appreciate attention from them.

girls can be incel too
Jow Forumstrufemcels
men only see stacey and are unaware of the existence of ugly women, let alone empathetic to them

Have you actually been on that subreddit? Most of those girls aren't virgins, just girls who keep getting pumped and dumped because they're too ugly to date. It's honestly r/cryingintherain

Do you really think a girl with a chad bf, is going to be upset if a guy she also finds attractive just says "You're really beautiful" and then just backs off and stops hitting on her.

Little compliments like that, from attractive men are what women live for. The attention they dont want is excessive and forceful.

An attractive guy just casually flirting isn't going to bother her, even if she is dating an UBER Chad.

There is just a limit.

If they aren't interested in you, a simple compliment is all they want.
If you continuously try to woo her, thats when the attention becomes unwanted.


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Yet another trait where incels are just like women.

incels don't get any attention tho.

Incels are mega attentionwhores on the internet.

I wish thirty guys would want to have sex with me my whole life. I'm stuck on 12 for almost 2 years but had a bf for one of those years.

We don't use instagram, twitter or snapchat. Same can't be said for holes.

you dense fool.
Do you think they'd rather have replies or women hitting on them?

Female attention =/= online attention. They lack female attention, whereas any girl 5/10 or above has some form of male attention.

Get it?

for a man I think OP is entirely correct. countless times daily all of his points run through my mind and I even recounted on a r9k thread a guy that kept rubbing his crotch on my bottom while in a queue at Starbucks until an older gentleman pushed him out of the way and got behind me.

>15 posters
>68 messages
Oh god

sounds like actual discourse. communication isn't necessarily a negative thing.

But do you think no attention is better than some unwanted attention?

You use an Indonesian rice harvesting forum instead. Same thing. You just want attention in the form of validation for your pity party.

Make yourself valuable then.

You incels take victimhood to a whole other level. It's disgusting.

Mostly non-white women bitching about how they have no white bf.

As opposed to incels bitching about how they have no virgin waifu.

Absol delusional, women are a valuable commodity, men are replaceable drones.

This has always been true and is the only reason that men have harder lives.

uh yeah. The guy was talking loud and trying to get me to turn around and then he kept moving closer and closer and I couldn't move up any more and he was rubbing himself on me in public.

you have any idea how scary this is, just in queue and some guy starts humping on me like a dog. I've been spit on and called a bitch before at a club for ignoring a guy and I have more.

>abbreviating "absolutely"

Are you a 14 year old girl?

well unlike a 5/10 who happens to genetically have large breasts.
I have to work hard and succeed to become valuable to women.

thats really what makes it so easy.
Count your blessings. Any time a man has called you beautiful or has treated you kindly because he was attracted to you comes from the same place.

Just because one guy is a creep, doesn't mean you'd rather not be beautiful or treated well.

That is the most retarded post I have ever seen. Women are a commodity whose purpose is to be breeding machines. Men are the ones who run everything and build everything.

You forgot the part where you bullied us to this state

How? Who? Where and when?

You see a woman being born simply gives her value. Men have to earn value in society.
That's the cruelty of it.

And you insult incels for not being successful. All a woman needs is a nice ass to be valued in society.
That's how easy they have it.

Incels have a hard road to walk.

>Yes, they get attention when they don't want it.
>It is better to starve than to have a lot of food.
This is not how it works, retard. You can always throw surplus away if you don't need it, but if you have nothing - you are fucked.

>Just because one guy is a creep
Now thats funny, its rare they aren't creeps. If you think having a guy I don't know or very little tell me I'm beautiful makes me feel wonderful you are mistaken. Its one step away from a catcall and I start looking for an exit. Most of these guys will lead with the beautiful part but as I turn to go tell me their real intention and try to impress me with a boast of their sexual prowess

I bet acting innocent and getting away with it brings you back the good old school memories of driving some autistic kid to suicide and laughing it off

you just take it for granted. wait till your 40 divorced and men wont even glance in your direction.
Any desired attention and unwanted attention all stems from the same place.

So what you're telling me is you'd rather not be attractive at all. Ok tell Muhammad to acid attack you then.

I agree. A 5/10 woman has a higher sexual marketplace value than a 5/10 man.

That's because men aren't baby-factories. We're protectors, providers, and builders of society. What makes us valuable goes beyond our genetics. Take pride in this and make something of yourself. Female attention will come with this.

I don't look down on incels. I empathize with incels. But I have no sympathy for self-pity and victimhood.

what about a woman without a nice ass? a woman without a nice anything? if all you lads want is validation why not let another man fuck you up the ass and be grateful for it. you're basically volcel if you won't

Men have it tougher. If only more women would admit this and try complaining less.

>acid attack you
you kinda prove my point, I can't be too careful of I get hurt or worse

legit i've seen 5/10 asians flat as a board still be lusted after.
Even being average can make you desireable to beta males who can't muster the courage to talk to beautiful women.

We're not fags so male validation =/= female validation.

You mean not report you when you rape me

>beautiful women
but you see the 5/10 accepts she's 5/10 and ok with a 5/10 while a 5/10 man only wants and believes they deserve a 9/10

>woman have it har-

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It's your own ego and paranoia that leads you to hate a gift you have.
Beauty fades within time, and if you want to pretend it's a curse you'll realize how valuable it is once it's gone.

Just because it's a mixed blessing doesn't mean it's a curse.
The odds of you getting raped are far lower than the odds of me being rejected and alone for the next few years.
We both can raise and lower our odds.

See women always bring up rape and abuse to slight men. But only a tiny percentage of the male populus does that.
There's a huge percentage of manipulative, cheating, entitled women.

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strangely i agree
as i've said before
after all the chatting up
it all boils down to reproducing
men like pussy because it feels good
women like dick and being filled up because again it feels good
then children are born(assuming you don't use protection

and then the circle is complete
then the kids do the same

the only thing now is we have pornography
men (usually virgins) just masturbate
relieve themselves
then don't go out to find a partner to breed with
so chad gets it all

then we see the threads
"how do i get a waifu"
"why can't i get a gf who hasn't got kids"

i believe porn has taken away more from us than it has given

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I guess anyone below 5/10 doesn't exist then? you tell women they're privileged for having people they're not attracted to lust after them, so why can't you be?

I have an Incel buddy and he rants about this shit all fucking day. Get over it faggot.

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Most 5/10 men don't want a 9/10
Male standards really aren't that high.

Women have much more expectations in a partner than men do.

I'm an average and overweight man and all i want is a 5.5/10 gf, with a nice butt and is loyal.

Women are so entitled they want
>makes a lot of money

To pretend female standards for a partner aren't higher than males is preposterous.

>why cant you be
Well because i dont even have overweight 3/10s saying i'm attractive.

Women don't compliment guys even if they find them cute. they keep the shit hidden. Maybe some girls do find me attractive, i'll probably never know because women are cowards and never approach.