Psychopaths aren't willing to die for anything. They are mentally handicapped...

Psychopaths aren't willing to die for anything. They are mentally handicapped. They can't understand higher meaning and only seek after superficial pleasures. The funny thing is, they think they're superior to us because they're taking advantage of us. At the end of the day, they have nothing.

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Why would you want to die for someone else? Fuck that

>I'm going to die anyway, might as well be for something
>civilization is actually pretty fucking retarded and it's a miracle we've come this far through our sheer hardiness and stubbornness alone, though most are living in 3rd world conditions and will steal your kidneys to feed their families

they're "emotionally handicaped"

in fact not even emotionally because they understand emotions so yea

jokes on you I'd kill to be Patrick Bateman

They'd rather be a big TEASE then to give their enemies what they want. they don't like being used. Yeah! they got off on this. You don't get want you want.
If they were to be in some sort of plan and directed in that direction. They'd shit on it.
And if they were given an ultimatum they'd pick which ever was more of a crushing blow to their enemies.

They'd lay waste to a whole social system just because they were ridiculed. Now who is laughing you FUCKS?! you're the ones mentally scared and I never think of you
until you bring yourselves to the surface. You feeble creatures! May your souls be haunted!

Nothing brings me more joy than knowing my enemies are confused and or angry they never get what they want, ahahhahahahahha!
FOOLS. I've been leading you on. THE BIG TEASE

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I'D DO IT AGAIN DAMN IT. fucking sons of bitches the lot of em! THE LOT!!

thats not their fault, they cant choose the brain they were born with
u think psychopaths choose to be psychopaths?

> At the end of the day, they have nothing.

they have sex, power, money, they thrive in our capitalistic world and rule the rest of us

Yup, sex, money, and power. That's what's most important to them. That's all they can comprehend to be important because logically why wouldn't it be?

>thinking a loony can ever feel fundamental satisfaction
ya dum

That is unless you seek higher meaning to fulfil yourself as a person. If you feel things and form real connections.

Not him but psychopaths aren't "looney" they're quite sane

I would die for my family. I would die for my cat. I love them.

yeah fair it was just a word i went for
point stands though

>I would die for my cat.
Animalfags should be hung. If they like animals this much, they should executed.

Honestly what is more appealing than power? Power is freedom

Power is appealing. It's just a lesser thing that can be considered appealing if you have the capacity to search for higher meaning.
I like my cat. It's my friend

seems like you talking about narcissistic personality disorder

also why do you talk about psychopaths?

But there is no higher meaning. There is only increasing comfort and reducing pain.

That's where you're wrong, bucko. Well, maybe not for you. If you're that way then go for it. Fuck, drink, do drugs, and manipulate people all you want.

>i would die for my cat

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>giving your life for something can be considered weak in any way

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Ill manipulate people as long as I want, you fools keep manipulating yourself into believing there is a higher meaning. Why not embrace the sweeter sides of life?

Honestly...whats better than wathcing the sunset on a spanish beach on MDMA with a hot hooker and a bunch of cocaine? thats all I need my man.

What if you only cause yourself harm? It's not your fault if people invest in you.

>i would die for an fucking animal
your s o y is leaking, you basically cuck yourself

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This is why you shouldn't lump nihilists all into one group.

Eh. I've seen a thousand of you before buddy. You're just the same as all the other sheep and yesmen. Have you ever killed a cat with your bare hands? Staring straight into their eyes? That's what it means to be a psychopath. I bet you close your eyes during scary movies. If only you'd see the darkness that I have you would be just as much of a ruthless, cold-hearted, killer as me.

>I dont do mean things because i belive in god

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this is obviously pasta but por gato

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I don't do mean things because they have a ripple effect. You've seen ripples in water before so you understand how cause and effect works, you don't need to believe in God to know when you're doing something that only benefits your fleeting meat feelings and corrupts the world around you forever.

Everyone agrees to play a game. You don't but if everyone was like you then there would be no game and the life you love so much wouldn't be possible. You should be thankful of everyone else and give back. You think everyone is like you but you have "awakened" but you really haven't. You're mentally stunted
I think that's a separate issue

OP is a (original) faggot

>You're mentally stunted
>I think that's a separate issue
I'm sort of confused, but also not sober. I'm too drunk to take advantage of mentally incapacitated people because I confine my depression and horrible development to my fucking self.

Why would I care about what other people do? Why would I care about this system and what makes it work? I dont care bro, people want to make the system work, some people just dont want to play the game, so I have the freedom to say no thanks and make up my mind to what I see as values

>my own values
>base human pleasures

Give me one good reason that we should euthanize every psychopath we identify? They clearly don't want to be cooperative in any way and can't comprehend basic components of humanity. They're enemies, they're predators. Why do we let them live? Everyday they're alive, more people get hurt.

What's your opinion on surgeons per example ?