>tfw attracted to girls but grossed out by pussy
Tfw attracted to girls but grossed out by pussy
They have mouths, and buttholes too you know.
it just looks so disgusting
Arguably even more disgusting than a pussy. Why would you find a literal poop chute hot unless you're a scatfag?
have you considered sucking dick instead?
clothed women are much attractive than naked ones.
spread pussies turn me on hardcore, OP's is particularly good because it looks tight as fuck.
>tfw attracted to girls but grossed out by girls
OP confirmed faggot. Give it 5 years you'll be having some hung black dude ram your anus.
Yes, decided not to.
You might be gay, girl in the OP is cute and pussies look like that
What type of guys would these women want to have sex with?
>if you think pussies are nasty then you must think dicks are good
Are there any people on the planet more retarded and close-minded than you?
Cocky gymrats
lmao homorage
No I actually do think dicks look better than vaginas, I'm just not attracted to guys.
Nice argument buddy
You're gay
I guess you're gay OP.
I'd scrape the cream off that cunt and pour it in my tea.
For me, it's doggystyle.
Lesbian here. I have first hand experience of how disgusting they are. Dicks are gross too btw. I just want a girl to cuddle with fully clothed.
nigger posting the most vile cunts you can find isn't an argument, that's like posting a 4 inch dick with weird inconsistent colouring, and covered in mystery bumps.
Chad's. What else?...
>Nice argument buddy
>>tfw attracted to girls but grossed out by pussy
I actually cringed IRL and recoiled away from the screen.
anime girls are fine, that shit is gross
into trannies hey
>I guess you're gay OP.
Maybe, but I'm definitely attracted to girls, vaginas just look like roadkill sometimes.
>Why would you find a literal poop chute hot unless you're a scatfag
>implying butts are filled with poop 24/7
Because butts are hot, and it buttholes are tight and squeeze your dick. Duh.
>nigger posting the most vile cunts you can find isn't an argument
So you admit that this shit looks gross, yet everyone else is saying that I'm crazy for not liking this alien looking flesh hole.
I think u guys would like me then
ooooop kayla
>Lesbian here. I have first hand experience of how disgusting they are.
Thank you. The funny thing is if I sad I was attracted to guys but thought dicks were disgusting no one would question my sexuality, they'd think I was just some romance focused fag, but god a straight man question the divinity of the female flesh hole.
being grossed out by gross pussies is normal
same with looking into a gaping hole
but if youre turned off by cute slits sorry youre a fag
No. I'd think you were asexual and homoromantic. Sexuality has to do with the sex organs.
You're not lesbian then you're asexual.
I love how traps jump on any opportunity they can to post their dicks and shill themselves
>he doesn't want to bury his tongue in pic related
pretty sure you are faggot.
Wait are you saying in general or specific ones. My ex had a great feeling pussy but it didn't look that great. But every other girl I've been with I haven't taken issue or not wanted to go down you know.
>don't have a vagina
>still manage to have roastie flaps
This. if girls didn't look hot bent over nude. I'd be asexual.
Some of them look nice, but when I see guys drool over ones like in the OP I feel like they are fucking insane.
for me its tied down and spread eagle.
so that I can do as I please with her.
pussies are gorgeous and i'd love to stick my tongue inside one, you might be gay user
>tfw attracted to pussy but grossed out by the people theyre attached to
What people have vaginas?
Some vaginas are indeed really ugly, but your dick doesn't have eyes. You don't have to look at them if you don't want to.
I have a boyfriend but I wish he had a vagina. We have been together 5 years and had sex maybe 8 times total, but if he had a vag I would be playing with it non stop.
tying in the fetal position is better. in the pic you showed, it's difficult to shove it in her mouth.
Anyone else hate the "stretch your pussy lips to reveal your insides" thing? Its possibly the most unattractive thing a girl could do. I don't know why its thing, its just not attractive.
>average sex 1.3 times per year
>WITH a bf
your bf is a loser and you should find a new one
no. it's unironically a gesture of invitation, and it's sexy af
ugh disgusting unshaved
He's not a loser, I love him. We just don't have sex and it's not important. I'm just saying if he had a vagina I wouldn't be able to leave it alone because I like them so much.
I hate it too, its disgusting.
>it's not important
he's a beta bitch that should have dumped you long ago, probably too sacred to say he wants to smash
He's not scared of me. He's just not a pervert like all the other boys and I'm lucky to have him.
I'm always curious about relationships with unusual sex habits. Why do you think you have so little sex?
I love the way pussy looks, feels smells, tastes and everything. I love my dick inside of it, my fingers and tongue. I love it sliding on my leg and belly. You niggers are all gay.
One reason is that I think our condoms expired a long time ago, another reason is that at night we just hop into bed and talk and then sleep without any fondling or ass grinding. Personally I only get horny maybe once a year but it rarely coincides with when we have sex. As a result, sometimes his dick simply won't go in because I'm dry. He has never heard of foreplay and isn't very good at sex things either but it's not a problem for me.
>not being a celibate is perverted
Yeah! Pussy is my life force. I can't understand all these Queers.
Shouldn't you like practice such stuff? Okay you can get by without it, but wouldn't it be so much better if you could also enjoy physical intimacy?
Being horny is perverted and makes people do bad things. I think at puberty you should be prescribed something to control or null your sex drive.
No. That's like practicing dancing because you attend a wedding once a year.
Also I am not interested in being a whore.
you're retarded, humans can freely have as much sex as they want now thanks to birth control, especially if you have a partner
not fucking because it's lewd makes no sense whatsoever, you're denting free pleasure, your BF is an idiot
Wow you're right, I totally want to take hormones now so I can fuck indiscriminately, even though I don't care about or enjoy it.
What... The Hell... Are yoou...
Having sex isn't being a whore.
Being a whore is being a whore.
I wouldnt call it life, but its nice to have.
They have that, its called having a single mother
>Jow Forums trying to turn a chaste monogamous girl into a roastie
Fuck nu9k
>I don't enjoy it
whatever bitch, idc about your sex life, still, I hope I never find a gf like you, you belong in a monastery
What's the point of having a boyfriend if you aren't fucking? At that point you're just friends.
Vaginas are gross, i wish i had a dick so badly.
Pussy is great I just think you're gay
>beta bitch
>says some neckbeard fat faggot from r9gay
>larping as an edgy alpha
>probably never even seen a vagina in his entire life
>judging someone he knows nothing about
neck yourself
I think it the most atrative thing a girl could do
>implying that women are people
That's what I was implying, brainlet.
if they like traps
Does anyone ITT even have any reading comprehension?
>having sex isn't being a whore
>reeee get out roastie why didn't you wait til you were married to me
imagine if you could do it without waiting for teen girls to become criminal factories.
What did I do
If we were friends and fucking it'd be called friends with benefits, not a relationship. A relationship is where you're not only best friends in the world but you also want to monogamously kiss and hug and share a life together as a couple.
Rawr, it's gonna getcha user!
>A relationship is where you're not only best friends in the world but you also want to monogamously kiss and hug
In high school I had a female friend who I kissed and hugged and had sex with for a while, but we didn't date. It was just kind of a phase where we both wanted to be sexually active but had no one else to be sexually active with.
It's not a relationship if you're not in love.
is this the soccer nigga?
That's normal, outside of a sexual context vaginas look disgusting. Eating pussy is just about as beta as a man can get by the way, men of a few centuries back would laugh at the thought.
literally me. This is prob why i only fap to tgirls
my God that is beautiful
>Eating pussy is just about as beta
>t. incel virgin
If a man said my pussy was disgusting I'd think he was homo and dump him. I have standards and these porn addicted boys aren't getting any.
>pussy is disgusting to me
>boipucci is the most beautiful thing ever
I don't know what's wrong with me
Go on...Go on...now
I fucking love these kind of women. You could cross them in the street, you know ? And yet you could't know they're kninky skanks who'd get bred by your dick in bed with such vaginas, taking your dick while pink colors flood to their cheeks and being completely pleasured by you. I want an 8/10 gf like these
>attracted to girls and tits
>watch porn and fapping to it
>want to fuck girls so badly
>wants dick to be sucked
>gets disgusted by the thoughts of eating pussy or their ass
What is wrong with me
My and my had sex a long time but don't anymore. He refuses my advances because he wants to wait til marriage and I respect his wishes.
Why is it so common for straight males to be disgusted by pussies? Are they just closet faggots?
As a straight male I disagree, I wish I could suck my own cock.
mtfs exist
>masculine dick
I want to eat out every biological female posted here except .
I don't want to validate your "men these days are so bad" horse shit, so I won't, but I have problems meeting women anyway so eating them out is just an online fantasy.
It isn't for most straight men over 30. The ones who grew up on unlimited porn on fast internet are because they're used to surgically enhanced women so are grossed out by real life.