

Attached: soygirl.png (715x800, 30K)

alright virgin

>brown cock

forgot one op.

Attached: 13123243.gif (540x540, 1.71M)

>Jow Forums!
>video games!
>self-deprecrating threads!

Attached: eee.jpg (647x740, 54K)

>memento mori
>the icy chill of the grave
>the inevitability of oblivion

Attached: 1537802690815.jpg (716x800, 245K)

holy shit this is fucking hott

On a scale from 1 to 11, how jealous are you of this straw-woman's life?

im in college now
its very interesting to see girls who are obviously not stacys try and be a stacy
it reminds me of men trying to be alpha when they are so clearly not
these wannabe stacys try so hard, so much make up, and filters and mindless chatter thats important to what they think is important, being a stacy
sometimes i feel bad for them, a robot can still want to be a astronaut or a neet or whatever he wants to be if they themselves are not alpha
but for these girls...all they want to be is stacy and its something they will never be, there biggest goal in life will never be acheivable

I swear NPC girls are the worst. My uni is full of vapid, empty-headed retards like this that are all boring, inoffensive cookie cutter formula.

>giving head!

Attached: soyjak.png (1386x1722, 11K)

I would date a girl like this so hard.

Those stuck up blonde sluts will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

The day of the BMW is near brothers.

Arm yourselves. Train yourselves.

Guess who you make me think of?

Attached: 1490565150197.jpg (320x487, 57K)

Cutie 6/10 + makeup overload + fake personality equals 3.5/10

Likewise, I'd give my left nut for a spoopy /skelefu/

Attached: ec218c04e866ec0fbf2ba0b716d7bc8a_drawn-girl-skeleton-pencil-and-in-color-drawn-girl-skeleton-girl-wi (500x527, 139K)

bet you love it.

>everyone but me is dumb -.-

Attached: sheeple.png (376x401, 46K)

whats the term for a male skelly?
Mr bones?

fuck yes, i literally stared at it for a good 20 seconds

why is it so hot

>male skelly?
Mr bones?
Mr. Skeletal. Thank him. Doot doot.

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I know you look like this

Attached: file.jpg (400x534, 36K)

And just like that, a new cuck is born. Welcome to the squad famalam. :)

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Does anyone have sauce for this gif that was posted?

she's really pretty even with an ugly cock in her mouth

why the fuck is it so hotttt

please please post more

all hot and shit till your oneitus literally falls for the brown cock meme.

but I gotta keep coping..

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post girls doing the S O I smile

Attached: peak soy.jpg (603x244, 28K)

Sorry, here.

thank you man


He wasn't referring to "everyone," he was referring to a select group of people who (if you look at their descriptions of themselves/their interests) were seemingly generated from the same incredibly boring template.

Of course many of us here are retarded, but at least we (and most people in the world) have actual interests and traits.

you left out

>The Office!
>astrology signs!

>having a oneitis in 2018

>>astrology signs!
what the everloving fuck is up with this? i have not met 1 woman in my whole life who doesn't pay attention to 'signs' and pay at least some attention to this garbage.
women are such a fucking meme. even my own mother.
do the alpha corporate raider chicks believe in this shit too? i've never met one but i wouldn't be surprised.

>literally falls for the brown cock meme.
sure, but that whole 'once you go black you never go back' thing is a meme too. there are tons of coal burners who get with Tyrone on the side when they're younger but then want to wife a white guy.
hell, more than half of the women in my extended family have done this shit. pretty common where i live (a city in the midwest)

excellent filter list OP thanks


Attached: francescabrini_magnum.jpg (600x600, 97K)


soigirl the new meme?

This in uni right now, over hearing their conversations is really hard to do and gets me angry.
"Uhm yeah so I yeah, HAHAHAHAHA, yeah so then we went to yeah and we didn't know that jessy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so I ate this as breakfast and like it so much HAHAHAHAHA"

Npc to the core

this wojak is bad and forced like the doomer

you can do better than a shitty wojak to make fun of roasties

Nah the appropriate list for that picture would be

You only think clubbing is degenerate becuase you cant particiapte in it. I agree with the others though

Don't forget Marvel Cinematic Universe and Game of Thrones. Haha, such a nerd XD

Imagine being such a salty faggot you care about other people this much. Why don't you just put in some headphones?

>Jow Forums!

why are you here

if you enjoy clubbing, you are a normalfag period. fuck off, anyone can get in a club it's not that hard. it's just fucking degenerate face it normie.