Femanon interested in the opinion of the opposite sex surrounding anime

Do dudes read/watch shoujo series?
Is there any shoujo series you'd recommend as a guy that you've read and liked?
And if not, why not?

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Haha I'm a femanon too :) Post your cock sizes hmu

Yeah, shoujo is actually really refreshing to read after reading heavier themed manga.

I watched like 4 episodes of dance with the devil or whatever it was called, mostly giggling.

Its about 90% of what I read now a days.

Show tits

Are magical girls shoujo

I love shoujo romances.
The best really memorable ones I've read would probably be Kuragehime, and Kimi ni Todoke

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Darling we are all little girls here so find your shit yourself you lazy cunt.

w-why would you need to know that?

Occasionally. I like romance and all that, but I could never get used to the shoujo art style, which is why the majority of romance I read are either shounen or seinen.
Off the top of my head, there's Machida-kun.

I can't answer because I'm a girlanon

i like shoujo ai so yeah

Do you read shounen?
Chances are you do. It's equally probable for a dude to read a shoujo.
To me, it's more a matter of quality of the series itself than its target demographic.

Rec me some porn.

Read junjou drop.
I like Namaikizakari and kuro ouji to ookami shoujo are my guilty pleasures.

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show tits or gtfo

I would but I'm to self-conscious about my clit size.

Tokyo Mew mew
only watched it because the girls were hot

Smaller than yours thats for sure

What kind of shoujo manga do you read after heaver mangas?

real girls compare tampon splotch sizes sweaty

I advice you to watch NANA. It's amazing.
Maybe more josei than shoujo though.

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is that good or bad?

The super girly ones like CCS and Sailor Moon are.
The edgy ones like Madoka and YuYuYu aren't.

How come? Any you would recommend?

Shoujo tends to run out of steam very fast for me. In just a few episodes. Once you have seen a few of them, you've seen all of them.

The ones that didn't get old were Ouran Host Club and Kaichou wa Maidsama. More recently, Nijiiro Days was good.

If you don't want to stick to shoujo, both josei and straight up romance tend to be better.

Yes, since it caters to a girl demographic, and there's always romance surrounding the characters so...

Can i show tits if trap?

It's really good, yeah, but it's equally depressing. Doesn't help it being in permanent hiatus after hitting the lowest note yet.

I've watched kimi ni todoke (don't know if they finished the anime or nah) but i've found it too unrealistic (meme i know) but i've always went ''ah it's cute but it's too good to be true''
maybe that's a flaw with my thinking
i just found it too dream-like
the other one i haven't read, might check it out

Yes. It was just kind of heavy handed I guess, can't remember much of it.

Well if you don't believe me that's on you
there's a reason why i brought up gender, it's because i'm genuinely interested in what dudes think about shoujo manga
i dont care if you believe me or not desu

stop posing as OP

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Ye i get ya, but that's probably because most of them are drawn by sakisaka ito
others look weird
with shoujo (like) manga written by males i actually like the artstyle, example bakuman, even if it took me a long time to get used to

boku no pico

>it's been 12 years
A-any day now... She said she will finish the manga... We just have to wait...

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kek btfo

>It's really good, yeah, but it's equally depressing
Just like life.
But yea, NANA is more realistic than most other anime.

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Just from personal observation, most guys here don't seem to like shoujo because it's very drama-heavy and prefer more lighthearted shounen/seinen romcoms.
Doesn't help that most of them have female MCs they can't relate to.

Stuff like Nijiiro Days or Hibi Chouchou

Well, i didn't mean to imply that dudes reading shoujo is sacrilegious, it's very uncommon tho. also i've asked why/why not do guys like/not like reading it. Just interested in the opinion of the opposite sex. I even read more shounen and seinen than shoujo, but shoujo impacts me more.

thank youuu

i c

Seinen is the new shoujo

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What do you think about the current circumstances in the manga?
Do you wish Nobu would leave the porn girl to be with Hachi? And what do you think about the relationship between Nana and Hachi?

i dont mind josei
i've had it on my list for a long time but i've always gotten the impression that it's shock value due to it being lgbt?
ofc i'm probably wrong

Males can't understand Nana.

>hiatus forever
No thanks, I already learned my lesson with X.

You're wrong.

That's exactly why i was asking, most guys i've talked to about this, said this exact same things and i've been thinking it sometimes too, watching stuff like kimi ni todoke and clannad.
Weirdly enough, i enjoy others alot, like ao haru ride and bakuman.
I've watched OHC and Kaichou intensively back in the day, still enjoy them to this day. Mainly because they subvert tropes but also use them in a silly and fun way.
>If you don't want to stick to shoujo, both josei and straight up romance tend to be better
What do you mean about the latter? Could you cite any examples?

Why is it on permanent hiatus?

LN tier trash.

I see... That's too bad. The only story i can cite that has a male mc is bakuman, which remotely ties into romance. I don't even know any others, maybe that's the issue. Pls rec if you have any, i'd genuinely like to know.


She got sick and never went back. The story was split between its most difficult present point and a timeskip where we aren't sure if one of the main girls is alive and well.

Don't even know what series that is
that's how meta that comment was

>Do dudes read/watch shoujo series?
>Is there any shoujo series you'd recommend as a guy that you've read and liked?
>And if not, why not?
Cause this isn't

>Do dudes read/watch shoujo series?
Yes? What kind of dumb question is that? I even have bought Kimi ni Todoke and Nana volumes.
Taiyou no Ie is great, by the way.

>it's very uncommon tho
Not at all.

It was cheesy. But you could get a good kick out of it.

It's uncommon among shounenshtters which is what OP most likely means when referring to guys that read manga.

Kill yourself.

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But shounenshitters here read shounen romance. Or am I hallucinating those constant Bokuben and 5toubun threads?

Well i've grown up around dudes who watch anime and they dislike shoujo.
So that's why i was asking, maybe it's less conventional.

This is why I love Shoujo. Normally I want either old school sci fi, body horror or some sort of pretentious Oshii esq shit, but if you are going to do character drama focused works you might as well go big or go home imo. In fact a lot of my favorite mecha series are melodramatic as fuck at times, maybe not as extreme as shoujo titles though. I also just appreciate the hyper feminine aesthetic and art style and think it is cool to see more exploration of notably feminine points of view in a world which is moving more and more towards dull egalitarian androgyny, and are so alien to the way I think.

I only really bother with 20th century shoujo works, but Dezaki’s big three: Rose of Versailles, Ace wo Nerae and Oniisama E are great, and Glass Mask is one of the best manga I’ve ever read, with an extremely deep understanding of performers expressed through the MC’s character.

Well yeah. I just find it weird when guys enjoy shoujo manga, even though i still welcome it. I'm pleasantly surprised, even. But mostly if i find a dude to talk to about anime, he's usually uninterested about shoujo.

Why would that mean it's common for them to read shoujo?


Boku no Pico is quality shoujo

I watch shoujo because it tends to care more about character development compared to other genres. Writing in general in anime is complete dogshit compared to other mediums, so I'll take what I can get.

Subtle rec thread

Intended demographic of a work doesn't mean the work will be exclusively consumed by target demographic. Shounenshit is meant for children but teenagers and young adults are creaming themselves over it constantly.

thanks dude, i'll check them out

>haha fuck normalfags and 3DPD are shit
>oh gosh girls on /a/ *proceed to blog and ask for nude picture*
Why is /a/ full of hypocrite normalfags?

Makes sense. Even though most of the characters are tropes?
No shame there desu

how is this garbage thread still up and OP not banned?

>heroine isn't hot
>heroine isn't waifu material
>over agresive love interst
>not loyal enough
Average man can't like any of these traits

Recs threads are allowed now. Nice board you have become /a/.

I know that, but socially i've just seen a trend. That's why im asking, want to be sure.
Dude idk just ignore, people are fucking cancerous here sometimes
The only reason i mentioned gender is because i want to see how many and why males like shoujo, i know they exist but i can't understand fully since i don't have a dick.
I wouldn't have mentioned i'm a girl otherwise.

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even editors don't give half a shit about demogratphics anymore

This is how I see pathetic guys like you.

Fuck off you worthless whore.

Why would i be banned? I don't get why treads like this are bad. Literally sharing opinions on similar shit we like. How fucking sacrilegious.
Here's a suggestion.
Don't read it?

This is in regards to what? General shoujo or?
Because i can list why you're wrong.


>over agresive love interst
Last I checked men love violent tsunderes.

Jesus dude go get laid
and maybe get your own opinion.
Or are you too s m a r t for that?


leddit: the thread
cage & deported

Literally just want to talk about anime. I swear this site is so cancer.

dumb maleposters

Then fuck off

Ignore the angry Fatoshis.


Did I hurt you little princess?

I just fucking might. I keep forgetting why i come back and it's just to fucking laugh at shit eaters like you.
Forget about sharing interests, amirite? It's not like this forum is about sharing opinions LUL

>Literally just want to talk about anime.
Wrong place, /a/ is for memes and shitposting only.


It's time to watch NANA

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