Be me

>be me
>never had a girlfriend
>go on a couple dates with this girl a few months ago (only been on 4 dates in my life)
>she breaks if of
>"not looking for a relationship"
>haven't heard from her since then
>she msgs me yesterday
>"hey user, this is kind of random, but did you want to get together and study sometime"

what do I do robots? is this good?

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Go study with her, but don't get your hopes up.
Just see where it goes.

I'd say that's a very good sign, actually. I agree that seeing where it goes is your best course of action. I'm optimistic on your part.

She's a political science person and I'm a med student, so there isn't any real benefit for her studying with me. I thought it was just an excuse to get to see me. But I do appreciate the advice. Should I just act like nothing's going on and see if she brings it up?

She is missing your dick, just relax and don't fuck it all and she'll be yours.

Her replacement for you failed and now she wants her backup, either just for attention (friendzone) or as a provider (free stuff from you, nothing in return maybe a handjob if shes extra generous).

dont do it OP, youll fall into the trap and in a few months hate yourself.

His is probably the backup but he has a solid chance of scoring some pussy now.

Haha, I'm glad you think I'm alpha enough to make it that far in the first place...

I'm friends with one of her good friends and it seems like she hasn't been seeing anyone/dating since we broke it off, but I can see where you're coming from and hope this isn't the case

See chicks try this shit every now and again to see if you are still romantically interested. If you dont bug them after that you passed the shit test. I'd say it's worth it to try again, but don't let her take advantage of you too much. Stand your ground if she asks too much of you, or more than youre willing to give.

OP you are the backup orbiter she will use for attension when Chad isnt fucking her. Don't fall for the meme. Tell her you wanna take her to a movie and eat sushi off her asshole.

Will do brother. One of my good female friends says she thinks I'm going to get burned and to reject her, but I guess I'm stupid enough to try anyways

So to beat Chad I have to become the Chad

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It's definitely an excuse to meet up. Still shouldn't get your hopes up, given what she said before about "not looking for a relationship," but you can at least try to fuck her. Might as well, what's the worst that'll happen, she cuts contact again? Give her the D or kill this non-relationship trying.

You are a med student. You already have more potential than most of the degenerates on this whole board. Women love to be oppressed. It's in their genetic code. Tell the bitch fuck the study and invite her around to gobble on your nob for a few hours.

Should I use those words?

>"Study this, bitch!"
>gigantic horse dick comes out from user's pants and hit the ground making a heavy sound
>"On your knees, whore!"
>the girl starts squirting on the spot at the sight of how fucking alpha you are
You're welcome ;)

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It sounds like a plan to me

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>only on four dates in my life
just shut the fuck up you retarded failed normie and leave this board. actual robots don't even date. immediately seek a rope and hang yourself

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I'd honestly say I'm too busy with my own stuff to study with someone else of a completely different major, she'll probably try to beg you or get offended that you dont want to. If she begs you still say no, hopefully get a message a few days later with an apology or some faggot shit like that, then you have your opening to actually hang out with her. If she gets offended then her intentions are pretty obvious, if so ignore the fuck out of that

My only issue with that is I'd actually like to be in a relationship, and if she's only a little interested as of right now it might drive her away. Like this would probably only work if she's really into me (which I can't say for certain). So even if I say yeah and go study, I could probably find out her intentions, but still preserve the possibility of succeeding.

don't shit on a fellow brother for trying my man
I was a robot just like you for many years and went on my first date when I was 21

Kinda risky, but it'll be awesome if it actually works

I can't really force you into anything dude, just giving you my opinion, take it from someone who's had a lot of those ''why the fuck did i do that'' situations. Doesnt really have to be a girl, but some people just know how to manipulate someone, sorry for sounding cucky, but it's almost comparing them to psychopaths cause they legit got no empathy

Nah, I gotchu man. I appreciate the advice and didn't mean to sound like I wasn't considering it. I just think I'm a little too beta to risk something like that bcs I do kinda like this girl

Wouldnt call it beta, had the exact same situation in high school, where a girl would just drown me in messages, only to learn she wasnt really interested in me, just my lab reports and social stigma. Just stopped talking to her after I found out from female friends of hers telling me

>"not looking for a relationship"

This is not a real thing. It's one of the many excuses both men and women use instead of simply saying "I don't like you." If you genuinely enjoy being with someone and they make you feel good, you want to spend time with them.

Yeah, that's what I was worried about. Kinda hoping she changed her mind tho now that she's contacting me out of the blue

Was seeing a girl a couple of weeks ago, she suddenly get snap saying her life is swamped and she's not looking for a relationship. She's surprised when I say I'm not mad, just say I'm disappointed, honestly it did affect me to an extent, but fuck you gotta think realisticily, there are more girls out there.

Yeah, I kinda felt the same way the first time. The problem is I'm pretty young for a med student, so most of my classmates are 3-4 years older and less interested in dating someone younger. Also, I hate Tinder and other dating apps, so I was considering giving it another shot.

Obv if it does work out and she ends it again, I'm done for good.

I mean if you want to go for it, go for it. I did tinder after high school and it brought me nothing more than depression. One night stand after one night stand it just had too little emotional connection

I'm genuinely not looking towards a relationship. I'm 25 yo, for more than a decade my social life was inexistent. Even if someone desided to spend time with me, after 5 minutes my inaptness would be obvious. Therefore, all the attempts would be futile.