Is there anything worse than being a bisexual male who's only interested in dating woman? I'm pretty much forced to stay closeted so people don't think I'm fucking dudes.
Is there anything worse than being a bisexual male who's only interested in dating woman...
A fellow straight-leaning bi
I'm the same, guys can be hot but I'd never date one, they don't make my heart flutter likes girls do
Fuck off faggot, this isn't tumblr.
If youre only into women, how are you bi?
Just because you're bisexual doesn't mean you're biromantic
would fuck a dude (theoretically, too much of a romantic to have loose sex) but could never fall in love with one
>Tfw hetero-romantic bisexual
>Sex outside of relationship is disgusting in my eyes
Weird world.
I feel you brah.
Oh so you're just a whore who's too chickenshit to sleep around?
>only interested in sex with someone you love
I'm not a town bike just because I find members of both genders sexually appealing.
>would fuck a dude (theoretically, too much of a romantic to have loose sex) but could never fall in love with one
This. The slightest interest in dudes qualifies you as being bisexual, hence the whole "traps are gay" thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're willing to fuck dudes, only that its a option.
Does it make you a whore if dicks cause sexual arousal?