Those of you who have a gf (or ex), where did you meet her and how did you end up with her?

Those of you who have a gf (or ex), where did you meet her and how did you end up with her?

Attached: Antifu.jpg (852x960, 181K)

In HS my only friend was a girl and she wanted to help me out so she set me up with some crazy. She was mean to me. We dated for like 2 months before she dumped me but never did anything past kissing. I'm a 19 y/o virgin now. Haven't had any form of sexual interaction with anyone since. Ain't a kissless virgin though so I consider myself a chad.

Attached: zABtqW1.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Actually got a cute Asian virgin gf, am 5'8" she's 4'11" we started off as friends we flirted for a couple months then we started dating, she broke up with me because she wasn't ready to be in a relationship but said she'd wait for me and I'd wait for her, after about 3 months we started dating again and now I'm here, havent done anything except oral for both of us

why the flyers sono scritti in italiano, OP?

Through Facebook , We both were from the same HighSchool but never knew each other untill after. We've been together for 5 years now

Vuoi non postare le foto delle fighe neofasciste?

how the fuck do you meet someone through facebook

Oh I'm not OP, I just saw the flyers are from Blocco studentesco.

beh in effetti questa non e' male
you could greentext something about her

You add the person and then chat??