--Consequences will NEVER be the same

>--Consequences will NEVER be the same.

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Good times. Rip her dad, I follow her on IG now and she's a new person. Her old roommate follows me on IG as well

i want to fuck her face so badly its something about southern european/ arab women that make them so facefuckable

he said with a scream, and we laughed. but they never where. they never where the same and he died and she grew. what happened to us?
i miss him and her. i miss it all.
the day that old man kicked it was the day the memers died

Its true. Shes hot af now. Great tits

I thought she became a tranny

Whats her IG? Does she ever send nudes?

>she's a new person
She's not much better it looks like.

She identifies as male on the inside but has huge tits and an amazing fucking body

You gotta post some pics user

>-Consequences will NEVER be the same.
He was right all along.

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What's her insta? Post a good pic of her current state

She's kind of like fat sjw lgbtqaasdf;lqweroij version of Eliza.

you think that fat blob is hot af? you're fucked in the head brah


She's gone full tumblr and calls herself "Damien" now "

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Im on my phone at sams club, was hoping someone else would

She's been through a lot, I don't blame her for taking the troon pill. I'm glad her piece of shit dad is dead.

She is still ugly af you can just google it

>an amazing fucking body
Jesus christ user get a hold of yourself. She's a fucking whale

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She's in a wheelchair now because she's trans-disabled or whatever you call it.

ye really hot af bois

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Lmao oh boy. We ruined her life. Feels bad.

>she's trans-disabled
please tell me you're not shitting me. That's hilarious.

She has a chronic pain pain disorder called fibromyalgia. I have it too and it's shitty.

idk if i came across it on tinder i would wear this rental pig out

> This was 2011
> The video is 7 years old

From lolcow
>Eh, I'll buy that she has fibro (many women do these days, it is real and also sometimes connected to trauma). I had the diagnosis and the symptoms for years and hated that people did not believe me because I was young. (Sage for blog.)
>But EDS is usually not something you just get a genetic test for and you are diagnosed. That is part of the issue with it and why munchies like it - there aren't clear genetic markers for the majority of people who have some form of EDS.

>She's just another one who heard that we get dislocations and now all of a sudden her legs just 'give out' and she never gets subluxation just total collapse. Because she has very little contact with family having a genetic diagnosis will prove very difficult, however I don't believe she has any form of it. EDS is a lot more than just dislocations but munchies forget that because it's not as easy to fake. She maybe has hypermobility in her knees and fibro but that's about it.

These come from roastie central so who knows how reliable they are

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She's a lot cuter when she manages to dress properly.

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God, compare that to how she used to look. Why do women allow themselves to get fat?

Her home life was garbage. We might've helped but she was always going to grow up shitty


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you think she should be dressing that big ol' pot belly up like that? are you a fat fuck too?

I still don't know just how an eleven year old looked like that and was that 'active' online. I couldn't believe it, I thought she had to be 14 at least.

She was removed from her parents' custody before her dad died. I don't know the details but something was fucked up there. As you can see from her mom's comments in this screengrab, her head isn't really screwed on right.

That sucks user. Nobody deserves that. Hope you are doing well despite that.

Look man all I care about is ass and titties, the bigger the better

I wish she looked like a white Maserati but beggars cant be choosers

i was this active online when i was 11. i remember chatting with people on Mplayer, my pc had a really shitty mic built into it.

i can't even imagine if i would have had access to a cam or camming.
i discovered IRC and P2P shortly after and it was over.

>all I care about is ass and titties, the bigger the better
Bigger is only better when the whole body isn't big with it

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Noticed the other day that a dota 2 hero had this exact voice line

The roastie central is actually much more vile than most of Jow Forums. Gamma women literally cope by puttinf every other woman down.

I disagree but we are entitled to our differences

Plus shes cray af so she probably gives great head

At least her writing isn't poor so she's not as retarded as I thought she was.

>I still don't know just how an eleven year old looked like that and was that 'active' online
I started using Jow Forums around the time I turned 11. Kids these days are active from the fucking womb.

What happened to her? Why is she in a wheel chair and shit?

>it's another episode of absolute fucking retard cannot read the thread

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and they never were...

>99% of current userbase wasn't here in said event
How does that make you feel?

Dear god consequences never were the fucking same indeed