Hello female here

I'm a 19 year old KHV, I just discovered this board because I've read that this is where people like me to go ( i only browsed /x/ and /v/ before)

Attached: 1537201803327.png (765x568, 48K)

>never been to Jow Forums before
>knows what KHV means
i smell bullshit

You gonna show tits or what?

/v/ and Jow Forums I suspect to have the lowest female % on the site.

hello mlady pls be gf contact contact contact

show us your tits dumb fucking whore

Classic rules still apply. Tits or GTFO

Attached: 1472533835452.png (1338x275, 458K)

That term is also being used on other board

I need someone to help me understand this board more

Then get the fuck out. We don't want you here.

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No i will stay right here