She chose a fucking spic over me

She chose a fucking spic over me

Attached: oneitis.png (616x926, 530K)

maybe race doesn't matter, dumbass

Maybe you should have been a better man

Hmm not sure how I feel about her. Obvious 10/10 ass but no tits
dont think its worth desu


The average american male has better tits than that

WTF?! Legit looks like an old photo of my dad.

your dad is a spic user

>She chose a fucking spic over me
Have you whined about this before on here? I don't recognize them though so maybe that was a different guy.

Less than two weeks out of town and this beaner fucks me over

Attached: buildthewall.png (973x714, 925K)

user, I'm telling you this as a friend.
That bitch is ugly, orbit someone better.

Nigger that's just lordosis. She looks like the fucking worm things from MIB.

This pot belly pig has a lotta miles on her.

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Heh, better luck next time!

>fat gut
>no tits
>manly looking

He doesn't look that bad, fampai. Better than OP, most likely...

hahahaha it IS you
dude you posted this shit months ago, move on faggot

Have you ever asked yourself why she chose a spic over you?

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No big loss user. She has a stomach like one of those starving kids and africa and a very poor spinal cord. Nice ass though 4/10 could do much better.
Plus if shes moved on in two weeks to a spic, that just goes to show shes a shallow and senseless girl.

this is a really strangely shaped lady

Why is this so funny, he's even shorter than the girl