Why is it considered "cool" to be depressed now?

Why is it considered "cool" to be depressed now?

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it's mostly just artsy faggots who think that feeling down once or twice a week is depression

Why is it considered "cool" for characters to have flaws and internal struggles.

It fucking sucks in reality
Originals bc x

Cause they are faggots who miss the point that Bojack is a total shitbag who refuses to change and is not supposed to be cool.

normies like to use it as an excuse for failures or not keeping up with their peers. Women also use it to get men to pity them and do things for them. It sucks when you have real depression and these fuckers made into a meme.

>real depression
Is that like real communism?

Because in never actually having had depression they have this romanticized view of it. They think it makes you a deep brooding movie character who still actually has a normal life outside of sitting in cafes looking handsome.

>haha le funny and successful guy with all the women, friends and shekels who is dying inside. So deep and interesting!
>the guy who gave up and hasn't left the house in a decade needs to clean his room though

t. master of all fields of the mind

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