Lol true

imagine being a christcuck in 2018. you think you're going to reign in "trad girls" who love Christian values unconditionally? the only things women understand are strength & control

Attached: average christian girls.png (1134x845, 1.11M)

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You're retarded just because you got dumped by stacy [/spoiler] but yea that's pretty much right for a lot of girls [/spoiler]

There's a reason the Bible says a women should submit to her husband

>implying I ever dated a girl to begin with
a few have tried, but I can't get over how jaded I am towards females.

goddamn I'm on a fucking roll with my digits tonight

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Ah, a time when Vinland Saga was worth reading i.e. when Askeladd drove the plot. Remember the one viking saying Christian girls are classy waifus and they start arguing Jesus vs Thor.

loving this thread btw

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gamers RISE UP against dumb christcucks who converted to Orthodoxy because of browsing too much Jow Forums at the ripe old age of 19 who then proceed to get with asian women

Attached: epic weed gang veronica.jpg (1024x969, 125K)

Fembot here,
If you seriously think women arent capeable of substantial conviction, you should get your beta brain checked and forced to take clozapine. Mommy issues much ?

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Claiming you're a girl doesn't make you one, tranny.