Who's lying? Who's telling the truth? Which one has ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Who's lying? Who's telling the truth? Which one has ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: same-body-language-and-facial-expression.jpg (1200x670, 98K)

>Which one has ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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his reluctance to be investigated by the FBI makes me think he's lying
he defintely came of worse

There's no way someone would rape that man jawed battle axe, Kavanaugh is telling the truth.

Who cares. Its literally my tribe > your tribe

He already got busted lying about Devil's Triangles and Boofing

He looked awful, shouting and interrupting so much like a child having a tantrum

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that meme's not even 10 years old

Funny thing is a lot of conservatives love to preach "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear".

I loved how her
ended up being 2 unrelated questions, the end.
So far everyone she named as being there has said
If some bint said
>you raped me! These 4 people saw it!
And all 4 said
>never saw it
Anywhere else her ass would be being sued

It is not the FBIs job - they refused BEFORE this was public.

then he'd be confident saying that in congress, or saying sure go ahead, knowing they won't. His reluctance is suspect

Even if Kavanaugh is innocent, his attitude through this whole thing isn't going to do him any favors. He's acting like a child having a tantrum, screaming and crying because he can't control his emotions. People aren't going to want a man like that sitting on the Supreme Court.

This. His handling of the situation should be a disqualifying factor, even if the case is completely untrue. Not fit for the office.

>pic shot at the worst possible moment for him
>that post
I don't even know what's going on here as I don't follow amerifat politics, but I already know which side you're shilling for. Your kind is so fucking transparent.

That makes no sense to me
>AFTER the full vetting/interview process someone who A) had the accusation for a month B) had already had the FBI refuse to investigate it C) knew that IF a crime had occurred it was beyond the statute of limitations drops an accusation the night before confirmation to delay him
>spend weeks dragging feet, lying about being afraid to fly, etc. to delay the process. While this is going on every witness for the claim denies it happens or admits to lying.
>more obviously fake accusations are made, including from a woman that claims she ignored and never reported the mass gang rape of minors for 30+ years, all with demands to delay, delay
>in the meantime him & his family are receiving multiple rape and death threats every day and millions of women are already convinced in their tiny brains he is a rapist
>he, man, take a month or nine while the FBI investigates something outside its jurisdiction that is 20 years outside the statute of limitations and was a misdemeanor if true
I would tell you to fuck off

you could have taken a picture at any moment he was speaking and it would have looked like that
You just said you dont follow so obviously you werent watching, but thats how he was the entire time, he had a complete fucking meltdown

Maybe that was the plan all along. Pressure him to the point of cracking, and using his behaviour and mental state to disqualify him.

Attached: intredasting.jpg (900x900, 76K)

You really want a guy that is not mad about injustice as a Supreme Court justice?
Fucking Liberals
20 masked Antifa thugs beat a lone man unconscious with metal poles because he drives a pickup and therefore MUST be Conservative
>Liberals = oh, they are just passionate about justice!
Man about to be part of the final defense against injustice is furious about be libeled, slandered, defamed & having his family threatened with murder
>Liberals = oooooh! The scary, scary man raised his voice!
Fuck off, wimps

>You really want a guy that is not mad about injustice as a Supreme Court justice?
I want a guy to keep his cool even when he's mad. He's justified in that anger, and how he expresses it, but I still want a SCOTUS who can remain calm and collected no matter how infuriating things get. If this were any other job in the legal system, how he behaved today doesn't mean a damn thing. But for SCOTUS, one of the highest offices in the land, especially in the US legal system, where you need to be the best of the best to get in, you'd want someone who will remain calm and collected in even the hardest, most disastrous of circumstances; even if they watched their entire families die, you would want them to stay balanced and persevered.

It is a courtroom, not a battlefield in WWI, loser. And he was not the judge, he is the *victim* of a smear campaign.
But I get it, I get it.
See, if he had stayed calm you would be saying
>So calm! If he was innocent he would be mad. He is not so he is guilty!

>highest office in the land
>lifetime appointment
if you're anything less than untouchable and unflusterable, find someone else. There will be other who are

>he had a complete fucking meltdown
Well that's not good no matter what's happening. Unless you're a woman, then a meltdown just helps prove your point and makes people take you more seriously. I'm hesitant to believe you though because you're using meme buzzwords.

But he's interviewing for one of the highest offices in the land. For that, you need to have the most calm and collected character possible, at all times of your life, to qualify. No exceptions. No matter what he's the victim of. To be SCOTUS, you need to be calm and collected of everything. And he failed.

>It is a courtroom, not a battlefield in WWI, loser.
then there's less reason to lose your cool
>And he was not the judge, he is the *victim* of a smear campaign.
he's competing to be a judge.

Did you watch the entire thing, or bits on tv?
It was painfully obvious who was right. A charade to delay his confirmation, the clock is ticking for the elitist fanny bandits and their gay little club and they don't like it one bit and will go nuclear to stop it(/ourguys/ luckily have those angles covered, expect maybe a plague though or 2)

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I had the entire livestream on my TV yesterday. None of the bits you see in the news or talkshows do it justice.

Just some facts for people that only read the liberal hitpieces:

1. The three witnesses that Ford claims were there all said they don't recall any such gathering, or have never been anywhere with Kavanaugh. Their statements if false could be a felony.
2. Since July, Ford's accusations have been known to Democratic Senator Feinstein and the democrats yet a public hearing was delayed until one day before the vote for Kavanaugh.
3. The FBI "investigation" would be irrelevant because the FBI present those 302s, (interviews) to the Senators, and a verdict is reached by the very people that were in the room to ask him his questions. (there would not be enough evidence to go to trial)

The FBI re-opening tactic is something that the democrats want to do to delay the decision of the appointment of the a judge onto the SCOTUS, if they can keep an "investigation" much like Mueller's probe ongoing until the midterms they would have the chance to appoint one themselves assuming they become the majority, or until Trump gives up and appoints someone who they consider less of a threat

There is no evidence for any crime, and there was no reason a 36 year old accusation needed to be dragged up now other than for political motivation.

This sets a very dangerous precedent, if successful.

The man has done that for 26 years, his own career speaks for that.

You can't pin false accusations on a man, make a man has to explain to his young daughter why his family has been threatened, a person who has worked hard and already provided esteemed, level-headed service for his entire life, not to get emotional at a circus trying to steal it all away from him.

He very clearly wasn't mad at the accusation from Ford, he was mad at how the dems in particular are handling it. Watch the full opening speech, it's clear who his anger is directed towards, it's his supposed colleagues and superiors who are debasing the name of justice.

Except for interviewing for a position on SCOTUS, he showed instability in an otherwise stable career and life. That alone could cost him, not the allegations.

No Liberals then...

Says who?
This entire
>if you are not bloodless, cold, passive, and apathetic you are bad
Shit is just fucktarded morons wishing for Mr Spock.
I want a goddam *man* running shit. I want someone who would punch you in the fucking face for grabbing his wifes ass, not some soimilk chugging neutered man-bitch.
I want Vlad the Fucking Impaler, who scared the Muslims back to fuckoffidtan, not Dreamy Softdick the Appeaser who lets rapists roam free because mommy should have hugged them more.
Fuck off, wimp

Seriously, we can't let this guy get the launch codes.

100% the richfaggot drunktard kavanaugh

>i-i like beer!
goddamn incel

Not gonna lie, former drum- I mean Kavanaugh supporter here, I was really rooting for him but this display of toxic masculinity and inappropriate emotions just turned me away for good. We can't let him get the nuclear codes, we can't let fear and hate get to us, and we absolutely can't let him destroy Obama's legacy and the progress and diversity we've built together.

Dems only want an FBI investigation so they can delay until after the midterms. CONFIRM KAVANAUGH

All it is is a fucking media circus farce designed to delay the SCOTUS appointment until after the midterms. The Dems are just trying to indirectly strike out at Trump and are willing to ruin a man's entire life and career to do it because FUCK BLUMPFH AND FUCK W*ITE PEOPLE

>I was an incel pls feel sorry for me
Why is Jow Forums going to bat for football chad?

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Anyone who triggers roasties this much is /our guy/

There's enough time to drop Kav and vote someone else just as conservative without his baggage in. They can even do recess appointments before the new senate is sworn in.

He only got nominated because he thinks the POTUS is off limits to the court.
Democarcy sucks.

Being investigated would probably mean losing his shot, because Trump would just pick someone else to fill the gap. And obviously these judges want the position more than anything because it's basically the highest possible apex of their careers.

You're not asking the real question, which is as follows: Who the fuck cares?

very punchable face