Found out Reddit has a board just to shit on incels and it has 130k subscribers

>found out Reddit has a board just to shit on incels and it has 130k subscribers

Why do they hate us so much?

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Most Incels are shit persons.

I find the incel situation very interesting.

The most flabberghasting part to me is the fact that even when an incel gets his shit together, loses weight, gets a job, and becomes more social, they're still shit on. Even when you can't call them an incel/robot and they've had sex and gfs, they're still overwhelmingly unhappy.

It leads me to believe that inceldom/robotism is a merely a symptom, and not a root disease itself, yet normies still refuse to acknowledge this and even continue to beat down "graduated incels" who have made great strides in improving their lives.

Hard times make strong men, but nowadays, strong men aren't enough. Their backs have been broken by the women who load them like mules.

Finally looked up what an incel is after all this time, and they do deserve to suffer. They're too stupid to realize that nobody wants them because they are just plain fucking retarded or delusional or something and just because they made themselves presentable for once in their shitty retard life doesn't mean anybody should or would sleep with them.

incels and robots are nearly identical, and if you're not a robot you can fuck right off

>people can't even see they're discriminating anymore

so much hate.

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People that identify as incels are all shit and full of hate
There is a difference between being a virgin and being an incel.

Its retarded. Reddit's just full of people who think they're better than anyone else. Fuck reddit man.

I am a robot, I just don't really care for a gf or putting my weewee in a slab of roast beef.

Someone screenshot my stuff and submit it, wtf come on im actually dissapointed in you guys

Yeah, right, that's convincing.

>people actually care this much about their shitty subreddits to whine about muh wahmens and "epic troll the feminazis and libtards who hate us incel gamers xDDd"
>other people actually care enough to regularly raid those shitty subreddits where nothing of value or influence actually happens because respekt muh wahmens
Do these people have nothing better to do? I'm a fuckin NEET and even I couldn't see myself wasting my time that way.

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See, that's the point. All robots eventually realise that poon ain't all its hyped up to be, and that their crippling life conditions wasn't a result of being a virgin.

Wether or not you come to this realization before or after you have sex is up to you. It's what you do with information like that that makes you a man.

It's weird to see. It's like we are getting our very own caste or untouchables here in the West now.

>Most people are shit persons.
Fixed that for you

It can now be, with laser focus, pinpointed why incels snap and kill people

>Be really bitter and aggressive
>Other people retaliate the same way
I know, pretty weird right?

Why not? People always need some one to hate. It has been that way since the dawn of time. I myself get my rocks off by blaming "the jews" for everything. For real though, incels and femcels are easy targets. as said, they are shit people for the most part. Incels say "REEEE WOMEN!!!!", femcels say "REEEE MEN!!!!!!". It makes me feel better about myself reading stories from both sides.

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>projecting their hatred to powerless groups of people


Incels are whiny losers who choose to be khv and whatnot

robots are people with actual mental illness or severe physical fuckery goin on, which keeps them from getting better

ever since the incels reddit page got banned, all the users from there migrated here and now this place is becoming reddit

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>redd*t spacing
yeah you can fuck right off my board to your beta onions shithole

That's Jow Forums my d00d

>Why do they hate us so much?
Maybe because incels are all Jow Forums misogynists or Jow Forums racists

No wonder you will never ever get laid

how about you go back where you came from?

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incel = involuntarily celibate. incels do not choose to be virgins, by definition. its against their will, its involuntary

involuntary conscription ignores you will and forces you to join the military. involuntary sexual intercourse ignores the person's wishes and forces sex on them. involuntarily celibate means the male doesnt wish to be celibate, but is

virtually ALL male virgins are incels, regardless of what they think or what they complain about. NOBODY wants to be alone their entire life and never experience love and sex and intimacy. being deprived of love, intimacy and a loving relationship is something NOBODY wants, as its one of the greatest pleasures in life

if you think "robots" are not incels you're genuinely delusional or a brainless retard

and just because someone has a mental illness or physically ugly doesnt mean they cant be a incel, what kind of FUCKING LOGIC is that, you dumbass normie retard. you literally contradict yourself in your core arguement

theres nothing wrong with being an incel

>involuntary celibate
>choose to be khv
lol you idiot

Selection for breeding is based on genetics which expresses itself through inherent traits and instincts, if you're not inherently what they want in the world then they want you out of it. Not difficult logic.

You lost me at "Reddit"

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There is no US you fucking retard. Incels =/= robots. Robots have alot of problems while incels life is only bad because "tfw no gf". I wish it was that easy

We aren't incels on here. We are simply being invaded by your kind