Niche feels

ITT: We post very specific feels, not in expectation that they will be understood but hoping we can at least acknowledge each other's

>tfw nobody to appreciate Spanish (as in from Spain) rap with

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you cringe at how you used to eat lunch by yourself under a tree during HS, but deep down know that you are now worse off because you lack the confidence to do the same today

>tfw a volunteer group texted you "where are you? we miss you" and you didn't know how to respond and were paralyzed by fear of sperging out via text so you don't

>tfw you sometimes consider maybe therapy would be good for you, then think again and realize that if you could trust someone to help you learn to trust others' intentions you wouldn't be considering therapy

>tfw somehow every thread you post in declines soon after, as if somehow you're the pariah who ruined the vibe

>tfw Jow Forums is comforting because you can lie to yourself and tell yourself everything will soon be deleted and is untraceable, even neither is true

>tfw you get busted shoplifting 2 bolillos from the mexican supermarket but the security gets you a burrito instead and gives you the phone number for a hiring construction company

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I hope you see your way out of whatever situation led to you shoplifting bolillos.

Also, I acknowledge your feel user, may better feels come your way.

>tfw you are indirectly responsible for the death of a hobo by redpilling him for half an hour every time when bringing him food and a beer so he becomes a vocal nazi then weeks later nigs lynch him

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Every time

>Tfw nobody to talk to about stuff like space travel or growing plants/vegetables anymore, only on Jow Forums sometimes when the threads appear

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Thank you for the kind words user, this has been quite a while ago. Things are looking better now, I haven't shoplifted ever since that occasion and got to share a few heart warming conversations with the man a few more times. His name was Jesus, which is quite fitting. He retired or changed jobs before I was able to repay him unfortunately.

Sounds like a heavy feel, hope you learn to manage it

>every time

Not this time, not today :'^

What the hell? Can you greentext this?

>Thank you for the kind words user
Always welcome

>He retired or changed jobs before I was able to repay him unfortunately.

I'm sure he wasn't doing it with the expectation of repayment, but also, that people like him would much rather see you pay it forward than back. Never too late

>TFW you will never be banished to an illusory city where it's eternally night and you are the only resident, forced to prowl its dark, foggy alleys until one miraculous night, a loli shinigami finds the dimension you're lost in and severs your soul from it, finally freeing you from a fate of eternal suffering

doesnt get more interesting, but here you go
>be me
>live in west coast ghetto
>not the worst area, but still 90% coloureds, mostly black
>associate with Jow Forums way of thinking
>eat frequently at niche pizza place on my own
>this one white homeless guy in his 60s sitting at a nearby wall all the time
>one day waves at me and greets with a ridiculously heavy southern accent
>never heard such a heavy accent, get intrigued
>bring out my pizza after eating half of it inside, sit down next to him
>'hey paps, name's user, how you doin?'
>ah, a likeminded redpilled individual I see
>start talking about nogs, slavery, then we move on to jews
>get quite deep into it, both of us enjoying eachother's company
>get him a beer from the gas station across
>walk by some days later, with onion bagels and a beer in a bag for him
>sit down, talk conspiracies, holocaust denial, his youth, music career and army stories, sharing dumb jokes, explaining Jow Forums memes
>visit him few more times
>notice he gets really loud about his opinion towards passers by
>one day see him having moved from his signature spot for the first time
>gave him the usual pack, had to hurry somewhere tho
>walk there a week later, he isn't there
>guessing he moves around now
>check back frequently, but still nowhere to be seen
>ask around, gas station guy said apparently he got into a fight with hood kids and got beat until heart failure
>tfw enabled a hobo to speak up his hatred only to get murked for it
>tfw lost my only redpilledbro

>tfw no one to share obscure metal from shithole countries with

>tfw captcha keeps showing neverending images of buses or store fronts for two minutes

God fucking damnit, user. Hits too hard.

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way to fuck up the thread retard.

Come on now, I'm sure it has more to do with the time of the day/timezone

It's only natural some people will end up on the tail end of a thread more than others

>tfw no bullies allowed

>tfw being a victim of self fulfilling prophecies

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touching if true
that sucks user

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Aw that fucking sucks. Rip based hobo

Knew an older Russian guy who worked security at a market when he was in his early twenties. He told me about how hard it was to have to punish kids and teenagers stealing food to stop themselves from starving. Hope life is better for you, user.

Was reading more about the Voyager program and the golden records. This is all that will be left once humanity dies and fades into dust, a small reminder of what we were, that will probably never be found and heard again. Drifting eternally through the void

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>tfw have no interest in sex or relationships
>still developing some kind of fucked up pseudo-crush on a girl from class who makes a point of talking to you every class and seems like a genuinely good person
>she's a fucking lesbian on top of everything
Fuck man I think all the loneliness and substance abuse is seriously fucking my shit up

Something about voyager, its purpose and its contents is super comfy. Wish we sent a bunch more out.
Homeless vets seem pretty redpilled desu. Overheard 3 of them talking about the rothschilds and bilderberg on a greyhound.