
What are your minimum requirements for a gf in terms of:
>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
>mental health
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
>wants children or not
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
>any types of skills/hobbies
>does she need common interests?
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Same as my guy friends but with something to put my dick in.

The minimal requirement is not posting on r9k

Friendly reminder that this what females go through on dating sites
So minimum requirementens would be simply having a vagina, if youre an actual female op you won, now kill yourself

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decent teeth and taller than me
not black.
normie age range
don't really care either way but if she's *really* fucking stupid then maybe
>standing at life
doesn't matter, what's important is actually trying to improve
>wants children
I don't really know myself at this point so I'll leave this one unanswered
>Personality traits
someone who would settle for my autism, which rules out most uber-roasties, meaning that whatever gf I would get would be satisfactory.
no preference
>does she need common interests
would be really nice but being your own person is an excellent thing too. Obviously there has to be some sort of understanding or overlap at the minimum since shitting on anyone's hobby is bad.
>does she need a social life
No clue. I don't have one so I have no frame of reference
>Sex crazed animal or low libido
I've got a pretty low libido so I'd be fine with whatever i guess
>does she need to be a good conversationalist
yes. At least with me
Never seen one so I'll take what I can get
Why did I respond to this b8 post

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I honestly don't think about half that shit. I'm not consciously assigning them fucking stats or making a checklist.
If I like hanging out with her and I'm horny for her, that works.

>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
I would date a burn victim as long as she bathed regularly.
I would date any race
I would date any girl from 20-35
>>mental health
depends what kind of mental illness. If she has bipolar, BPD or schizophrenia I don't want anything to do with her.
anyone that isn't mentally retarded
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
I feel like I shouldn't expect any woman to want a neet whose working only to find themselves supporting their neet bf. Being poor is a great way to never have a chance at relationships :)
>>wants children or not
If we could financially support a child and give them a good life I definitely would want a child but I doubt we ever would be able to afford a child with only one person working.
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
I think honesty and openness in a person I can trust is very important
>>any types of skills/hobbies
reading, movies, video games, television, art, drawing, sports
>>does she need common interests?
I think every relationship including friendships need some common interests to be able to have conversation pieces.
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
I'd prefer a girl who keeps to herself like me. I think I would be incompatible with a party girl
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
As long as she aint fucking other dudes I don't care god gave me two hands and the devil taught me how to use them to sin.
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
I'd rather she be socially awkward like me
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
What the fuck kind of question is that lmao

>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Has to be hot and clean her asshole
not abbo. or black
no older than 23
>>mental health
not leftist
see above
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
ideally she is a neet
>>wants children or not
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
honest, loyal, not a whore
>>any types of skills/hobbies
likes cooking and cleaning
>>does she need common interests?
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
she cant have male friends or be friends with girls who drink or fornicate
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
high libido and size queen
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
tight, innie

>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Anything really. I'm not opposed to helping an ugly or fat woman improve herself and make herself more attractive and dating her while doing it
I'd prefer white because I'd prefer to have white kids but I'm not opposed to dating or falling love with any race of woman
16-45. Otherwise known as breeding age
>>mental health
Stable enough where she won't kill herself or me
I'd vastly prefer an intelligent woman but any level would be fine with me
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
Doesn't matter to me but I'd probably stay away from successful women because I don't want to drag them down since I'm not successful
>>wants children or not
She needs to want children. That is a deal breaker for me. If it comes out she is infertile, I'm willing to stay if we get another woman pregnant and raise the kid. I really want a family, a wife and kids. I've always wanted it since I was a kid.
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Loyal, honest, and trust worthy. Won't steal from me or cheat on me
>>any types of skills/hobbies
Doesn't matter to me. Whatever she likes I'm willing to try
>>does she need common interests?
Preferably but not required. Would love to play video games together
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
Doesn't matter to me
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
At least willing to have sex a few times a week and willing to try new things
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
Not really, as long as she is willing to spend time with me, listen, and is willing to talk
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
Never crosses my mind but one where it doesn't hurt to have sex

Reply if you're willing to try me

I like all body types but obese women. Good hygiene. Nice smile, and personally I find hair very feminine and attractive.
Not really a concern given if they are at least a 7.
Preferably around my age.
>Mental health
I like smarter people. I believe no one likes stupid people unless you are a 10/10
>Anything goes
Immaturity is the only thing that bothers me.
>Anything goes
>Anything goes
>Anything goes
>Definitely yes
I like to talk a lot, and I enjoy when women can actually express what they want/feel. No guessing bullshit
>Anything goes

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Not a white girl

I like tall white women. A lovable face. Does not wear makeup. Not fat. Good hygiene. Ideally about my age. A stable, nurturing person. Very intelligent. Independent. Loves animals. Really loves animals, like I do, and is also good with them. Knows how to ride a horse. Willing to travel the world to study animals in the wild with me and start a zoo. She needs work ethic. I do not expect or encourage clinginess in the initial dating stage, but if she is not going to be an active part of my life that helps me strive towards my goals, she is not the one. Needs to understand that as attractive as I find her and as much as I may want sex, I am also terrified of it. We can get through that together, but only if she truly loves me. I love good conversations and I love moments of silence. Dare I say, a virgin.

Bonus if she is a very tan blonde with short hair that wears white or no nail polish.

What terrifies me the most about women, though, is that they absolutely do want children.

Also, not religious, not vegan. I would absolutely give up meat to be with such a girl, but there is nothing wrong with keeping your own milk goat and layer hens and anybody who thinks otherwise is just as bad as people who think skydaddy is listening.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
average, superb hygiene
dont really care, black preferred because i look forward to dealing with racist in laws
21 min
>mental health
all women are insane
at least above average
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
dont care as long as not neet
>wants children or not
dont care
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
sense of humor, i can mold the rest
>any types of skills/hobbies
>does she need common interests?
dont care, differing interests just makes things more interesting
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
dont care
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
dont care
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
Yes...or at least willing to be taught how to be one
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
No one cares about this but people who've never touched one

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My employer provides a lot of benefits to couples, can someone please pretend to be on a defacto relationship thanks. I want to live in a bigger house and you'd get your part of it no charge, they'll even pay for travel and other stuff. Just, please don't bring people into the house, that would make me sad. You can literally just sit and play vidya all day of you want.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
skinny and pale. good hygiene. a face that's not angular maybe prominent cheekbones but easy does it cowboy
north european or very pale asians
no younger than 16 no older than 30
>mental health
prefer some kind of instability desu just as long as she's not bitchy/mopey/aggressive towards me
doesn't matter as long as she's kind and loving
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
if she acts like your typical female bitch she better be rich, if she's actually human and caring then i give absolutely no fucks
>wants children or not
no more than 2
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
bit shy and insecure is nice especially if she's easily embarrassed but not offended
>any types of skills/hobbies
some kind of passion is required otherwise she's going to default to the cock carousel
>does she need common interests?
no but she can't look down on mine
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
leech me good babe
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
low libido thirsty chicks are annoying
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
a virgin one
well looks like i'll be forever alone lads if i was a girl this standard would be my personal bare minimum but i'm sure you can tell my opinion of women by the way this was worded

for married couples right, I've never heard of benefits for just bf/gf

Not just married, defacto as well, just need to show you're together, easy enough to fake.

Sometimes I have to go to sea though, so entertaining yourself is a must.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
4/10 if amazing personality, 6/10 if not. No hygiene's a dealbreaker.

Doesn't matter

At least a sophomore in college, up to late 20s

>mental health
Gotta be healthy mentally, I've had exes who weren't, never again

Smart enough to get through college

>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
Working hard, either academically or career-wise.

>wants children or not
Not looking for kids

>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
honest, strong-sense of self, good genuine person. Probably the most important thing on the list

>any types of skills/hobbies
Something they're passionate about

>does she need common interests?
Some, but not everythin

>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
100% has to have her own social life, clingy is a dealbreaker.

>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Moderate-to-low's fine as long as there's something

>does she need to be a good conversationalist?

>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
lol wat

Are you a girl (boy)? Where are you located?

Basically the only things that matter to me are 1) at least like 4/10 face and 3/10 body and 2) do we have compatible personalities and 'click' with each other. Which I guess is another way of saying that it mostly comes down to preference: what some like others won't. Oh and no one cares what your vagina looks like. Seriously, don't fall for the bait about "roasties" these literal virgins spout.

>minimum requirements
And incels post their ideal gf. Reading comprehension gives up.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Neither fat to the point of being gross or skinny to the point of being sickly, lets say min20-35max bmi
being smelly and having bad breath are deal breakers
Dont care
>mental health
So long as theyre not threatening me with suicide its fine
Able to challenge me intellectually would be really nice. but a dumb gf isnt a dealbreaker
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
None of these are deal breakers
>wants children or not
idk, i do want children.but i think id be ok without any
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
insecurity and outgoingness are not preferred, but so long as theyre not extreme about it it should be fine
>any types of skills/hobbies
Typical loser/nerd hobbies would be nice
>does she need common interests?
I would like that so we could talk to eachother about the shit we like
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
Leech gf sounds nice
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Low libido gf pls
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
no, lord knows im not.
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
literally never crossed my mine. how many types of vaginas are there?

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Boy(boy), Australia

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
will take face as low as 3/10 but absolutely must hace C cups or larger. any height is okay, can be a little chunky some thicc is okay but not fat. If not thin then tits need to be even larger to compensate
no blacks. no islanders. no mud-asians.
>mental health
will take some problems but absolutely no addictive tendencies or liars allowed
at least average. will take below average if she has traits of extreme loyalty and obedience
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
literally anything as long as she maintains a forward momentum
>wants children or not
having worked in a reitrement home I have seen a literal 100% rate of regret in all elderly who didn't have kids. I "would" be neutral on the matter but its crystal clear I should have kids and whoever is with me should too
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
almost everything is okay except for traits that show lying/disloyalty/retarded risk taking/getting shitfaced/tattoos behavior
>any types of skills/hobbies
this is the clincher because for me its very necessary that a woman has a hobby other than media/daytimetv/instagram/romance novels. But almost none do. This one alone eliminates 95% of women as they don't have the motivation to have actual hobbies. Having a hobby makes her automatically several times as valuable and attractive
>does she need common interests?
no, as long as she doesn't dislike mine and what I do. its okay to have different interests as long as you can both remain supportive

>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
prefer she has one but she doesn't need one, clingy is fine
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
either is fine
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
as long as she's capable of not giving npc/meme style answers to everything, or willing to admit she doesn't know whats being talked about honestly
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
as long as they arent roast beef flaps hanging down like 4 inch curtains, but will always prefer a clean and proper pussy

not on the list but very important is her relationship with her parents, and how she interacts with her father

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Decent hygiene, shorter, slim, normal/cute face
all have hot and not so idc
same as me
>mental health
I can handle someone with some problems, as I've been around them my whole life and I'm pretty mentally strong, but no fucked girls
completed highschool and isn't daft I don't mind if they didn't go to harvard
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
want them to have a decent work, prefer to have a degree, prefer them to be successful
>wants children or not
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
not a bitch, not insecure or shy, probably more of a risk-taker
>any types of skills/hobbies
as long as she has something she is passionate about
>does she need common interests?
yea Im shy and need something to talk about
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
have her own
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
doesnt have to be crazy but preferable
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
preferably something clean and tight

>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
All of these things can change so they are negligible. Also if she is on the lower end of the scale then a platonic relationship can develop and I could fall for her personality, this will make the relationship much stronger.
white, not (((white))). I mean Northern European in origin, no Britons or Irish allowed.
over 18 under 25
I'm 22 so that's a large range
would extend to 16-30 though
>>mental health
anything is acceptable. I haven't dealt with any mental cases but I am sure it can be worked through.
preferably high, but low is fine
As long as she isn't a total retard I can teach her to be highly functional on an intellectual level.
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet,
working a low paying job, going to college, having a
successful future, etc)
ideally success, but I am supposed to be the one with a career.
>>wants children or not
wants children, if she doesn't that's fine too, but I doubt she would feel that way after I take her babysitting kids.
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing,
compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Risk taker, confident, outgoing, fun, interesting, creative, and wise.
Honesty and Loyalty
I would settle for shy, insecure, homebody though.
>>any types of skills/hobbies
Cooking, Archery, Horseback riding, Hiking, Camping, Rafting, Swimming, and Reading.
Though I would settle for vidya or anime nerd with no real skills if she and clicked.
>>does she need common interests?
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life
of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
It'd be nice, I'd like to meet her friends. Clingy can be cute when it isn't irritating.
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have
a moderate-to-low libido?
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
yes or responsive to questions
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or
does this not cross your mind?

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I think your looking for non-robot anons. These niggers have no standards yet they still cant get ANYONE to love them.

>What are your minimum requirements for a gf in terms of:
looks don't matter. I have to like talking to her though.
light brown/blonde hair/light eyes. Northern European
virgin, generous, kind, heart of gold, friendly.
she can be stupid and depressed but as long as they has a good personality.
she would have to have the qualities of a good friend.
age :19-23
not much else matters

Can't be above 5ft8
body not a skeleton or a fatass
Eyes must be beautiful and symmetric face
hygiene nothing ridiculous
from 3 years younger to 3 years older
>mental health
Nothing freaky
>standing at life
I don't care where they truly are in life as long as they have somewhat of a legit plan for the future
>wants children or not
fun, loyal. Shy/modest if possible.
Nothing freaky/weird
>common interests
must like at the very least of small hikes
>social life
as long as she has at least 1 other friend to hang around with I don't care
>sex crazed or no
Don't really care unless if she is completely numb on sex or a fucking rabbit while breeding
>good conversationalist or no\
Very well be able to be a conversationalist
>vagina type
Don't really care unless if it's an alien pussy

Btw she needs to be Christian and not dress like a slut.

My minimum requirements really are that she exists, pays attention to me and is hopefully not morbidly obese

Although it would really be amazing if I can find a gf that plays an instrument so we can play together, or who listens to the same kind of music I do, Marty Friedman Jason Becker etc

What about a girl that can decently sing? Asking for a friend..

Sure that would be good, I've been wanting to find other musicians but im autistic as fuck so nothing happened, I thought about trying to learn to sing myself so I can record some songs with vocals but I'm too embarrassed to practice singing and I hate the sound of my own voice

i'm tweaking out rn so i don't have the focus to fill this out properly.
girls, live in the USA, be younger than me, shorter than me, not ugly, weigh less than 150 lbs, preferably under 100 desu but it's rare. also don't be a gigantic cunt.

look a bit like me, not unhealthy, mostly ugly is ok, people might stare though because of the contrast
as long as she doesn't look really different, it's ok, I'm dark haired, dark eyed spaniard look,
not more than a few yrs older than me
>mental health
nothing dangerous is all
as long as she can understand simple things and can be a little bit self sufficient, like dress herself and keep clean when I'm gone, it's ok
no standing required
I'd like children very much, so she'd have to be willing I guess
nothing destructive or cruel is all
>skills/ hobbies
cooking would be nice, good with kids, no hobbies necessary
>common interests
not necessary, just that she doesn't disapprove of mine
not very social,
>sex drive
don't care too much, but being hyper-sexual would make me uncomfortable
as long as she can talk about simple things like household finances, that's about it
a healthy one

has to be ok with me being deployed anywhere in the world at any time,
no public internet presence


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Blue eyes, BMI in the low greens, between 165 and 175cm, clean
Northern huwhite
Between 15 and 20
>Mental Health
Must be healthy, not depressed
At least 105IQ
>Standing at life
Don't care, but no broken family
>Wants children
Yes, many
Nurturing and reserved
At least one productive hobby, don't care what
>Common interests
Must have national socialist sympathies
>Social life
Yes, but modestly. No stacy behaviour.
Not sex-crazed please, but a healthy libido nonetheless.
At least somewhat
Don't care as long as she's a virgin

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oh, almost forgot. roast beef lips are preferred, and she needs to put out once each night.

just don't be covered in acne, don't be 90kgs+ and shower once every 4 days and your good in my book
any race
>mental health
i will deal with anything excluding serious schizophrenia and the like
any level baring less than 75
>standing at life
doesn't matter to me
>wants children or not
prefer not, but not a deal breaker
as long as you aren't super insecure or boring or nothing like that.
i'm not worrying about skills but it would be nice if she had at least 1 hobby
>common interests
my interests are pretty out there so i don't mind
>social life?
i have about the best kind of social life a robot can have, which is not saying much but she can have whatever sort of social life, i don't mind
as long as she doesn't mind me jerking off she can have whatever sort of libido
I like ranting a bit, so you don't have to be able to hold a conversation, just be a good listener
i didn't even know there were different kinds of vagina, but as long as its not a complete roastie, im fine
please someone love me

>no britons or irish
redpilled, britons aren't white
>if she doesn't want kids I'll activate her hormones
>Cooking, Archery, Horseback riding, Hiking, Camping, Rafting, Swimming, and Reading

So many responses like yours, I think sluts are going to have a real hard time finding men among the young generations.

>>mental health
not leftist
top kek user

>So many responses like yours
>I think sluts are going to have a real hard time finding men among the young generations.
No, it's because Jow Forums is full of virgin losers

>Asking for a friend..
difference between guys & girls, when a girl says she's asking for a friend, she actually is.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
not obese and decently cute
white or asian
older than 18 younger than 30
>mental health
she can't be crazy towards me, otherwise whatever is fine
Average is fine
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
She needs to have a passion for something and be ambitious enough to pursue it.
>wants children or not
Preferable. So long as she's not anti-children.
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Anything so long as she's nice.
>any types of skills/hobbies
What they are doesn't matter, but it'd be nice if she had some.
>does she need common interests?
This would be preferable, I'd like to take her to cons and stuff and watch her play my favourite RPGs.
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
Either is fine.
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
I would prefer moderate-to-high libido as I have a high libido.
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
good enough so things aren't super awkward.
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
One that is virginal.

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>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Athletic, tomboy preferred. If people mistake her for my son when we're out and about, it would be fucking hilarious.
European, north or east. I'm generally more attracted to slavic women. French women are ok, too, I guess.
16-30, but each year over 23 means she has to be progressively better in all other areas.
>mental health
Stable and tough. This is non-negotiable due to past experiences.
110+ IQ.
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
This doesn't matter.
>wants children or not
Yes. 3 minimum.
>any types of skills/hobbies
Cooking, cleaning, and being able to take care of other daily necessities are a must. I'd like to be with someone who enjoys cycling and can go sanic (for a woman) but that's rare as hell, so not a must. She should be passionate about something productive/creative, and able to take criticism of her work in the pursuit of improvement.
>does she need common interests?
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
I don't want her life to revolve entirely around me.
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Moderate. Have been with sex-crazed women. It's awful.
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
Pic related

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>If she has bipolar, BPD or schizophrenia I don't want anything to do with her.

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then there are the freaks like me who actually prefer them

> above 6/10, thicc, smoll, high
>no sandnigger
>my age
>nothing that destroys your life
>should be able to life on her own
>no kids
>not a whore, IDGAF about the rest
>should have a couple but nothing in particular
>should have a bunch of friends
>sexdrive above the male average
>should be able to talk for at LEAST an hour
>as long as it does its job

tfw read every post and so far don't meet anyone's minimum standards.

>not fat or chubby
Only two requirements

Face, I don't know really. I find many different things pretty, but I think eyes are best part of face.
Body, just don't be fat. I don't care about tits/ass really.
Height, shorter than my height (178cm) maybe.
Hygiene, normal?
Any. I'm probably a bit biased towards nordic-type girls though.
>Mental health
I don't mind small to medium stuff. Just don't have full blown psychosis going on. I have experience with people with mental issues so I can understand and deal with these things
Yeah, a smart girl would be nice, so I can talk about deeper stuff with her too. Talking about the type of intelligence which means you're capable of understanding new and different conepts and ideas.
>Standing at life
Don't really care
>Wants children
In the future, I guess. Not in the next 5 years maybe.
I don't really know exactly. I'm rather introverted so either someone that is introverted too or someone who can force me to do stuff. Honesty a must ofc.
>Any types of skills/hobbies
I don't have any real specific hobbies myself so kinda hard to say. Skills can be learned.
>Does she need common interesrs?
Yeah, but doesn't need to match perfectly.
Kinda hard to do stuff together otherwise.
>Does she need to have social life
Well, I kinda preferred if she had a smaller social circle.
I don't mind a lower libido as long as she can enjoy intimacy and sex with me.
>Good conversationalist
Define good. Of course I want to talk with her about everything. It doesn't have to be anything special, as long as we communicate and understand each other. Words are not always needed if everything clicks.
Don't care about what it looks like.

>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Average in all of these aspects is more than okay.
>>mental health
As long as it's nothing that's going to be dangerous, it's okay.
Our society is fucked, I won't fault anybody for being damaged by it.
Average is fine.
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to
college, having a successful future, etc)
I don't care, if she's a NEET or wants to stay at home, I'll support her.
>>wants children or not
I'd like children.
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Preferably introverted and reserved. An outgoing person who wants to go see other people all the time wouldn't really be compatible with me.
Honest and loyal.
A little analytical.
>>any types of skills/hobbies
As long as she has something she enjoys doing, that's okay.
It'd be a plus if she liked gardening.
>>does she need common interests?
Doesn't have to be the same as mine, but preferably something outside of normie media consumption.
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
I don't mind. I don't have a great deal of a social life myself.
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Moderate-to-low would be ideal.
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
No, I'm sure it's something that would develop between us.
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
I don't care.

are you asexual or something? or an obese trap?

>No, it's because Jow Forums is full of virgin losers
t. toastie

I'm a virgin loser, I just don't think the world is becoming a tough place for roasts.

chad doesn't want a harem
there aren't enough men with low enough standards

I don't have preconceived requirements I don't restrict my dating pool like that (anymore). My test is really just if we get along and could live together happily.

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Chad is perfectly fine with a harem as long as he doesn't have to support more than one of them. And I don't see any evidence for roasts having dating problems, at least not until they grow old, when it's just the natural state that nobody wants them.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
At least shorter than me (5 feet 11)
Not bothered by the face
Not bothered by the body
No fake nails
Please shower. I dated a girl who was content with not showering after 3 days of shagging
Unimportant. My family are mostly mixed
I'm 25. I won't date anyone below 20 or above 30
>mental health
I have depression. It's being treated. After my friend got stabbed by his bipolar girlfriend, I won't date one if they refuse treatment
Pragmatic. Preferably decent athe debating. Would enjoy someone who was university educated.
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
I couldn't care, but they should understand that their influence as an individual and their input can lead to less happiness derived from the relationship. I dated a girl with no GCSE's and she didn't understand the concept of employment since her parents were minted
>wants children or not
I want children
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Has a sense of humour
Analytical (none of that 'I can stalk someone on social media so I'm pretty much a genius')
Not bothered if shy or talkative
>any types of skills/hobbies
Why would I find a preference for a female that shares a hobby I desire?
>does she need common interests?
I've dated a girl who's genuine interest was sleeping with men. She had slept with 27 before me.
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
I'm not too bothered. Most lasses in the UK are mental anyway and literally either are the most catty or the most meek
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
I can live with either. What I can't live with is someone using sex as a weapon
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?

>tfw no London gf

backstory? What's this fucking niggadry

>a girl who's genuine interest was sleeping with men. She had slept with 27 before me.
that sounds both tragic and hot at the same time. very confused boner right now

I don't want a gf from here. I just want to bully a girl from here

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>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Matching mine (some 6-7/10). Higher than mine would probably make me insecure, and lower is... well, I don't want to go lower than myself. I prefer thin, but as long as she's not fat, I'm good. As for height, I prefer 5'9 girls and above, but minimum would be 5'7. I'm 6'3, I don't want to fuck up my back giving my girl a kiss. Hygiene... Well, just basic human hygiene, shower every day and all that, y'know.
Really any except Asian (and I'm counting Indian under Asian too)
>>mental health
Schizophrenia's a no-no, other than that, we're good (obviously, no mental retardation or such either)
Just be above normie-level
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
Honestly couldn't care less
>>wants children or not
fuck no
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Well, I suppose a girl extroverted and energetic would complement me well, but honestly, I'd go for any girl as long as she's honest and not a complete cunt.
>>any types of skills/hobbies
If she's got anything other than make-up/wine/travelling, she's good.
>>does she need common interests?
At least a common taste in music (which is really anything from blues to black metal, as long as the guitar's good)
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
No preference here.
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Well, I've a somewhat low sex-drive myself, but that might just be the depression. No preference-
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
Well, I'm not... But then again, when I click with someone, it's usually not a problem.
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
Not an artificial one.

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
>mental health
Knows they're mentally ill
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
5; just be a human trying to get by
>wants children or not
Yay or nay
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
>any types of skills/hobbies
>does she need common interests?
common interests are the foundation of a mutual relationship
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
either or
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
either or
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
Has to understand silence between us
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
fucking what

>what kind of vagina
>Not an artificial one.
well memed, my friend. it's sad how far we've fallen that we have to mention this

anyone who actually tries to talk to me or is the one who starts convo is my dream girl.

If i stop talking to someone after a week or a month, they will legit forget i exist.

Rather than list things off, I have an ideal gf image that should give you a pretty good idea of where I am right now.

Attached: image.jpg (700x700, 82K)

as long as i find her cute and she's clean.
less than me (28)
>mental health
no schizos or BPD
at least average
irrelevant as long as she doesn't expect to be a parasite (stay at home momming is okay when the kids are very young, but you'd better try hard at it)
>wants children
at least two, I'm an only and the last person who can pass on my family line.
as long as she does something other than fucking around on her phone all day
something would be nice but I don't feel it's necessary.
>social life
I have no social life so it would be fine if we just social lifed together for the most part
I like to ejaculate every other day or so, if she's not willing to help that often I always have masturbation.
I'm an autist so I'd just talk over her dumb shit about what autistic shit i wanna talk about anyways
a fertile one, idk why robots are picky here, it's a hole for making babies.

picrel is like my upper boundary for fat, I love pregnant women so girls who carry their fat in the belly and don't have rolls are actually cuter than ones with flat bellies to me.

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5\10, healthy bmi, wash hair and body regularly, shave somewhat regularly
not black or especially dark skinned
I'm 19 and would prefer a 19 year old frankly
but 18-21 is fine
it shouldn't excuse you being a shit person.
not a big deal as long as they aren't wilfully ignorant.
No NEETs, everything else is fine so long as it isn't ultra dead end and there's some kind of plan to pursue something somewhat lucrative or meaningful to them.
wants children at some point
not too outgoing but able to hold a conversation and ok with very small gatherings (

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>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
I'm a sucker for a beautiful face. Not too fat but it has to be warm and inviting. Anything above 5'8 is probably too tall for me. Should have good hygiene (shower, etc). I like chubby chicks or thicc girls. I'm an ass guy so if she has one then shes got my attention. Basically ass>face>height>hygiene
Doesnt matter to me desu. I have a thing for hispanics.
Younger than me or slightly older. I'm 26 so anywhere between 21-29
>mental health
Depends. I have problems too so if they are willing to talk about them and we are able to understand each other then i don't really care.
a basic understanding of philosophy, politics, and psychology would be nice. Must be able to teach me stuff.
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
going to college/working is preferable.
>wants children or not
Must want children
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
I dont mind shy but not to the point to where im literally doing all the work.
>any types of skills/hobbies
No real preference here. People have their hobbies.
>does she need common interests?
Not really. This is what a relationship is about. Learning about each others interest. It makes things easier but i want to be able to teach someone something.
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
a bit of both. Its nice to feel wanted/needed. I dont really get out much so having someone I know I can hang out with would be pretty rad.
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
moderate to low. Kawaii in the streets, senpai in the sheets as they say
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
Somewhat. see my shy comment above.
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
no roastie

>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
reasonable hygiene, don't care about body features as long as she's virgin

any but negro. Anyway, if I move to some other country, I may date a nigress.

legal age, and below 55 years old

>>mental health
no illnesses allowed

no problem, as long as she's not fuckin' stupid

>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
no fucks given, as long as she does laundry/chores/cook/etc

>>wants children or not
don't care - the burden of pregnancy is actually on her

>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
anything goes, as long as she is not a skank

>>any types of skills/hobbies
no fucks given here

>>does she need common interests?
yes, at least anime, vidya, cuddling, cats

>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
she may have some social life, as long as she loves clinging on to me

>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
I'd say "anything goes", but a sex crazed animal may render my life a mess. I have to get up at 6am every morning because of my job.

>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
it doesn't matter; anyway, bonus points if she is

>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
all of her holes shall be virgin and reasonably clean.

TL;DR: non-virgin females, G.T.F.O.

What about the 18+ years following the pregnancy, user? Or even during? She isn't going to teleport to the hospital.

>Hey, hey, CIA!!!

>face - 6/10
>body - not twig woman, not whale woman (whale is 250 and up, whearas twig is less than 100)
>height - less than 5'5, a little more is fine
>hygiene - clean ass + vagene, 1 shower a week is good as long as she washes her hands OCD - style
>race - only honky cracka, but rice gook is good if im super desperate (which i am obviously)
>age - same as me 18 is good, but anything from 16-20 is fine
>mental health - as long as she doesnt throw shit at the walls, we cool nigga, autismo recommended
>intelligence - lowest 110 heighest 120 (no point her being smarter than me, its a waste)
>she can not want kids at the begging, I'll just show her cute baby videos
>personality traits - shy, insecure, complaint, honest (thank u OP), likes artistic stuff but not in a hoey manner (ie. look at me im an artist, oh ma god), redpilled (anything that's not basic bitch core of political beliefs), basically like a shy art girl that wants babies and a cabin in the woods
>skills - artistic stuff, no matter what kind or something that requieres commitement like gardening or sewing or handywork like that
>hobbies - film would be best, any art is good tho, politics but really i dont care as long as she wants to do new stuff
>does she need common interests? - yeah, or at least an interest and an openness towards my interests
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech? - cling on to me would be best, i honestly would be pretty upset (not jealousy wise, just why bother wise) if she went to parties and shit like that
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido? - like 3 times a day is best with a day off here and there but 1 a day is good (not great tho)
>does she need to be a good conversationalist? - yeah, not in the charming way, just interesting

>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
no job is best, low wage is fine, career is bad, succesful in the regular meaning is actually just filth, college is a whoretown

>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
the one with no meat on the outside although as long as shes a virigin i dont care

Wrote too much to fit this in one post, funny stuff

>very intelligent
you've just shrunk your dating pool to 1 percent of the population, good job bro

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Honestly I'm not too picky, aslong as a girl takes care of herself I won't mind how she looks
Race doesn't matter but I don't really find black girls all too attractive, but I find brown girls more attractive then whites
Doesn't care
>mental health
Doesn't matter, if she has issues like anxiety or depression I'd just do what I could to help her when she needed it, bpd is a bit trickier but honestly not a deal breaker for me
Doesn't matter but I enjoy talking about complex things
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
Honestly I would love to have a housewife, so this doesn't really matter to me
>wants children or not
I would prefer if she wants children cause I do, but not a requirement
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Honest, loyal, funny or atleast likes my humor. Otherwise anything is fine aslong as we get along, personality matters more to me then looks
>any types of skills/hobbies
She doesn't need anything but of course it could add more to our interactions
>does she need common interests?
Atleast enough common ground we can get to know eachother
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
I love clingy girls, but social life or not it doesn't matter
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
I would prefer moderate or above average, at the very least she's into bdsm and similar kinks, otherwise not a big deal, sex to me is romantic and should only be done by two people who love each other. I may be into bdsm but I'm not a degenerate
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
I would prefer it but not a big deal, I talk a lot when I like somebody
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
Doesn't matter to me

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>racist inlaws
haha I made a retarded mongrel that will show them

nice selfish reason to have kids, buddy
Don't wanna be mean but how do people like you exist

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Shower once a day at least and keep yourself in shape so you arent fat. Height is fine anywhere between 5'2 and 6 feet.
Anything that isnt african or south east asian
My age or a little younger so 21 to 19
>mental health
Very lenient here so anything that doesnt cause you to leave me or hate me
Some people are more intelligent in different areas so it would be nice if you have a particular area in which you excel or enjoy. Most women assume they are less intelligent than they really are, but as long as when I'm speaking with you I dont feel like I'm speaking with an idiot you should be okay.
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
She can be a NEET but she must have some sort of dream she wants beyond posting on Jow Forums all day and leeching off someone else, on the other end I dont care for the career obsessed either
>wants children or not
Wants children
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Honesty for sure, someone who is shy but outgoing when they have the right person around that allows them to blossom and show their beautiful inner self they didnt know they had
>any types of skills/hobbies
Cooking would be nice, bare minimum is just some kind of interest or hobby outside of anime and what most normies do
>does she need common interests?
We need at least a few things we can both enjoy doing together so of course
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
Leech please
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Well I'm a man so I would like to have sex and often lol, but I could be with someone with a low libido if I love the rest of them
>good conversationalist?
Over time yes
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
One without a penis

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damn nice thicc chicc user

here's my requirements:

>must be virgin, no exceptions (includes mouth or ass or hand shit)
>should be my looksmatch plus or minus 1 point (this is a very low standard)

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>5ft6 and up, average face, good hygiene, any ammount of ass and tits but big tits are preferred, long hair
>decent mental health but not a big deal
>women are not intelligent
>dont care but having a family before shes out of date (30) is required
>must want kids
>modest, not a used up high mileage cunt, obviously honesty is good
>not bothered
>shared interests like certain shows or something is good but i dont care if she isnt an autismal gamer
>idc about her social life as long it doesnt involve drinking or male friends
>no more than three times a day or no less than 4 a week
>must atleast try to be ok to talk to
>must be an innie with no to minimal hair

>looks (face, body, height, hygiene
doesnt shave is about it and not super fat
above 18
>mental health
doesnt matter
hopefully pretty smart
>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
dont care ill take care of her
>wants children or not
i dont want children so idk up to her honestly
>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
if she was up for exercise and being honest.
>any types of skills/hobbies
not really it would be neat though
>does she need common interests?
maybe on politics
>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
while i dont mind her having her own life. i wish she would cling on to me like a leech
>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
sex crazed
>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
yeah i like talking
>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
doesnt matter

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also side note i also love huge tits but considering i have a small dick im willing to compromise with that too

this is you guys right now. you will never get a gf with those standards

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>has a pulse
>loves me
that's it

>minimum requirements
Not totally unattractive, a sense of humor, the ability to think for herself, someone who can be my best friend and not just lover. The rest is just preferences

Minimum requirements for sexual attraction:

>not fat

Optimal requirements for actual long-term gf (impossible):

>decent looking face
>eats healthily
>younger than me
>reasonably intelligent
>sceptical AND open-minded
>not radical feminist or left-wing
>understands my need to be alone sometimes
>likes video games and similar TV shows
>doesn't matter how good a conversationalist she is, actually I would prefer if she was quiet unless talking about an engaging (non-celebrity, non-gossip, non-shopping) topic
>she has to want to have regular sex with me
>what her vagina looks like does not matter at all, nor do I care about amount of body hair, acne, breast size etc.
>any race except black

>>any race except black

hurr durr, wondering why, reeee

Attached: black-girls.jpg (907x905, 228K)

Chevelle looks good enough to fuck

Why is it always niggers?

They're the only race who can afford camera to record these things obviously

These names, holy shit my sides

>she cant have male friends or be friends with girls who drink or fornicate
>high libido and size queen
Hahahahaha. I hope this is a troll.

Kayesha is fine af


>What are your minimum requirements for a gf in terms of:
>>looks (face, body, height, hygiene)
Not obese, not disgustingly dirty. That's about it.
Anything but black who am I kidding, if she was nice and loved me I would still date her
About my age somewhere around 20
>>mental health
I've know enough crazy chicks, please someone who has a healthy psyche.
Doesn't matter to me, an intelligent gf would be nice but as long as she loves me she could be stupid as fuck and I wouldn't care.
>>standing at life (do you care if she is a neet, working a low paying job, going to college, having a successful future, etc)
Don't care
>>wants children or not
If she doesn't I'll convince her
>>personality traits (shy, insecure, outgoing, compliant, honest, risk-taker, fun, etc)
Honest, caring, nice to animals, empathetic, not self centred
>>any types of skills/hobbies
Video games would be nice but as long as it's not sport I'm okay with it.
>>does she need common interests?
That would be really nice, yeah.
>>does she need to have somewhat of a social life of her own or can she cling on to you like a leech?
She can cling onto me but I wouldn't mind her having a social life. I would still be extremely paranoid if she had male friends because of bad experiences though.
>>does she need to be a sex crazed animal or have a moderate-to-low libido?
Sex once per week would be kinda nice.
>>does she need to be a good conversationalist?
>>what kind of vagina does she need to have or does this not cross your mind?
A female natural one.

>mfw I don't meet any requirements

Are you fat or black?

Meh I got time to kill.
> Face
between like 3.4-7/10 generic scoring
> Body
Skinny, fit, chubby or average. I like those ones, I like some curve to the butt but not huge and as far as the boobs go I am not picky on them at all.
Ideally between 4ft 10 and 6ft but would go higher if it was genuine interest
Biggest one. Showers daily, cleans properly and wipes her ass. I prefer shaven most everywhere but top of head, eyebrows and the vagina can be shaped or clean. Honestly though I did not fuss in the past about it and had a girl who was a bit hairy but not Sasquatch.
White, Asian, Black, Indian and the in betweens.
Probably between 21-40 it is mildly movable. It is more so about how we click (27 btw)
>mental health
Just do not cut my dick off or stab me. Be functioning.
Not the biggest concern just not a useless retard. If you can learn then it is fine to not know certain things that seem obvious. If you ask every time for 3 months then you are a lost cause
I do not care. Just be happy about it and if you are not then be willing to work towards changing it.
I am not for or against so I do not care.. again.
Most is fine just not a shopaholic or a thrill seeker.
Fuck amusement parks
Just have some. I do not care if it is drawing, games, knitting boots for ants just do something.
>common interests
A few. I am pretty adaptable and usually take interest in what my lover is into
>social life
I need space. If she can respect I dislike socializing and can be fine with just doing her own things while I relax, build or design then it works out. Read a book, watch a show, even if it is beside me I just need my quiet at times.
Low to moderate.
Doing something often bores me
I need to know if she is not. Just so I do not leave her in a situation she would feel shitty in. Just be willing to talk to me is all.
Functioning not MtF

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