I had sex with my married sister. AMA. And I'm brown(Indian)
I had sex with my married sister. AMA. And I'm brown(Indian)
nice job,pajeet
does she have a poo in loo fetish
No, she didn't really show much fetishes, she was dull in terms of fetishes but extremely horny.
get the fuck off this board fucking faggot nigger
i have more sex than you
Is she pretty? Is she nice? Would you do it again?
she's like a 7/10, but she turns me on insanely. i've been 'groping' her since a young age so it's been a big thing for me.
>Would you do it again?
From one pajeet to another, that is disgusting mate. How could you do that to your own sister? Do you not feel ashamed?
>inb4 this is r9k
Idgaf. You are sick
why is it sick? because society considers it so, lmao? it's completely normal, we're 2 adults who agreed to it + i didn't impregnate her.
So you used a condom?
So had you accidentally impregnated her, you would find it sick, correct?
lol no stop trying to be the morality police faggot.
You made this thread, and I'm judging you. Don't expect to get the responses you want, spastic.
This explains everything
Indians typically dont do this shit. Normally whites
I dont see white people making posts about this desu.
fuck, meant desu. Damn auto correct
are you from UP? do you do same thing with your sister in law?
That explains everything
Don't worry pajeet. Your liberal government will legalise it in two years.
detailed greentext story please
originalio commento
What lead up to this moment?
Green text pls
Are you in India or are you an expat
lol enjoy getting a crippeled tschernobyl baby because you feel cooler that way
Society has all rights to consider it sick according to biology. Fucking your own sister doesn't grant you any bragging rights either.
>I had sex with my married sister
>And I'm (Indian)
Im out.