>always wanted to live in stockholm, mainly because of yung lean / bladee songs that just made me love the vibe
>suicidal since 12 yo
>had therapy, tried xans, tried making my life better, tried gf, tried sex, only get short feelings of happiness that are enough to make me stop feeling suicidal for short time
>decide living is not worth it
>this is my plan: I will travel to Stockholm, enjoy the city, just spend all the money I have and when I get bored / spend all the money, I will just leave the city, find some nice place in the middle of some random forest and eat a lot of xans (10 min, but I plan on buying atleast 20), drink a lot of vodka and slit my wrists
This is 100% real, I am not just crying and venting. My cash is ready, mentally I'm ready, I just need to do few things here and I will do it, probably in 2 weeks. Just wanted to ask: Is there anyone who cares? I can make updates, post some pics of Stockholm and the nature or if anyone from Stockholm is here, we can meet up and talk.
Always wanted to live in stockholm, mainly because of yung lean / bladee songs that just made me love the vibe
live to the age of 19 and reconsider.
19 in November, no big chances are going to happen i guess
I support you OP. I've been through the same. damn those binaryniggers!
Youre still a laddy, you have at least a decade my fren. I wouldnt do it desu but whatever, up to you. Im just some user burger.
I understand, but I dont really think there is anything that can change me. I know that whatever I try, I will always end up lying in bed and thinking about killing myself. Guess I was born like that.
stockbot here, can try to answer questions if you have any
want to talk on discord?
no im too shy sorry origi
in that case:
How expensive is Stockholm? Let's say I want to eat something, enjoy the city and just spend some nice time for 1 day, will like 150eur be enough?
And is there any nice place in nature near Stockholm where it would be nice to die?
Where are you from Op?
south czech republic
Why not spend that cash on a good psychedelic. It might change your whole mindset.
Lsd, dmt or shrooms.
Hell even ketamine is now being studied for refractory depression.
How about trying liquid courage?
yeah,150 will do more than fine for 1 day only. yeah some decent nature reserves just south of town..what makes you wanna end it? is it a specific thing or a more general feeling of pointlessness?
why yes
I don't want to keep myself alive with drugs
I don't see existence as something important, just like an amusement park = if its not fun anymore, you just leave.
dont want to end up alcoholic
general feeling of pointlessness
got you. im not gonna encourage you so ultimately its your choice but id tell you that most thinking people should grapple with that daily. meaning wont descend on anyone I think. I still havent figured it out myself, but im holding out for one day maybe I do. also if you have to, dont do the wrists man, better ways to go. hope you have a blast in stockholm
pussy, besides if you start drinking you will never become a normie
pills are worse then alco
Pretty expensive but you can always find cheap food, 150 will be enough.
I think the only meaning life has is enjoying whatever you can. I will not die sad tho, I will enjoy that last day. I don't want my death to be sad.
I can enjoy drinking with my friends, but I don't want to become fucking addict who would just destroy other people's lives.
Well okay, thanks for answer.
It's not "keeping you alive with drugs"
Psychedelics aren't like benzos or booze, where the effects only make you feel okay for a few hours and then wear off.
A single dose can be life changing. Tripping can be challenging or even difficult though. You will be forced to face a lot about yourself you might be reppressing. A lot of introspection and thinking about the world involved. But a lot of beauty as well, especially if your in nature.
I know, my friend does drugs often and always tells me about trips etc. but he told me he will never ever sell me things like that, because he knows me and he is sure I would end up fucked up and I don't have any other ways of getting drugs
>Is there anyone who cares?
I care. Existence doesn't end with the end of life. You'll going to regret it. If you go the wrong way, you suffer even more. This is not the way out. But do as you wish. Best of luck!
stockholm fucking sucks dude, don't go there, it's almost as disappointing as going to paris and seeing it overrun by all those darkies
I think you'll travel to Stockholm and instantly kill yourself when you see the hellhole of Swedistan
threads kinda died down poltards, if ya gonna bleed your shit into Jow Forums atleast been on time
why are you so obsessed with pol?
what north europe country then?
im not, thats why i stay out of the containment board that was made for you, why dont you stay there?
get out of my comfy suicide thread, this is no place for Jow Forums
Finland is really comfy, I adore the saunas there.
Imagine dying in front of the Northern light.
is that light usual or only on specific times? I dont want to go there to see nothing :(
>saying the word "xans" unironically
bro go to amsterdam instead
I was in Stockholm last year, and honestly it was way worse than what I even saw on Jow Forums, if anything they were downplaying it. Sure you might not realize it if you're hanging around usual tourist spots, but as soon as I stepped a bit outside of the "center" it was like being teleported to north africa, middle east or some similar shithole. I'd rather move to actual north africa and at least enjoy the relatively low cost of living there than living anywhere close to Stockholm.
Helsinki or Stockholm then guys? I don't really care, I just want some nice play to spend my last time in and then kill myself while watching the sea.