The problem, why so many trannies are on this board, is the misogynistic culture.
People here need to learn to appreciate REAL woman, only then will they realize how disgusting trannies are.

Frankly it' insulting to compare us femanons with them, after all we've done for you (remember your mom?). So you should be more grateful. Yet, trannies advance harmful perceptions about femininity.

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>after all we've done for you
>uses the dumb cunt that birthed me from her own retarded decisions didn't give one shit about me
You know what I'll keep being a tranny, thank you.

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Why should I care about you, why should I care about Trannys?

The only people whom I ever felt being loved by were my parents, not a single woman else ever bat an eye, so why should I?

Traps are like homos in that they know they are an abnormality and rather than accept this they try their best to be as obnoxious and noticeable as possible.

t. roastie

Fuck off to cc, lc or PULL and take the trannies with you. Both of your demographics are unwanted.

>choose the smaller degeneracy
No thank you.
Trannies shall burn.
Females are objects.

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Whilst i dont agree with trannies life choices and dislike them shitting up our board, the gays too, instead of the correct board i feel indifference towards women until they say or do something i disagree with.
Quite frankly when you say i should be greatful to any random group of people who never actually personally did anything for me, really makes me have to disagree.
Nothing personnel kid

My vote is for real women, not fake women.

bump because I like real women and not transgender faggotry

female (male) > female (female)

t. man of culture

I'd show you my dick but I'm not gay, fag.
enjoy your male asses. I like slits.

>remember your mom?
Unlike you whores, my mother wasn't a valid cunt concerned with collecting orbiters to give her free stuff and money for existing. Trannies are a symptom of the dysfunctional nature of women in the modern age, trying to get the kind of life you have. Then they realize its unattainable and kill themselves because they realize they made shit worse than before by cutting off their testicles. Traps do the same thing except they don't kill themselves and presumably just start dressing as a man again and try to destroy every last facet of their past they can find, it's hard to tell since traps are a relatively new phenomenon.

That was suppposed to say "vapid", but my finger slipped.

More like a man of faggotry

How about we just acknowledge that both options are utter shit? Either your get a borderline neurosis or you get a borderline neurosis with a dick. No thanks, I'll be much happier masturbating. My disgust is far greater than my sexual desire to stick my dick in a hole. I don't even see females as sexual objects, they are on the same level as a table or lamp. I pity you weakminded junk who has no option other than dealing with the present dysfunctional situation.

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18-22 yo female (femboy(boy)) who completely pass, started HRT, haven't done any body modifications, have smallish dick > female (female) > tranny who don't pass and generally too far gone / ugly


yeah but there a cute tranners, and that activates my "protect this" instinct

t. enlightened centrist oregano

>real woman
>gets raped, dates abusers, lives in a shithole
>want to be her bf
>have to be 10/10, men can't have feelings, need to obey her
I wish I was attractive. Women literally beg to be raped and abused if the guy is hot, but you have to make 2-5x what she does, be a complete npc, and do whatever she wants if you're not.

How do women think it's okay to be such shitty people? Is it a complete lack of self-awareness? Turbo entitlement? Are white women the worst?

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I know Trannies aren't real women. I hate Trannies on their own I just don't think females can be robots.

I'm a guy and I honestly don't understand why traps are a thing.

>remember your mom?
oh you mean the abusive biopolar disorder bitch that forced me onto this shitty earth with no chances in life? yeah..... right

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you perfectly described my father, im:

Being a cis woman is life on automated barney walks to the finish line mode.
Being an ugly woman is normal mode +.
Being a man is normal mode.
Being a robot is normal mode with 1.5x enemy hp.
Being transsexual is nightmare i want to die mode.

qq kys

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Tfw no red-pilled gf to 1488 with

Trannies and their associates will invade this board regardless of how much the native robots revere or dislike women to force people to like them.
Trannies can never challenge the primacy of actual worthy females (like our mothers and other analogues that actually took care of us, if any), but our attention and indignation towards their shitposting somehow leads them to think their intrusion are gaining momentum.