It's my birthday, I figured to post it here since I don't have any friends
It's my birthday, I figured to post it here since I don't have any friends
Hope you have a good day, happy birthday to you!
I wish you a Happy Birthday. You may not have the lifestyle and wishes that normies around you have, but it doesn't matter, at all.
All of us are nothing but frail flesh, destined to decease. Enjoy things that are present, overpower the pain that past brings and seek Truth.
And eat cake today.
Happy birthday user! I hope you can have a comfy sunday.
thx :)
I don't know if I will buy a cupcake or not, I will probably just go to a store buy a ice cream and go back home
thx user you to
Happy birthday, user. I'd bake you a stickycake if I was there. Hugs.
happy birthday user
my birthday was recent and i didnt have anyone either, does it upset you a lot?
another year down, huh
thx I never had a stickycake sounds good
A little..I have tried to make friends before, but I end up failing or giving up when there is nothing to talk about or relate with
yep 21 now
Stickycake user here. I'm 21 too, and have few friends. So what are your interests, if you feel that having few similar to other. people hampers you socially?
Happy birthday user. Are you on good terms with your parents? If so maybe go out for a meal with them or something, it's nice to have someone to share it with, even if it's only because one of them pooped you out.
Have a nice day user.
Lets hope you find friends, if you want them.
happy birthday fren!
It was mt 24th birthday yesterday
Happy Birthday user
Happy Birthday user! Genuinely hope you have a good weekend. Maybe get yourself some alcohol and vidya? Whatever you, personally, enjoy. Best luck for the rest of 2018.
right now I'm focused on finishing cs. But I like ai, programming some horror books, old movies, games and diving is also something I want to do again, I honestly don't want to be social I think I would be faking it too much
Ye my mother is usually the one that remembers but I will probably be home all day, thx user
thx ye I think everyone wants friends if they are genuine
thx fren
thx also happy late birthday!
thx, alcohol yes for sure I will see how the night goes tomorrow I need to be up early
Happy birth day user, if we ever meet up, you could be my friend
Happy dday
Post proof of birthday and I'll send some XMR
Happy birthday dude. Have a nice day and treat yourself to something okay?
Happy birthday user. You have a friend in Christ, who died for you. Remember John 15:13
thx I would love to
you don't need to but I appreciate it user
Deposit address
ye I got myself a ice cream
thx fren
churches are scary
Hey, its my birthday tomorrow! Heres to not acting on suicidal urges
Happy Birthday user
Hope it's great
Happy birthday user, I hope you have a fun and relaxed day.
And the same for you tomorrow. Maybe you're getting a chuckle out of this. Don't actually do it.
Happy birthday, user!
I hope you have a wonderful and comfy birthday
Heckin' happy birthday user. Please do what you want to do today, even if it's sleeping
happy birdday, forget what that other guy said about jesus, its satan who really loves you.
Heppy birthday fren
Alles gute mein Schatz. :3
I hope you have a happy birthday and don't get too lonely.
Muffins only for you
Happy birthday dude have fun.
Happy b-day big guy!
Happy Birthday op. Your picture has two party hats now.
Damn. Forgot picture.
Nice hats op.