Teeth breaking

my teeth are literally breaking apart

what is this ? no holes, they are breaking.

did somebody poison me ? please help me fellows

Attached: yes.jpg (1728x2241, 364K)

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have you considered putting down the meth pipe?

Femanons do your tits float in water?

appreciate the attempt at humor but this is not the issue

it also doesnt hurt

You probably have weak enamel.
Just go to the dentist

Same here yesterday I just coughed and one piece of tooth fell out
No pain, no caries, good dental hygiene
Is over I am dying for sure

This is unironically a sign of ricin poisoning. Go to the fucking ER right now, im not joking. The lack of pain is a bad sign. Teeth do not just break apart, ignore the dumb cunts saying its no big deal. Get in your car and seek help right now.

If only there were people who specialize in dental care

listen to this guy if you want to live

i hope its not too late for op

Got a source for that friend?
You sure you don't just have mental issues?

can you provide a source ? i also had bad tummy pain yesterday

ill call a taxi right now if you guys arent kidding

He's trying to fuck with you user

>teeth are hurting
>fuck the dentist, i'll just go to the doctor

Are you joking? Do you not know what ricin poisoning is? You need my help googling shit? You think its normal for your fucking teeth to start breaking apart with no pain? When your teeth contain some of the most sensitive nerves in your body?
I am not fucking joking. user if your teeth are really falling apart and there is no pain that is a really fucking bad sign. There are nerves in your teeth that should be making it impossible for you to even type this, the kind of pain you should be in is incredible. You need to seek help.

Just post a source user

He is fucking poisoned you ignorant fuck. He doesnt have time to schedule an appointment with his fucking dentist, he is going to fucking die. Are you fucking kidding me?

Why would you try to make OP feels this bad user



guys your not fooling anyone just post a source

user what the fuck are you trying to do
Just give me a source that tells ricin poisoning makes your teeth break

(Even if that were true which it isn't the chance of OP getting poisoned is very very low)

>He is fucking poisoned
You clearly don't know wtf you're talking about user. You're not a doctor.
You're just going to end up fucking him, because when he goes to the ER they'll just refer him to the dentist and he'll still have to pay those hundreds or thousands in medical fees for wasting their time

post a pic OP


ok can we get back on track from this weird derailing

what can cause this kind of stuff

>his chance is low so he shouldnt seek medical help when his FUCKING TEETH ARE BREAKING APART
Fuck you, a human being is in trouble and youre bullshitting.
They will save his life. I am not a doctor, thats why I am TELLING HIM TO SEE A DOCTOR HOLY FUCK.

user all you have to do is post a source that backs up your claims


Do you think its funny? Making another person question whether they should seek medical help when they need it? Would you do this if you wherent user? You fucking disgusting cunt, fuck off.

No, he should see a dentist cause you know they're trained in teeth.

If he goes to a hospital and tells the people there he's poisoned he'll end up in a mental ward user


And I'll stop replying to you now

Are they trained in fucking poison?
I dont care what you reply to, OP needs to see a fucking doctor.

Literally a simple google search shows you are full of shit.

This happened to my grandmother. I don't know what caused it, but a bunch of her teeth cracked and started falling out.

>im full of shit and want another person to die for no reason

Prove to me he's poisoned.
Teeth cracking is a clear indication of weak enamel

With no pain? Are you mental? You ever have a cracked tooth? Id rather break a bone. OP says his teeth are disintegrating with no pain and you think its fucking enamel? The fuck?

I'm in dental school rn, post a pic of your teeth and I can try to help diagnose, but just saying that they hurt can be anything

OP has a misaligned bite and his teeth are chipping. it happens.

Consult an orthodontist.

>his teeth are chipping off, its fine

if its the bottom row behind the frount of your teeth ptobally just tar tar falling off happened to me thought my tooth broke

It's not fine, just very common. lots of people have misaligned bites

>can not provide any source at all to his claims
>google his claims
>none of them are true as far as I can find
Yes, you are.

>a disgusting NEET who hasn't left his room in a week and showers twice a month experiences his teeth breaking apart
Are you retarded? Where would he even have come in contact with ricin? He's a dirty NEET who needs to fucking floss, that's all.
OP go to the dentist. Enjoy paying about 12,000 for all the dental work you will need, but it's better than looking like a meth addict until you die of a blood infection.

godspeed user, go get this checked out, please don't die.

>With no pain? Are you mental? You ever have a cracked tooth?
Yeah. I actually lost a molar because I had an impacted wisdom tooth. It was actually inside my molar and I never felt a thing.
Didn't realize it until I got an infection and finally went to the dentist. Lost the molar and went ahead and just got all of my wisdom teeth pulled too

shut the fuck up about fembots for 5 FUCKING MINUTES PLEASE

>I want other people to die over my inability to read

it can be mouth cancer


Assumes facts not in evidence. Mostly because that's not how ricin poisoning works.

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>im fine with making an assumption that might get someone killed

Just an FYI, next time you might want to choose a type of poison that can actually be treated. If they were actually poisoned with ricin there's nothing that the ER can do for them except make them comfortable.

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not him but in wikipedia there is no symptom listed that has something to do with teeth stop baiting faggot

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>actually trying to give me advice on anything

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>all symptoms of ricin poisoning include extreme pain, gastrointestinal upsets and fucking organ failure
>durrr teeth cracking with no pain is ricin
Nobody is taking you seriously, just stop posting.

>I dont know what im talking about and the fact no literal whos are taking me seriously means I should stop trying to help a man that is fucking dying
Dont you have some femoid thread to go spew in?

I'm just asking for better bait. I would hope that's at least doable next time.

You'll have to forgive me. I'm rather bored today. I already know what the symptoms of ricin poisoning are. I just want to play.

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>next time
Next time there wont be a next time, dumdum.

I googled and losing teeth is not a symptom of ricin poisoning.
If he was infected with ricin he would have gotten a fever, massive diarrhea and vomiting before that.
Nevertheless if this isn't bait call the fucking ambulance you tool.

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Guessing it's your molars that are chipping? And you probably have fillings in them already? This happened to me as well. Don't ignore that shit, cuz it'll only cost a couple hundred to have them fixed now or you can ignore it and pay 1k+ to have a root canal done (and another 1k for a crown) a year from now when they spontaneously explode with pain (inevitably on a friday night, making you suffer the entire weekend).

haha jokes on you mummy state will pay

its my regular teeth and the big ones in the back too

very weird that it doesnt hurt. maybe the roots are nani ?

just wake up it usually works for me

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Maybe you're chewing too hard, or clenching your teeth in your sleep. I did that for a while and it hurt when I woke up.


I have dreams about this sort of thing. Always creeps me the fuck out.

OP are you sure you arent currently sleeping?

i dreamt about this before too and had visions in trips

im pretty sure im awake, considering im posting here

big if yes

Some asthma medication weakens tooth enamel. Could that be your problem?

In a cou;le of years you'll be able to get your tooth enamel thickened. Meanwhile you should get a high fluoride toothpaste. The kind with so much fluoride that it's not readily available because they don't want people swallowing it (but dentists know where to get it).

YAH druggie stop smoking crack fugin meth head!

why is there unproportionally much trolling in this thread

What is the yellow shit around her pussy

you don't have to feel pain as long as its only the enamel is breaking. breaking teeth is a symptom of hypomineralisation, you should really go to a dentist

I remember seeing this sort of thread quite a few times. Not sure if just on Jow Forums or on Jow Forums too. I always ask OP for a picture but he never provides.

I'm guessing it's the same person making these and he's either a troll or a schizo

i think i saw another one once too however this is not a troll at all. i dont have a gayphone so sadly i cannot provide my dude. it seems odd though how many people tried to gaslight me in here, and you might be one of them too


Really? You're definitely crazy. If you're really not and your teeth are actually falling out then go to the fucking ER you moron. We literally can't do anything for you except tell you that

hi i'm a dentistry student... i advise you going to hospital or visit a dentist asap ... especially you feel no pain which is a bad sign
good luck

Are you sure it's not just chunks of tartar breaking off? I've had a few scares in the past that turned out to be that