Do NEETs really need money when a $300 pc gives you limitless entertainment for free?

Do NEETs really need money when a $300 pc gives you limitless entertainment for free?

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Obviously you're not NEET. There's a huge amount of expenses even with a minimal lifestyle

Been a NEET for a decade

My mum buys new iPhone every year, she gives me her old one.

I dont even own a PC anymore as smart phones do everything I need and I no longer play vidya, which is the only thing I really used the PC for

Do you really use it all day? Can't stand using any smartphone more than half an hour cause of the small screen and back/neck pain

No, unless you live on your own, and your flat and all the surrounding costs don't get paid by the gubermint.

excuse me what are you on?

Attached: Old on.png (500x500, 75K)

You can get the videogames, anime and movies for free.

Even with that, you'll still need money. In fact, at least in the US, about half of all benefit claimants still work at least part-time to make ends meet.

You can't carry a computer in your pocket
Checkmate neckbeards.

>Friend just taught me how to pirate shit today
>Turns out my browser made it even easier to torrent shit because it comes with web torrent built in
>Playing New Vegas for free now
The world is my oyster friends

we really live in some good times when we can get video games, music, movies, tv shows all for free

>GTX 1050

Atleast, go for 1060 or 1070. 1050 can barely play games at 1080p high settings.

>using utorrent

>not using old version of Utorrent

desu familia desu

Deluge's the way to go mi compadre


Enjoy your sneaky mining goy

>buy cheap Android phone
>subscribe to a music service
>have more fun and still not spend as much as PC master cucks

You have a trip? You advertise your homosexual tendencies for free too

desu you need more than $300 to have a future proof pc
you're neet, you don't have the income for gucci parts to upgrade

we neets here, we're too apathetic to play we just watch twitch

You have to pay for a VPN to torrent safely.

Yeah, but for food and shelter. Entertainment's cheap, cheaper if you know what you're doing and are willing to pirate.

Gentlemen, may I offer an alternative?

Attached: 220px-New_qBittorrent_Logo.svg.png (220x220, 18K)

You have tons of old retro games to play. You don't need new parts for that or for watching shit.

qbased and redpilled

you are a gentleman and a scholar teaching these virgins the proper way to torrent, hats off to you sir.

Please be ironic
Please be ironic

food, rent, electricity, toiletries, medical. Piracy is illegal and easily detected. Vpn's and seedboxes cost a monthly fee. Pirated games have limited multiplayer or none at all. Pirated games are a lot less likely to ever be updated.

where would i put my computer and how would i keep it on?


Showering with plain water is completely sufficient. Use vinegar for deodorant.
Haven't been to a doctor in 5 years.
The 15-20 year old games I play don't even have multiplayer.

The PC is 300 bucks retard. The entertainment is free