Be me

>be me
>looking around house, bored
>literally would do anything for a cheap laugh
>looks on top of fridge, sees bottle of anti-chewing spray for my dog
>reads ingredients, determines it's safe and possibly citrus flavored
>aims the nozzle at my mouth and do a quick spritz
>the instant it touches my mouth I knew I made a mistake
>tastes like biting into an irange peel, but 100 times worse
>instantly get a glass of water and gargles, taste remains
>uses mouthwash, taste still there
>takes a swig of peroxide, swisges it around, taste still there
>look on bottle
>"reapply to items every 2 weeks"

It's been 20 minutes since I did this, and the taste is still there. I really hope that I don't have to wait 2 weeks for stuff not to taste absolutely horrible.

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dumb frogposter

This isn’t real

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Just go eat some wings with the hottest sauce available at the restaurant. That'll get rid of the taste instantly.

I actually did this. I'll post a bottle of the spray if need be.

Go ahead. Have you tried mouth wash and toothpaste?

I used mouthwash, but not toothpaste. I'll try it and if it doesn't work I'll just see how this plays out.

deserved you retarded leaf

good job OP you gave me a chuckle

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nigger youre literally dumber than your dog
>absolute state of canada

Do you have your insult license?

I just tried a toothbrush with toothpaste on my tongue, and the taste is still there. I might keep updating this until the taste is gone, or until this thread gets achieved, whatever happens first.

yeah right HERE

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There's a small amount of the taste right at the back of my throat, and I only noticed it when I swallow something. This will either get better or worse after eating.

If it doesn’t try water or something to cover the taste in your mouth, like chocolate

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Pic or didn't happen

Guys I think OP died

I've done this before. The only way to counteract the effects of the spray is to do it again. Trust me, this works.

I know that you can rub the things you sprayed it on down with vinegar to remove the spray.
Maybe if you gargled some vinegar it would help get rid of the taste

Okay, last update, and it's pretty anticlimactic. I just waited it off and the taste went away completely. I would honestly do it again if it was a better with money involved.

Also, forgot to mention in the first post that I laughed like a maniac after spraying it in my mouth and coughing.

So yeah, I had a good evening.

Night man

Here's the bottle of spray that caused it all. I'll send it again with a stamp if needed.

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Ingredients that made me think sour citrus.

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>chews the anti-chew
