>be me >looking around house, bored >literally would do anything for a cheap laugh >looks on top of fridge, sees bottle of anti-chewing spray for my dog >reads ingredients, determines it's safe and possibly citrus flavored >aims the nozzle at my mouth and do a quick spritz >the instant it touches my mouth I knew I made a mistake >tastes like biting into an irange peel, but 100 times worse >instantly get a glass of water and gargles, taste remains >uses mouthwash, taste still there >takes a swig of peroxide, swisges it around, taste still there >look on bottle >"reapply to items every 2 weeks"
It's been 20 minutes since I did this, and the taste is still there. I really hope that I don't have to wait 2 weeks for stuff not to taste absolutely horrible.