Living in the suburbs without a car is torture

Living in the suburbs without a car is torture

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>ameriburgers (((need))) a car
Here in Europe we use our feet to transport our own bodies to the places that we need to go. I know that's a concept that's simply too difficult for your fat American ass to understand.

I like how your crosswalks now have 'walk', 'do not walk' and 'TRUCK OF PEACE' signals

Remember to face towards mecca, bro

In America, we're not all crammed together like sardines so most things aren't within walking distance even for skinny people.

This user got shot by the police storming into his home just after writing this post, everyone pay your respects.

>Need to get some food
>Have to walk 2 hours to the nearest store
Why can't Europeans understand that their entire continent can fit within the area of the United States? Including straights and seas.

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>Amerimutts (((NEED))) a shitty fuel wagon
In the UK we use our feet or at most a bicycle to travel around our area to our destination.

you could always get yourself a bike

are you a bus rider? that must be hell

see Europeans really have no idea just how large America is. You can't even walk to many places because the roads connecting them aren't made for walking, they're made solely for cars. Unless you want to spend literally 3-4 hours walking to and from work that is. Another 2 or 3 hours if you want to include a store or two (assuming they're right next to each other).

A lot of American cities started to grow AFTER the car was common. Getting to the city center from the suburbs in America is a 30 minute drive, not a 30 minute walk.

Not him, but yeah, it sucks sometimes
>driver takes a 5 - 10 minute break every 15 minutes
>too afraid to tell loud niggers to keep their shit down or shut up
>takes forever to load cripples

Also that isn't even considering the small towns where land is or was cheap so everyone spread out so they could get property. It's 12 miles from my house to the nearest grocery store and there is pretty much zero dependable public transportation in the area.

yeah there was a period my license got suspended and even then i tried my best t avoid the bus when i could

I feel it so bad.
>love to go for walks
>want to go for walk
>literally nowhere to go, it's all suburbs outside of city center, and city center is full of hobos
>literally can't go five steps without running into a hobo who tries to harass you
>haven't left apartment in 6 days now
I have plans to move but it will be a few months at very least. I hate this place so much, i hate it i hate it i hate it. who would build a shithole like this. i just want to be able to go on walks and see nice scenery. stores, other people out walking, a nice walkway along a river, something. everything is hobos and suburbs.
I'd love to have that but it's not possible here. It takes me 90 minutes to walk to downtown, and I live relatively close to the city, technically in the city. It isn't my fault I was born in this sprawled out shithole.

>You can't even walk to many places because the roads connecting them aren't made for walking, they're made solely for cars.
This. You either need to walk around, which adds several miles, or do illegal shit or dangerous shit. sidewalks here are not a given, not even in urban areas. and in countryside they don't fucking exist.
plus because peds aren't common cars never watch for them, so even if you do walk, it's dangerous as hell. cars just take a turn without looking because there aren't usually peds. I'm not even exaggerating.
it's actually impossible to get by walking. I cycle, but even then you can have an hour bikeride to get to work if your job is relatively close. Unironically there are places IN THE SAME CITY that would be a 3 hour bikeride to get to. I didn't choose this I don't like it, i don't support it. fucking yuros. my god it's not like I chose this.

Unless your entire life revolves around a single city block, you have to use either a car or some form of public transport at some point.
(Or a bike, but if you were Dutch you would have started with that.)

You can just, like, move here. We're not that full.

The GDP of LA is higher than your entire country, and everyone in LA could walk everywhere they want. Point invalidated.

I'm moving to another country actually. yurope would be nice but man, you know it isn't easy to just get a job in another country.

>Living in murican suburb
>devwloper wanted to build a grocery half a mile off but neighborhood voted it down in favor or a park
>so closest supermarket is 4 miles away
>takes about 20 minutes to walk a mile
>takes an hour and a half to walk to market (including waiting at crosswalks)
>get groceries
>now takes closer to 30 minutes to walk a mile with groceries
>roughly 2 hours to walk home
>you just spent around 5 hours to get food when it would have only taken about an hour with a car.
>maybe there's bus service, but that would probably take 6 hours to complete the whole task.

god, this feel
I'm lucky I guess, my grocery store is only 1 mile away, about 20 minute walk. but it's through a run down area with tons of closed stores and sketchy run down houses. sidewalk is always broken up, usually a sign or a cement parking breaker dragged onto the sidewalk for some reason. construction project has one side of the sidewalk closed. you can either turn around and go back to the last cross light, walk in the road and get hit by a car, or walk around into the suburb. it's a 4 lane road. they could have closed one lane on that side and provided a pedestrian walkway. instead they reserve both for cars and say fuck you to the pedestrians. such is life in burgerstan.
>walking back with groceries loaded in backpack and auxillary fabric shopping bag
>scared people will think I'm a hobo, because literally no one but hobos walk around here
>dem leg gainz from doing essentially a farmer's walk for a solid mile
>have to be careful how much I buy at once, and can't buy anything like a watermelon or nothing super big or super heavy
At 4 miles idk man, I'd use a bike in that instance. But for cycling with groceries you can't carry nearly as much because you need room int he backpack for a u-lock (hobos steal bikes and bike wheels frequently, you see them walking around with some poor asshole's bike wheel all the time) and can't have an auxillary bag. 4 miles on a bike is only about 30 mins with traffic and waiting at lights.

That is not the result of the US beeing large, it is the result of bad urban planing.
We see that it is possible in the US based on New York where subway and bike are often faster than the car.

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But riding a bike 4 miles to the market can be fuckin risky depending on where you live. Some cities are anything but bike-friendly and your likely to get clipped by a mirror in your kidney because the road has no bike lane, shoulder, or sidewalk and has a speed limit beyond what a normal robot could do on a bike

>I'm fucking glad I have a vehicle.

America destroyed its cities in 60's and 70's. They don't understand density or walkability. It's fucking disgusting

>That is not the result of the US beeing large, it is the result of bad urban planing.
Bad urban planning caused by the fact the US had access to a massive amount of unused land. Why build close to the center when you can expand outward for a fraction of the price?

yeah europoors are fucking retarded what's new

i only rely on a europoors opinion for 3 things
>latest refugee happenings
>video game development (only eastern europe)
>highly autistic medieval history shit

anything else, politics, gun control, socialism, healthcare, transportation, gender theory etc. is fucking pointless to argue with them because their opinions are almost always trash

user pointed out that many American cities grew AFTER the car culture took hold. Placed like new York obviously were pre-car

And yes, the size of the us has something to do with it. When there is a lot of land that land is comparatively cheap which will result in a lot of parks and greenbelts making everything more spread out

It's bad planning. Before the construction of the american interstate american cities were dense, had trolleys and urbanist principles. Then white flight happened and americans wanted a yard and like you said well they had the land for it.

>Go to Europe
>Just walk everywhere
>Can get downtown to the main shopping centers in 30 minutes of walking
>Cars STOP FOR YOU even at unmarked cross walks
I want to kill myself

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New York is a city you stupid fucking yuropoorean.
Christ yuropoors are dumb

Baskets and panniers allow you to carry a lot in addition to a backpack.
If you are scared by hobos stealing your bike, get a folder and throw it in the shopping cart while at the store

Bike commuter here:
You need to take the entire lane to avoid that, don't ask me why but cars tend to pass you closer the closer you are to the edge of the road.

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Traffic, the expense of car ownership, and related inconveniences are well worth it in exchange for the benefits of a.) not living right on top of other people, and b.) avoiding all you obnoxious yuro bikefags.

during my last wagecucking period I drove into the nearest big city because it wasn't that much more expensive and, even though it took more time, it meant I didn't need to sit next to any transit shitheads on the train. Having my own private box away from you people is something I will pay money and time to get.

I'm aware. Very, very aware. The road I live on actually can't be biked on. I'd have to go 3 blocks down to the neighborhood road that goes through (suburbs so most of the roads curve around and loop and never take you anywhere but the main road.)
So people can get the fuck around. What good is cheap land to build on if the end result is an unuseable shitshow? you have no idea how much bad planning has cost us in the long run. "cheap land" wasn't worth it. just think, we have like 10x the area to maintain than was necessary. 30x or so the road length compared to the same population city build somewhere decent. All of that costs money to maintain, all those sewer lines, roadways, intersections, signage, highways and clover ramps, parking lots all over. it all costs us money.
Instead of spending a little money up front and being done with it, we elected to spend a lot of money recurrently for the rest of existence. Wow.
>iii-i-i-i-i-iiiiststs--it's because we have parks that we're sprawled to shit
Holy fuck user, stop lying.
feels bad man. here they literally do not even stop for you when you have the walk light. they'd sooner kill you than stop to wait five seconds. an entire nation of shortsighted, greedy psychopaths.
panniers are expensive and useless weight for 90% of my ride time.

Indeed, and after visiting the US I can say that you are slower by car in a US city than you are by foot in a european city.
High density walkable city-cores are so much more effient than car-"cities".

Because low density increases travel time and car-centric infrastructure causes traffic jams.

Still, NYC has a much more efficient unfrastructure than most other cities in the US, if your city planers would actualy be worth something, you wouldn't end up with this low-density shit.

>New York is a city you stupid fucking yuropoorean.
>Christ yuropoors are dumb
When did I say it wasn't?

You probably never lived in a high density city with walkable core.
You don't rely on public transport ad much as you think, for example there are 3 supermarkets within 5 minutes walking distance from me, 2 minutes by bike.

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>take the entire lane
just to mention, I do this. I've had cagers on my ass screaming at me and shouting abuse, who try to run me off the road and take the fucking lane with their ass half into the next lane.
2 other empty fucking lanes and he did that.
there is outright violence against cyclists here. it's incredibly hostile. Most of the time I ride around I feel like I'm in a warzone. constantly alert, constantly ready to fight for my life. I wish I were joking. That's why I'm moving. if you try to cycle in the US, even in "bike friendly" cities, you WILL be hit eventually. we have aggressive anti-cyclist cage scum here as the norm, not just the exception.

>everyone in LA could walk everywhere they want.
like, really really no

Then just use a rack and bags/basket for it.
But even with just a large backpack you can carry enough for about a week or so.

>still, NYC has a much more efficient unfrastructure than most other cities in the US

is this fucker serious

goddamn i fucking hate europeans so goddamn much you dont know SHIT about america you retarded pretentious twat

new york has a subway station thats been in construction since 1920 and it literally opened like a year ago, not to mention all the rats and the delays.

i could imagine what you like, some effeminate euro in a turtleneck, with a greasy accent and you probably walk around naked all the house because you think its the enlightened european way unlike savage americans, you probably got some ugly eastern european crackwhore as your girlfriend and you pay mehmet the kebab boy to fuck her while you watch because you think it's the most intellectual fetish ever

god i hate you people so fucking much

i want you all to be banned from fucking Jow Forums i hate reading your retarded, absolutely 30 iq posts that always end up with the most baseless most absurd analyses about the US like you've lived here at all

Taking the lane is still much safer, best have a rather obviously mouted camera on your rear, to make them think twice about doing stupid things.

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t. someone who has never actually lived in europe

I moved to the UK from the US, where I grew up, and the increase in quality of life is quite stark
>Healthcare is free and higher in quality
>Don't have to worry about getting shot in a public place or at a school
>Europeans aren't socialist
>Public transport is great, pretty expensive though
>Never met an SJW
>Mandatory WEEKS of vacation time and bank holidays off
I'm never going back to burgerland unless the brits deport me

>goddamn i fucking hate europeans so goddamn much you dont know SHIT about america you retarded pretentious twat
>new york has a subway station thats been in construction since 1920 and it literally opened like a year ago, not to mention all the rats and the delays.
Most American cities have maybe 2-4 bus lines and that's it. NYC's public transport is shit compared to European cities, but it's as good as it gets in the US.

>Healthcare is free and higher in quality
if you like waiting 8 months for cancer treatment by dr. ahmed - oh wait, all the cancer surgeries are in the US
>Don't have to worry about getting shot in a public place or at a school
just stabbed, raped, run over, sprayed with acid, sold into slavery, chopped up into a fucking kebab and sold to other kuffar
>Europeans aren't socialist
>Public transport is great, pretty expensive though
yeah i like being a sardine relying on the government to get me places, no people should logically be driving by themselves anywhere lmao
>Never met an SJW
they invented SJWism you retard why you think it's called the frankfurt school
>Mandatory WEEKS of vacation time and bank holidays off
we have that too we just dont have prissy euro shit like paternity leave because sven needs 2 weeks to deal with his new black baby
>I'm never going back to burgerland unless the brits deport me
good. stay out, locust.

>>You probably never lived in a high density city with walkable core.
well said big city was Chicago, which is denser and has better transit than most US cities outside of New York and maybe DC. The suburbs were cheaper overall than living near downtown, taking transportation costs into account, but to be honest, I would have paid a premium to *not* live in a "walkable" area downtown. One, you want to get in a car anyway when there's freezing drizzle outside, two, and more importantly, literally none of the benefits of walkability make up for sharing walls with other people. Maybe some folks have zero need for any shred of solitude or isolation, and are perfectly happy to live with whole other families above, below, and to either side of them 24/7/365. But I'm not one of those people, and if such people exist, I think they're fucking insane.

I'm perfectly willing to drive 20 minutes to the grocery store instead of walking 5 minutes, if it means I can't hear my neighbors talking when I'm laying in bed in the evening. Fuck density.

I have been to many different cities in the US, east and west coast, I have seen it myself.
New York was the city where you could go to the most places in the shortest time, with the subway operating in short intervalls, delays where not an issue.
While in the sprawl of the west coast traffic jams and lack of infrastructure meant that you where often stuck sitting in a car on a higway at walking pace.

New York is pretty much the only thing even close. I live in Vancouver and there's some really nice walkable neighborhoods but nothing compares to Europe. There's quick, convenient, cheap transit everywhere. Walk 10 minutes to dozens of cafes, restaurants, grocery stores etc. Everything isn't concentrated in one area with a trillion cars

Cities are for people to live in, not cars to drive through. Convince me otherwise

Still lacks a real walkable core and I don't know what you are talking about, are buildings that bad in the US?
I thought it was mostly a meme.

>oh wait, all the cancer surgeries are in the US
L M A O the ignorance
The NHS only has waiting lists for *elective* surgery.

>just stabbed, raped, run over, sprayed with acid, sold into slavery, chopped up into a fucking kebab and sold to other kuffar
The UK's murder rate is 1/5th that of the US, and the majority of murder victims are gang members anyways.

>yeah i like being a sardine relying on the government to get me places, no people should logically be driving by themselves anywhere lmao
This is an idiotic statement. My city's public buses have large seats with Wifi and phone charging ports; you're not sardines.

>they invented SJWism you retard why you think it's called the frankfurt school
That may be true, but I've never met an SJW here and they have no influence whatsoever on my life.

>prissy euro shit like paternity leave because sven needs 2 weeks to deal with his new black baby
The US is the only "developed" country to not have mandatory maternity leave. Also, there are very few black people in Europe unless you're in France.

When they say NYC just assume they mean manhattan and maybe brooklyn. Transit to the other boroughs sucks ass. However the subway is fantastic, user. 24/7, high frequency, relatively punctual. My city's norm is the bus shows up whenever the fuck it feels like and subway doesn't even exist. Count your blessings. Manhattan is also extremely walkable.
Cagers always say "there's too much traffic now." They never take responsibility that THEY ARE the traffic.
God I feel it...I have never received any paid vacation time. It just doesn't exist. Even for when it does, it's only 2 fucking weeks. yuuros get like, 5. I dont' think americans realize how fucking screwed over we are. (again, I'm the faggot who is moving, so don't tell me 'well then move').
I have mixed feelings on the healthcare. In the US there is no waiting. I went to the dentist as an emergency walk in and got treated same day. sure i had to pay out of pocket because no insurance, and even people who have insurance still pay a ton out of pocket. but yuuros pay in higher tax rates, so it's the same at the end of the day. american healthcare is pretty great man. high quality care, fast, lots of competition.
>but muh free
It isn't free. It comes from taxes.

If you want to live somewhere with no cars, live in the sticks where nobody wants to go.

You're a retard. I live in an apartment block. I never hear my neighbors at night because we have enforced quiet hours at 10 PM. After that if someone is being a loud cunt I can call security to have them shut up for me.
Fucking poorfaggot. Enjoy your double wide trailer and weed-filled yard of nothingness in some literal nowhere.

yes I need a car, It's a 45 minute drive to the nearest store, and an hour to the nearest one with actual food.

>It isn't free. It comes from taxes.
The taxes going to the NHS are significantly cheaper than my insurance premiums back in the states, since unlike American healthcare companies, the government isn't allowed to extract profit.
The wait times are indeed longer for specialists, but I can usually get a next-day GP appointment.

>hard work is torture
The inane conjecture of the simple American proletariat.

I wouldn't say extremely walkable, but somewhat walkable.
Main proble is that people don't even know what a walkable city core looks like, most if them only know their highway with buisnesses on the side style "cities".

>if you want to live somewhere with no cars, live somewhere 100% dependent on cars
This is your brain on cager logic.
I don't have insurance so I wouldn't know. US tax rate is about 15-20% effectively. yuuros pay more like 35%. I don't pay 15% of my earnings into healthcare.

ITT: yuropoors that can't afford a car so they have to live in their ant colony cities

>45 minutes to the nearest store
The absolute state of US city planing.

Most of us own cars, but don't use them as much as we have more efficient alternatives.

European cities were literally built hundreds of years ago when cars didn't even exist

LOL that's no fucking excuse MURRIKAN retard fucking cringecel cuck.

>I'm proud of doing what my masters have decreed is more efficient! I'll live how they tell me to, for the greater good!
I'm glad I don't live near anyone like you.

>burgeranon needs 45 minutes to store
>euroanon needs 2 minutes to store
Realy makes you think...

>what my masters have decreed is more efficient!
Public transport is way more efficient than driving, it's just a fact
No searching for a parking spot, no getting lost, no wasting money on gas, no need to buy a house with a 2-car garage, no need for a DD when you go out, etc.

The invisible hand of the market you dumb eurofag. Cars are objectively more efficient.

Depends on where you are. Colorado and Minnesota have some great alternatives to cars and some pretty good urban planning for the most part. Especially Minneapolis.

you're in the city tho? just ride a bike

Not sure what you are talking about, I could drive there by car if I wanted to, but it just make no sense to do so as it would be much slower.

>Cars are objectively more efficient.
How is it more efficient to shit up the atmosphere with 12 cars rather than have 12 people on a bus that takes them all to a spot that's a 5-10min walk from their destinations?

If cars are always more efficient, how does this user need significantly more time than this user ?

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>yeah let me just get in this box with a dozen bums
cars are worth it just to avoid the lower class.

where do you live that there are bums on public transport?
I've never encountered a bum except near my city's tourist attractions

No one drives in New York because there's too much traffic.

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America I bigger, don't conflate the two.

Where I live (NZ) it's a 10 minute walk to those smaller shopping centres but they not only charge more but their selection sucks. It's an hour walk into town but then it becomes difficult to carry home things like potatoes and eggs.

If you wanna have a hour long walk there and back to the closest convenience store be my guest.

And still people manage to get around better than in cities with more roads.
Gues what is the two key differences are...

Jesus Christ the picture on the right looks like hell. Why the fuck are Europeans always so proud about living in poverty-tier conditions? I guess I should just be glad you guys weren't too proud to take up underground plumbing. I bet if you guys still emptied your bed pans in he middle of the street, you'd be bitching at Americans for using toilets.

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I've heard this riddle before. It's not really "key"s that unlock things, it's KEY lime pie and a monKEY.

I'm pretty sure it was the automotive industry lobbying congress that fucked over public transportion in the end

Nothing poverty tier about HSR and good, efficient infrastructure.

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>Jesus Christ the picture on the right looks like hell. Why the fuck are Europeans always so proud about living in poverty-tier conditions?
The TGV goes almost 200mph, it's definitely not poverty-tier conditions lol
Also, bicycling is good exercise and some people do it because they enjoy that?

Nah, after WWII pretty much anyone that could afford a car got the fuck out of the inner city, just because it was nicer to live that way. It was mostly white people that could afford to so SJWs branded it "white flight" and said it was keepin' da black man down that whites who could afford to live in better conditions than the city did so.

Is that the ICE train that's been taking Mexican children to the concentration camp in Texas?

No, but I'm sure Siemens will build one for you if you ask them.

No the DB stands for Deutsche Bahn

>immediately think i'm talking about the train and bicycles
Europeans are literally blind to how shitty their living conditions are that they don't even consider them if they can try to swing the subject the other way.

I mean, are you implying the farmer's market or pubs are poverty-tier?
What else are you referring to?

>no one drives
>too much traffic
these seem to conflict each other a little bit

>live in the US
>feel its far, far too crowded
seriously I don't know how you Yuros put up with living on top of each other like that. Your continent needs to have its population cut in half to be at a livable population density.

Tourists. The answer is tourists.
No NYC natives drive.

Another bubonic plague should do the trick.

Tell me what I'm missing.

You're the locusts on the left side of the box. I'm the one on the right.

>Not getting a 500$ crown vic

I cant even

It's not just that. American cities have zoning laws which dictate that certain sectors of cities/towns have to be exclusively for shops, others for residential areas, etc, whereas in europe I hear you can have situations where a store can be found across the street from an apartment complex, or people live in rooms above their store, or other similar layouts. Plus, laws here mandate a certain amount of parking space for buildings of a given capacity or floor area. I'll let you imagine what sort of spawl this can bring about in a given city.

It is thus extremely impractical to walk anywhere due to the planning of the cities here which not only favors but also necessitates having a car to get around (this is by design, mind you).

I used to live in a suburb with no car, and would bike to work and college. My job was at the closest store to my house- 3 minutes by car, 7-10 by bike, 25-30 on foot unless I ran. Getting to college required biking to the bus stop which was 10-15 minutes, then a 25-30 minute bus ride to the college itself. so roughly 45 minutes by bike/bus, which was cut down to a 10-15 minute car drive.

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that's... what homes are for, OP...
I can be alone at home

>(this is by design, mind you)
yeah, helps keep out the poorfags

>American cities
>helps keep out the poorfags
all my wats

It's so they can sell you cars, gas, and enormous suburban houses, genius.

And in the process creating more poorfags by forcing people to splurge their income on cars and car maintenance just to be able to get to their jobs