Sister and stuff

not going to /b/ because it's fucking retarded


Sister is in a rough patch, found her last night high and drunk on various whatevers. She was insecure abou ther sexuality, as in, she tried to go after a guy but was brutally rejected.

we fooled around when we were younger, like in elementary school young. The sort of you show me yours i'll show you mine sor tof hting. I'm sure she's forgotten about it now becaus eit happened only a few times.

last night, she came onto me, rather more like wanted to puke on me but failed but ended up fucking.

so jumped me last night, and wnated validation, through sex. Couldn't kiss her becuase she was drunk as fuck, i'm sure she was also high on weed o rwhatever. she's a pretty popular cosplay slut. She goes to mostly west coast cons.

I went out this morning and bought a gallon of cheap wine and is prety mch rucnk from 9 am.

How do i fucking face my parents monday morning? raped by my sister byi all defintions. She's even youger than me.

Attached: julia.jpg (480x640, 61K)

they don't really need to know, and you don't really need to tell her she did it

but what is she tells our parents otherwise

thsi mornign she cma eout of her room saw me then went back in and slamed th edoor.

Attached: J2.jpg (720x960, 114K)

Don't act weird and avoid her. Tell her you feel embarrassed but you love her.

>what if I get in trouble

Too late for that. Accept that you have done and treat your sister better.

it's not evne muy fucking fault

Stop whining and be a man. It doesn't matter if it's her fault. Go talk to her now.

Actually, I take it back. Wait until you sober up a bit

fuck you too, i know r9kl ar ejust pussies
fuck you

Julia.jpg what did you mean by this?

>has sex with qt cosplaying sister
>literally living the dream and complaining about it

Tell me why I shouldn't dox you OP?

Attached: youreactionary.png (800x600, 6K)

talk to her, tell her you got very drunk with her and can barely remember what the hell happened
try to get her version of the story

becuse it's fukcing digusting and if you are a man you don't wnat to be forcibly mounted

Attached: J3.jpg (600x900, 114K)

I'm hoping to God this story isn't true, and those aren't actual photos of his cosplaying sister. OP, if you get doxxed, remember that incest, consensual or not, is a crime in most countries.

There's no way you're such a pussy that you let someone of this size forcibly rape you. Stop fantasizing about fucking your theoretical sister user it's very unhealthy.

This is a larp, everyone who replied to this thread excluding myself is an idiot

>"she's a pretty popular cosplay slut"
>posts barely censored image with her name in the filename
Yeah I'm sure this is real and not an attempt to defame her.

if it was my sister, i'd let her

>ywn cum inside your sister and fall asleep cuddling
>ywn kiss her neck
>ywn feel her hearbeat

double trips, checked!
OP is a sisterraper. He should look forward to slurping a lot of prison cock.

More like a slightly hidden personal army request. These pics are easily traceable if anyone really cares to do this shit. OP's just some faggot who wants to shame a cosplay slut with a story about her drunkenly fucking her brother

Tell me English isn't your first language

Give me your sister, I won't brutally reject her like you and that other guy

Are you a drumpf voter, OP?

OP sounds like he has a massive case of the gay.