I love trolling all you absolutely fucking pathetic desperate retards...

I love trolling all you absolutely fucking pathetic desperate retards. It goes further than just doing the typical things such as LARPING as a girl, I do everything from ghosting people, getting friendly and pretending to be empathetic towards others and even spending a bit of time with them and then blocking/ghosting them for no reason, to getting personal info and using it against them/doxxing.I also sometimes pose as one of those anons who want to "hear about your problems" or "help" people just to laugh at how pathetic a lot of you are and I actively encourage people to kill themselves in suicide threads. You are all human trash and you deserve nothing but suffering, fucking with all of you psychologically for these past few years has been nothing but brilliantly entertaining for me.

Kill yourselves you fucking loser degenerates.

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What a glorious waste of your own life. You're more pathetic than the people you fuck with. Unless of course the entire story is a lie which it most likely is.

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There's nothing more pathetic than deriving pleasure from the misery of losers. You're somehow more miserable and pitiable than robots.

oh, ok.
cool, thanks dude.

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wow it sounds like the start of 9th grade is going tough user

Nah it's just because once upon a time I tried to help a person out like you, a very very long time ago like were talking over a decade now, but one day I found out about this place and a lot of the pathetic behaviours seen here are the exact same thing this "friend" did, there's millions of people like you and you all think you're special snowflakes and especially the autistic "normie" thing lmao. You guys take things way too seriously and 85% of threads is just pure horseshit, meanwhile literally every other board even /soc/ has something better than you guys have here. This is the biggest and most hilarious meme board I have ever seen and fucking with people here is so incredibly easy because you're all so fucking predictably fucking retarded that you'll fall for any tiny little drip of human contact that I pre cum out of my cock for you or show even the slightest interest because you're all pathetic and honestly 90% of you deserve all the bad feeling/depression/suicical thoughts because you are the antagonizers, not the other way around like you seem to assume.

>assumes that I am assuming
HAHAHA. Surely. you jest.

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Wew the only autistic person here is you.

R9K imo is just/b/ with actual conversation.

Oh my God what if you are the person who I was talking to that hasn't been online recently
If it was, go fucking kill yourself.

If you were serious, why would you even announce that? Everyone would know your intentions and be aware of that when dealing with contacting.
The only trolling here is your OP, which frankly fails at even that.
Combine that with the frogpost and you get a good image of OP as an overweight likely racemixed 8th grader with slight anger issues who should be doing his homework and not getting on a site his mother and the mods would disapprove of.

>no gf threads
>femanon threads
>I wanna kms threads
>complaining about arbitrary shit like I shit my pants when I try to talk to the store clerk from anxiety!!! :'(
>complaining about "normies" because yfw brainlet and not intelligent
>literal thread about a virgin meter and somehow blaming "normies" for that going on right now, someone in the world right now typed out that thread and their a real person.

Hey maybe I am maybe i'm not, maybe you should be careful who you talk to on this board or maybe it's all a lie who knows

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But don't people ask for timestamps?

Or maybe I have a vast amount of alt discord/skype accounts I use to troll everyone on this board in my free time, sculpting my perfect little mentally meme ill retarded degenerates from literally the biggest meme board on the websites.

Or maybe i'm just a redditor who spaces out his sentences.

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well thanks for contributing to the quality i guess

My man a VPN can easily solve any timezone issues,which I may or may not be using. Regardless they're are ways around everything and trolling people has been super fucking funny because everyone here is all like yfw too intelligent but the so called "normies" you think are "NPC's" are actually way more self aware than you realize and if you actually have the interest,you can get a really good feel for how a certain hivemind operates and it's actually suprising how effective that method of tricking people is because they get their feelings hurt so much and it's memey and hilarious as fuck.

>my /soc/ post didn't get enough (You)s so I came here to feel better about myself

I didn't ask about timezones, I asked about timestamps. You know, pictures of yourself with the time and date
You're a fraud, you would know that if you actually did the shit you said you did

And the great thing is because it's so easy to just pretend to be like you guys I know that will damage them even more and make them distrust/hate/want to keep coming back to this board to complain how shitty other people are, it actually feels like meme magic what i'm doing sometimes.

>a VPN can easily solve any timezone issues
a VPN cannot change the position of the sun user.

I won't deny that a lot of people ghost each other on this board, hell I will even admit it's happened to me, the difference is because I know that I can blend in well and I can make so many alts and just keep shifting around accounts that I can keep people pissed off wondering where I went. When discord threads weren't allowed on r9k it made it a bit harder but it's still easy to find you people because you're all on the same stupid fucking discord servers to so it's easy to keep track of a lot of you.

He probably doesn't even know anything about VPCs except that he can use them to play games early
He's obviously just trolling, he probably heard of this place from r/Jow Forums and decide to pull some hilarious trolling for some upboats

No but it can make it seem like i'm in a different location,so if the timezone is different a lot of times then I can keep making alts.

That doesn't answer my question you fucking retard, what about timestamps? How do you get around that issue?

Well if you wanna make the epic reddit thread on r/incels be my guest user.

Cunt it sounds like you're projecting or something because you sound angry

read this post then think more about the position of the sun user

If you actually went on this board you would know that subreddit got banned
It was a big deal here because we got all sorts of immigrants from it and we wanted to drive them away


Plus you can just easily tell a friend (which I know you guys don't have) or even just pay some chick a few bucks to take a pic or do something,it's not hard you know. I'm not a chad i'mjust a pathetic "normie" afterall.

It's the "armchair therapist from an incel" episode again.

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You had to fucking look that up, you didn't even know what they were the first time I asked
Jump in front of traffic user

Your point? it made the board even more shit yeah thanks for telling me the obvious retard.

You said that I should go to r/incels. If you actually spent time on this board you would know that it literally doesn't exist anymore
You're an immigrant, you haven't done any of this shit

>didn't understand your question the first time
>you reverify it
>I understand and answer your question.

lol get fucked

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>you didn't understand what a timestamp was and say some stupid shit about using a vpn to change your timezone
>i ask again
>all of a sudden you know exactly what a timestamp is and how you manage to fake them

Hey maybe I new a newfag redditor or maybe iv'e been here for 10 years, or 5,or since it opened and moot and snacks were around since admin days, or maybe I came here a month ago, or maybe I came here today?

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Heh, I feel ya. I too live life on the edge.

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>you ask again
>I understand

>I explain
>You're retarded and don't understand again.

I think I see a cycle approaching.

You're not, because if you were hot shit you'd never tell anyone about it. Really, how many real dudes lurking around this place and fucking with people that we've caught and doxxed have said anything before someone found the slightest bit of information of their existence and what they're doing and leaked it to the rest of the board? None of them, because if they did say something and give away such obvious information about themselves then they'd have some actual psychos who take this board too seriously throwing bricks through their windows within a few hours.
You're an underage b& who just found the cool hacker site his friends told him about on fortnite and is playing around with the idea of full anonymity on the internet. Sounds like a much more plausible story than a 1337 h4x0r who's so good at h4x0r1n6 that he just tells everyone about it and gets away with it cause he's just so good holy shit.
Next thing you know you'll tell me you're with a group of h4x0rs as 1337 as you. Give me a fucking break.

There was nothing to understand in the first place. It was the simplest of questions that you would understand if you've been on Jow Forums for more than a week. You can't even pull the "I didn't understand the way you explained it the first time" card because I didn't present any new information. I asked the same question.
You're backpeddling because no one believed your shitty lie about VPNs. At least lurk moar if you are going to make your shitty epic reddit screencap thread.

actual fembot (female) here. I just post on here for the feels and getting that daily dose of social interaction. I havent contacted anyone outside r9k simply because im too lazy.

You probably shouldn't contact anyone here anyway, people here can be weird
One of the few people I have talked to outside of this board that I met here was grateful that I wasn't one of the weirdos, because most people here are

You think being ghosted hurts me?

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>its another underage Jow Forums thread

Nope, it's very easy to just pretend to be another person and the best thing about it is if some virgin reading this gets angry they will go after the people who they THINK it is, which there's a chance it may be me but honestly? i'd say you at least have a 4/10 chance. Or maybe I just made that shit up completely.

Point is i'm out there, if I did have a personal discord i'd never add any of you faggots from there because you are all literally the most uninteresting and worst people I have ever come across and honestly? your hatred of normies is a little bit disguisting so take pleasure from that if you will,but it's honestly not even hardcore controlling, it's not even that mean, you faggots just can't deal with rejection or even being told a tiny little bit of truth so you flip shit and that's the funny part, because you all think you're so fucking smart and you're not.

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Ok OP here's your (you) now fuck off.

You ever meet any cute anons while doing this?

>Tfw you realize you were ghosted by a dude larping

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I may have been ghosted by a dude larping, but I can confirm that is definitely wasn't this faggot

You have to be pretty autistic and lonely to spend that much time doing nothing.

>ITT: Retards fighting eachother

>ITT: redditors fighting each other

troll this guy. I bet you won't

Wait, so you mean this isn't a larp board? You fucks are actually serious? I thought this was just memes.

but we aren't on reddit

are we?

why not keep it a secret? instead you go public trying to get some acknowledgement for your actions. im sure you are larping inception, a larper trying to larp a larp who exposes himself, behind all those larps is still a sad miserable tranny.

furry,but close.

>OP is btfoing discordtards and maintaining Jow Forums's board culture
Based and redpilled but unironically.
Sasuga user-kun, ganbatte yo.

>board culture

What culture.

Troll me harder, daddy.

Originale good bait OP

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You sound sad, do you want to talk about it user?

Talk about the 13 medications you take user.

Yeah he's obviously a moron but some other creep definitely got us