Demon birds

You non Australians got it good....

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magpies are bros, if they swoop you it's your own fault for encroaching on their sovereign soil

haven't had issues with them in a while. But these cunts outside my window drive me wild

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You're trying to ride a bike?

*Kamikaze screech*

>implying that australia exists
lol fuck off
you should have fallen off earth by nlw

he looks so majestic.

fuck you magpies are cute
post cute magpie vids

protip: if you have magpies in your street, leave out a little food for them and let them see you putting it there, you will never get swooped again

Butcher birds are the most evil little bastards here. They straight up murder little birds. Watching magpies swoop people is actually funny

i think magpie is a pretty cool guy. eh swoops bicyclists and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Fuck I love magpies. Cheeky little cunts are mostly harmless

swoopy boiz

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>Oh no some fucking bird are ruining our lives!!1
lmao just fucking shoot it out of the sky

Thats it, they live in trees, dont like them, stay away from their tree.

their bird song is so beautiful i can fall asleep listening to them, like a sweet sweet magpie lullaby

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gun laws, amerifag. stabbing em all is too hard

>tfw no qt mag3.14 gf

I fed the local magpies and now they stand in line at my door tapping on the glass waiting to get fed crackers. They recognise my car when I come home from work and meet me on the porch

BB guns do the trick too.

BB guns are illegal here as well

>the absolute state of Australia

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these fags will attack the mailman just for walking past the house they chose to build their nest on

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What is this bird? He very cute.

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I know its bad, it been over 20 years since we had a gun massacre.
hum bug

I've never had a bad experience with a Jack Dawss or however it's spelled.