Early euromorning thread

Calling all eurofrens. Why are you up so early/late, fellow Yuropeans?

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Eyup fellow Aryan
I'm rather sick, so I've had difficulties sleeping. My throat is sore, and I have a headache from withdrawals. Not to mention my crippling addiction to watching stream highlights on YouTube
Currently it's 4am and college is in 5 hours
Why are you still up, Spain?

Dumb rude American

I haven't slept yet. Will take a nap after my classes.
Dumb Americans always begging for attention...

That sucks, hope you get well soon fren.

>I have a headache from withdrawals
What are you withdrawing from?

>Why are you still up, Spain?
I just woke up because I have to go on a trip in like an hour

Going to classes without having slept properly sucks though

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Nicotine. I've been through worse
I've had like 3l of water today as well. That's how I know it's not dehydration
Sweet though, where's the trip? Are you going with anyone cool?


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