What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

what is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

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She looks horrified, poor girl
Post more fgt

Seriously though, why risk your life just for a quick public jizz? Especially when you can't feel anything because jew'd cock.

Spent a time knocking up lesbians on craigslist. More than a few wanted and tried to find out my personal info probably in case they later wanted child support or something. I had to get pretty creative to avoid being found out.

Kissed a girl after she told me she really liked me and wanted me to kiss her.

Surprisingly it wasn't a prank.

Jerked off in the women's bathroom of my uni library after a very, very late night of studying once. Fingered a girl in her car while parked in a public parking lot, although honestly when placed next to the first thing that wasn't really that risky.

I pushed a nigger off a railway bridge into a river one night
I never heard about anything in the news afterwards.

Why, as originally as I can manage

Damn that's pretty hardcore.. how high was the fall?

Nigga there's 3 women in there. And the only one giving him weird looks is the fatso in black mid vid.

I'm not very good with height, probably 50 feet maybe?

Pointed a 9millimeter on single action at my head and almost went past the point of no return on the trigger pull

I rawdogged a negress when I was in Liberia on a business trip

How much aids did you get?

Don't know never got tested. My dick never rotted off so I figured I'm good

That's fucking crazy dude. I would've cried after that

snorted a line of heroin and stayed in this relationship i'm in that drove me to do it

Snorting heroin is baby shit, stay away from the needles that's when you really have to worry

>Spent a time knocking up lesbians on craigslist. More than a few wanted and tried to find out my personal info probably in case they later wanted child support


I'm pretty sure I did. I was in middle school and I didn't realize the seriousness of the situation back then. I had forgotten about it until just recently and reaized I had almost blew my brains out. I can still feel the trigger almost at the point letting the hammer go down. The kids in middle school almost made me blow my brains out that night. I realize now just how shit everyone of the chads and stacies are.

I got really sick and even a low dose of vicodin makes me puke for hours so I can't even develop an opiate addiction to cope or switch from alcohol. Yay

Ran from the cops on my motorcycle

Rubbed one out while sharing a hotel bed with my 8 year old cousin.

I fapped through my pants until completion multiple times in class. I'm pretty sure no one knew because I still had friends.

Rock climbing on the Morrison formation (loose sandstone) for a geology project

probably the dumbest thing I've ever done. Some of that shit is decently packed together but there are occasional packets of loose sediment that are hard to identify until you're holding it.

Elwborte? This is fascinating. How many? Was the sex good? Were they hot or gross butches? What measures did you take to hide your identity?

i have to know how this ends

Gtfo you fucking normiefag

Well the part they shut down of craigslist, I don't do it anymore because of that.

I've spoken of this before but for about seven years I basically put up the offer to help have a baby. I didn't charge anything just had it be that we got to do it the usual way, which a lot were fine with if it meant not having to pay at a fertility clinic for sperm from a donor. In total that I know of, it was at least 25 over the seven years. It wasn't like I had a line of ladies out the door and actually it was only a few per year that seemed interested on average but like I said I was doing it for seven years going. The sex mostly wasn't good since most of them were lesbians and most weren't attractive, a lot of the time it was pretty plain/boring and they didn't want me to stay so I just got in busted a nut and left, but I didn't mind since I enjoyed getting to do it anyway. When it started I was young and dumb and didn't have the sense to hide my identity but overtime I gained experience and the smarts to hide it when some of these women tried to find out. So some things I did for example, never used my real name, removed myself from social media, didn't keep ID on me when I was in there like in my wallet, blacked out my name on the health forms (part of the process we agreed on was getting tested for STDs before doing this), and eventually even as far as using a fake tag license plate so they couldn't find me that way when I drove and parked at their place. Lot of little measures that I built up overtime for safety since I know some of these women wanted that insurance to sue for child support if they wanted.

posted on Jow Forums while hiro fucked the site to shit
seriously fix this you fucking jewk

Today I tried to steal some shit at the self checkout but the attendant noticed I didn't scan something so she watched me as I scanned everything I had which ofc I couldn't pay for, that was bad enough, but when my card rejected I tried to take my groceries anyway and the attendant called me out. I just apologized and pretended I didn't notice it didn't go through but damn if really fucked up my day.

drank to the point of blackout and rode my motorcycle like a suicidal madman
crashed it
broke my arm
lost my helmet
somehow made it home without alerting the authorities

I haven't done anything risky that i can think of except I've given a few blowjobs in public

I've done the riskiest and scariest thing you can ever do in life.
told a girl I love her

Slapped a big dog's ballsack.
It was a really big dog and could have bitten me badly,

Today I masturbated standing behind a girl at a bus stop there was no one else around

>get in lift
>push button
>full penetration and orgasm
>have to finish before door opens

Pushed a pigskin who was pushing me down the stairs years ago in school. Fucking cunt tried to bully everyone he met.

how in the heckin hell do you do that? unless it's like a skyscraper

Fucked in a small woodland clearing on what turned out to be a popular dog walking route.

masturbating at the school library with my pants and underwear off

>what is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

Probably receiving unprotected oral.

Never had unprotected anal/vaginal sex.

Oh. And probably got off in public restrooms a few times, but that's not exactly risky so much as kinky.

Promised my friend I would kill myself if he committed suicide. I held the knife on my throat for some minutes crying, trying to muster the courage. Im glad no one walked in front of my room, psych wards suck balls

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>making out with girl
>tells me she has herpes
>have her suck my dick
>she's begging for it, but I don't fuck her
>cum in her eye lmao

Jerked off in the hotel shower while on vacation with my family.

Shit, did the same and got caught by some dude who watched us

Saw a video where a loli accidentally pantsed herself on youtube, fapped to her cunny and zeroed out my hard drive.

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>shooting combo shots of meth/heroin and meth/suboxone
>popping a handful of xanax and then taking a fat nighttime shot of dope
>shooting dope unfiltered with a questionable needle in a port a potty in the park then sleeping on the side of the road with all the homeless junkies that night
Don't fuck with drugs kids

Jerked off on both a train and a beach. Train was empty though.

How do I maintain this lifestyle?

Nobody can maintain that lifestyle you either grow out of it or die


Functional addiction is possible sure but the kind of shit I was describing is nowhere near functional

jacked off in my senior english class back in high school with my dick fully exposed. Twice

>psych wards suck balls
yep this is r9k

>Spent a time knocking up lesbians on craigslist. More than a few wanted and tried to find out my personal info probably in case they later wanted child support or something. I had to get pretty creative to avoid being found out.

You must not give a shit about your future kids because they're going to grow to be fucked up tranny faggots by being raised by dykes.

Maybe you can fuck them when they come looking for you.

Went up a pretty bad slum at night.
Friend would play drums at a church and invited me and a friend to go watch. I'm not christian, but I was a bored neet in a saturday night.

We arrive at the entry of the slum and my stupid friend only then tells me "it's up there". It was deep into the nigger zones and I'm a white dude. I said "fuck it" and went in.
Niggers would look us up and down as we went through the broken paths and dark grassy areas. At the church they'd behave like lunatics, screaming and going "das right". I was like "at least I have the constitution".

I told my friend to fuck off for wanting to stay until late hours and not come with me, got the hell outta there before the niggers turned feral and went home by myself through the same dangerous looking path, alone. Niggers' eyes were shining in the dark like I was Guts and they were apostles.

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Sure, original mayonaise nigger.

Not too extreme, but during freshman year of college I jerked off in my room while my roommates were out on at least 4 or 5 occasions. They could have easily come back and I might not have had the time to make everything look normal.

Leave norman. Leave leave leave

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I do feel bad for them but the way I see it, if it wasn't me then they'd just get some other guy to do it. The kids were going to be born either way so it could be mine, why not?

>I do feel bad for them but the way I see it, if it wasn't me then they'd just get some other guy to do it. The kids were going to be born either way so it could be mine, why not?

Because they're half your DNA walking around. Eventually, they'll look for you and find you. It's pretty common for family members who didn't grow up together to end up finding each other as adults and having sex.

I grew up without a dad and an extremely psychopathic abusive mother. The kind of mother who loved to beat me and leave me in a dark closet for days, I wouldn't want to take that risk with my DNA but maybe, that's just me.

Black church is the best, too bad you're too much of a faggot to get into it. They love my white ass. I even dance and shit, good times.

I wouldn't mind knowing the kids at all or being a part of their life, I just couldn't handle child support.

Let's see

I fucked a black girl that I barely knew 30 minutes after asking her out raw, she gave me Chlymadia but I caught it in time and I'm fine.

Fucked a Latina I met online, didn't post a pic, just a brutally honest bio about myself and what I like, things like anime and video games before they were mainstream. Best sex of my life, came seconds within nutting inside of her, probably saved my own life there.

Had sex with a cousin of mine, she initiated the whole thing and we were both underage, she's a nigger lover and single mother now.

Lost my virginity to an l0li girl, I was underage when it happened.

I understand not wanting to pay Child Support. Personally, I can't stand the idea of having a child, only for the child to be raised in a mentally and physically abusive household like I did. I'd rather not have any children than have a child of mine go through what I did but to each their own.

Since we're anonymous, if one of your children came to you when they were 19 and said they were down to fuck, would you?

Regularly raw fucked an almost obest 45 year old slut for a couple of months. She was completely open about the fact that she was fucking other dudes, she even uploaded some shit on porn sites.
Don't know why I ever did it, I shiver literally every time I remember, she wasn't even attractive. Never caught anything tho so at least that's okay.

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I mean like I said, I'm not averse to these kids and wouldn't mind being a dad. It's just not legally possible without getting reamed for money and having to slave for 18 years.

And no I would never do anything with my kid knowingly.

Riskiest in terms of chance of death would probably be driving drunk and high on codeine. I actually crashed the car but was able to drive it home. Didn't get caught.

Riskiest in terms of embarrassing if someone found out is jerking off in class in middle school or feeling up one of my sisters' friends while she was sleeping.

ate slugs from a garden

I was the movie theatre safe-sex kid and it was the only time I came from a blowjob with her, I may have had to jerk myself but it was a school holiday and no one goes to the movies during the weekday so we saw the first live action TMNT by ourselves and I busted on the seat. I think it was pretty risky to have sex in high school, I was almost always having unprotected sex and not everyone was on birth control. Never had a pregnancy scare or disease, supposedly.

repeat because of the site being down? answered here
Should also clarify, I live in a big city so population wise it probably helped with more women to see the offer.

Did he commit suicide thren? How?

climbed really high places and almost jumped out of curiosity
I have crazy fear of heights so the rush was several fold

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>i have to know how this ends
It's clear the girl notices him fucking cumming onto her leg

I drive home from work every day on the expressway and every now and then I will dare myself to close my eyes for 5 seconds before opening them again. I nearly shit my pants every time, I think it might be an addrenaline addiction.

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>be me
>work for a small NGO
>one day everyone had to attend a conference >I don't since I just looked after the IT.
>planned on just chilling at my desk watching Netflix and eating junk food
>decide to snoop around office
>snoop around office MILFs office
>Find her used panties and clothes in cabinet
>Get raging erection
>for some reason decide to put on her panties
>harder than I've ever been in my life
>sit at my desk get ready to whack it
>suddenly MILF appears
>"just back to get paper work I forgot user. hope you're not too bored"
>erection is exploding in panties under my trouser, never cummed as much before or since
>she leaves
>i left out a sigh of relief and sit in the cum soaked panties for ten mins out of exasperation before I clean up

WOW thats so hot im literally exploding into my pants rn

I have a nagging feeling I've done something really risky in the past, but for some reason I can't think of it. But fromantic what I do remeber:

>Had a thing when I was ~14 where I would danger wank. For example my mother would come home from work at 6 and at 5:55 on the dot I would be in the front hall naked and start wanking. I wouldn't leave until I came. Surprisingly it wasnt a sex thing for me, I simply liked the adrenaline rush. I never got caught bit there were multiple times where I would escape by the skin of my teeth.

Also, when I was around 16 or so I loved setting things on fire. I wasn't edgy about it and never told anyone, I just liked the power of it and how much trouble I would be in if I were caught. It started small. I would light peices of paper on fire in my room, burn my school books ect. Eventually it got to a point were I would sneak out of my house at around two and systematically set all the bins in my local area on fire. I never got caught because it was always late and I live in quite a little town. I was planning on setting abandoned cars on fire or other things of that nature, but someone in my town got caught setting a car on fire and that snapped me out of it.

Don't really do these things anymore but sometimes I miss the excitement I used to feel doing them.

Fuckin disgusting, neck yourself

that's what he did lol

>fuckin' disgusting
you'd know you wouldn't you, you not-a-pig-eater

I bareback and creampied a girl I had never met before 7 times in 4 hours. Then. To make matters worse I fucked her ass and then inserted my cock in her vagina, back and forth a few times for the lulz.

Have not gotten tested.
Have not gotten a text from her saying she is pregnent.

So far it has been good.

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I mean could you not have gotten a lawyer to just make an agreement that if she dose conceive a child, since your the serget father, you have no legal obligations to pay/see the child? I feel like 1k$ and a lawyer that would be easier then hiding yourself

Nah I looked into that and the only way you're risk-free is if you're a donor by way of a clinic. Any other way, even if you bust into a cup for her and she uses a turkey baster or something, you can still be liable. It's weird and stupid, but the only risk-free way, yeah is with a professional involved between.

You could get yourself something like a contract or agreement, but it'll just get thrown out if she takes it to court.

Would you consider going longer?

Except clinic donors have been forced to pay support.

Sauce on that or what.

So it's even more risky then, no lawyer is going to be able to help with that.

Has the penis aesthetics of freddy krueger, yep he's American.

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When I was like 10, mission impossible had just come out so I was into make-believe spy stuff. I would write down "clues" as I was going around the house, and I had a tape recorder, etc.
One time I planned on spying on my older sister and her friend, so I hid behind this wicker chair in her room.
Soon after the friend came in while wearing a towel and immediately started taking it off. I didn't know she was in the shower. It was too late to get her to stop. I didn't plan on seeing a naked girl. So I just hid as quiet as I could, and I got a boner even though I didn't really know why or what it was.
Like 1 minute of this and she find me and start screaming so I run out of the room with a boner and beat red, and ride my bike to the neighborhood woods and stay there until it was dark.
Later my mom and sister said I was a "peeping Tom" and they didn't believe my explanation, even though I wasn't even interested in women's body yet because I was like 10
The memory of the situation still makes me cringe till this day

fucking hell user,

plz tell us more

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but there are cameras on elevators right before the mirror in the corner

>drove 240km/h on curvy cliff roads
>lost control once, didnt crash

>took 5-10 anonymous loads up my butt in bathhouse darkroom
>no aids

Shame; since i want to die.

Big dose of moclobemide (MAOI) and MDMA

When I was a freshman in college, I went to prom with a friend of mine who was still in high school. I knew most of the group she was going with. After the night was over we all slept in one of her friends living room. Long story short I ended up fingering her friend in a room with like 6 other people. It was the first time I realized how fucking loud fingering a chick can be.


le oreganano

broke into a run down school that was still owned and under surveillance, and tagged the entire thing with graffiti with a friend. We proceeded to blanket the entire town we were in in our tags, and eventually we saw pictures of our work show up on local news sites.

Police were searching for us and everything. For three months I was sure they'd trace us, but we managed to get off. Wild time

pic for attention

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if she's smart she's on the pill, if she's crazy you'll hear about it in 9 months