>22 year old male
>still addicted to sweets
22 year old male
Same, what is your favorite though?
I would say pic related but it's a very tough decision.
Swedish fish are disgusting
Swedish Fish are delicious
I can't think of any candy I don't like except black licorice. For the most part they're all the same sugar.
I don't like the texture or smell of SF and the taste isn't great. I prefer gummybears or gummy worms 100x over. Even sour patch kids.
Swedish Fish are literally just Sour Patch Kids without the sour shit
I've actually gotten worse as I've gotten older since now I can go out and buy them whenever I want. I always crave chocolate frosted mini donuts.
Why do robots feel ashamed for everything that some person somewhere could consider not cool and adult? Who's going to make fun of you for liking chocolates?
They don't taste as 'gummy' to me. More of a gross firm gelatin texture with no 'stretch' when you bite and pull.
Ditto. I'm more of a pastry man myself though.
I don't eat candy anymore, I feel like they have a better chance of fucking up your teeth and I've already had plenty of fillings.
Well I don't know about OP but for me it's not so much just a like for sweets but more so an addiction to sugar.
I've been trying to replace it with fruit but I'm allergic to fruit so the reaction is a bit annoying and doesn't happen with candy.
Sour crawlers are my personal favorite but twizzlers pull and peel are a close second.
top fucking kek
t. still eats chicken nuggets
I know tat feel brother. Been addicted to these since middle school
Feels pathetic when you're out grocery shopping and your cart is 80% candy, then you have to watch the young attractive cashier scan all your fucking LaLa Loops and whatever the fuck, colorful childish shit.
just use the self serve checkout and you won't need to feel self-conscious about your purchasing habits, user
dude my aunts cookies are like crack, i hate myself after 5 but they taste so fuckin good
>lindt lindor
at least you have some good taste, my friend.
>tfw recently went cold turkey and smacked sugar addiction in the face
>been sugar-free for almost a month
>actually developed some self-control and can stop myself from eating too much sugar and food in general
>still want to pop lindors especially after a swig of mild alcohol until the bag is empty, then get another bag and repeat
Desire! Hellfire!
>22 year old male
>posting anime girls
Starbursts for me. Borderline addicting.
Any tips on going about quitting sugar?
Howd you do it?
I'm a cashier and we literally dont give a fuck. The only people who make comments or judge are the crusty old cunts who dont have a life.
These bad boys. I could eat a whole bag or until my tongue goes numb