Anyone else a non-practicing bisexual? (bi but only dates the opposite sex)
Anyone else a non-practicing bisexual? (bi but only dates the opposite sex)
Yeah but I don't really want to talk about it because the last time I did I kind of got harassed.
ew gross
>bi but prefer guys
all the way, boy
I'm a non-practicing Jew
These threads don't end to well. I faggot always steps in and we have to discipline.
im bi but i've never dated anyone
Stop making up terms snowflake. You are either gay or straight.
Gay porn turns me on, but I dont like having sex with guys. It's kinda like watching girls do anal vs the reality of doing anal irl. I prefer watchung other peoplle do weird crazy shit while i fap instead of me doing the crazy shit.
okay grandpa, go back to watching your soaps, and give the computer back to your grandson
You would like that , wouldn't ya? Gays are known to be pedophiles.
pedophiles are known to be pedophiles
I am. But I'm not sure if it's envy for a normal cock (I have a dicklet) or if I would actually enjoy sex with a man.
Just like me, I like cuckold porn where bull fills up wife or gf with cum and then bf licks it up or let it drip on him or his cock.
I like homoerotic scenes a lot not actual bi where guy is fucking guy...
I would be but I don't date anyone
Guys don't warm my heart like girls do
>Gay porn turns me on, but I dont like having sex with guys.
Initially I had no interest in guys, but porn made me curious as well. Still decided against having sex with dudes though, doesn't really seem worth it, and I don't want to be a typical bislut juggling cocks and vaginas.
I envy you, my dick is 7 inch and when I get a hard on its impossible to conceal, its thick too so its obvious as fuck. But with a dicklet a boner would barely be visible.
I would like to flay the skin from this poster
I am. I believe it is due to me having high standards while being pretty mediocre myself.
>tfw no qt small dick fuckbuddy
It isn't worth it, I'm ugly as fuck so it isn't like I'll ever use it.
>tfw I know this feel all too well. I have to plan out my fap sesh so its just once a week and then I hide in my tower for days so the swelling goes down so I don't look like a psychotic freak rapist in public. Dig bicks are a meme and I want to go home
I legit have to fail multiple times a day or I'm rock hard 24/7
yes but i am not in a position to enter a relationship with either gender. I am a shut in i wish tho.
Same. But I'm still holding out for a girl (female)
Full bi. At this point I only care about loving and being loved.
catholics are known to be pedophiles
2/3 of my dates have been with the opposite sex and it's been nearly a decade since i was in a gay relationship, but i still look at gay porn and lust more after gay genitals than straight genitals.
whats it called when u gay AND straight then if the term aint "bisexual"
>non-practicing bisexual
Give it time; you'll be all-the-way prison gay in no time
I don't know what is it with normies and their prejudice against male bisexuals. They accept that woman can fool around with other girls while also loving men, but refuse to believe that guys can be the same way.
Nah, my bicurious phase has come and gone. The key is not having sex long enough to realize sex ain't all that great.
I sit in front of my pc like that and im really afraid its gonna fuck up my back
I think I can relate. My sexual tastes started shifting during my teens and I can say pretty comfortably that I'm bi-curious to the point where I'd have a sex with another guy or a tranny. Like... If it turns me on, then fuck it or let it fuck me. But I doubt I'd ever start a serious relationship with anything but a girl(female) simply because even if I'm a degenerate- I want to have a a family of my own some day, I hope.
I think deep down I might be slightly bi but vageens gross me out. Also I hate women. Their stupid voices piss me off and their weakness makes me sick.
Share the vag disgust. Don't hate women tho. Not all at least, most of the ones I know are kind, the rest are all either idiots or too insecure to speak up loudly
I like men. They're so easy to talk to, easy to understand, share the same hobbies and even if they don't, most of the ones I know are like "Hey, you do you"
Men > Women character
Women > Men Body
I memed myself into being gay because sex with guys is so easy to get, but actually I don't enjoy it and all I want is a qt girlfriend I can lose the remainder of my virginity to. I think I feel even worse than I did when I was 100% virgin.
I almost made the same mistake. Luckily I always got rejected when I would hit on traps, til eventually I wanted nothing to do with them. That's why its important to keep your standards high, it can keep you out of trouble.
bifag neet here too. all i want is to experiment with my sexuality and be loved but i don't see that happening ever.
It's worse for me, I am the trap and have sex with neckbeards from Jow Forums.
> only dates
> dates
Wrong sub. Whoosh! Anyway, I'm aroused by hot dudes but would not fuck one. Gays have much higher STD rates thsn other people.
Add another neet with the same desire to the list.
It can't be that bad. Surely you had some fun fagging it up.
Dressing in girls clothes and being desired is indeed fun, but every time I do it I feel like I'm moving away from my goal of having sex and a relationship with a girl one day. It also makes me feel empty inside afterwards.
Yeah I feel the same way after fapping or indulging too much in any kind of degeneracy, so I could tell taking it any further than porn wouldn't be any better.
What helped me a lot was focusing on self improvement and getting in touch with the things that are really important to me, that gave me something meaningful to aim, now I don't feel any need to pursue sex anymore beyond the bare minimum, which is qt gf.
i feel you man tfw no neet/shut in boyfriend/girlfriend
It's tough because doing those things makes me feel desired and attractive, but apparently only to guys. I don't know, maybe I'll get lucky and somehow find a girl who'll love me before I die.
>tfw bisexual but wouldn't date another bisexual because I'm insecure
nice term for closet homo
we could have a threesome togheter lol
If I were actually interested in dating men I wouldn't hide it, that's counter productive, but since I'm not, I think its better to keep it to myself so I don't attract any gay men or have to waste time explaining to normies how I'm gay but only want to date woman.
I guess that's the good thing about being an ugly, no temptation and no validation. Don't feel bad about your desires, just put them to the side for a while and see if you can be happy without it.
show me please, f-for proof of course h-haha