riceball ANDY just got kikcked out of uber by a full blooded kike:
best irl e-celeb video of 2018!!!!!!!!!!
riceball ANDY just got kikcked out of uber by a full blooded kike:
best irl e-celeb video of 2018!!!!!!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>look at these annoying fuckers playing their nigger tier meme donations in public
>hahahaha epic guise! XD
>omg look at his hair isn't that so funny!
would you date /ourthot/
>female who takes a picture of herself in her bedroom
No fuck off
you a heeb?
Andy was shaking like a pussy.
Not funny.
>If you don't like muh e-celebs you're a jew!
jews can't take a joke.
who is uglier, venti or lauren??
Ree nee nee woo riceeeee
I literally don't know who the fuck lauren is and I only know who venti is because you eceleb attentionwhore worshiping cancerous fuckers keep posting it
Literal niggers of pol
will ice smash those playboy model?
that slopehead tells niggers to fuck off all the time
you know Nick j??
No, or Jontron, or DSP, or angry joe, or styxx, or joe rogan, or anybody who is on whatever the fuck IBS is supposed to be
>literally shaking after being called out for antisemitism in hollywood
woke, but also pathetic
this be jim
Enjoy your ecelebs kiddo goodnight
What does the hand gesture mean with the pointer finger pointing up?
My sides
memeflag and celebrity posting, this is the state of poleddit
Eww what is that thing on the right?
I can't tell if man or trap.
One nation, under God
>Is it how fast you get kicked out or how fast you get your ass kicked?
>You know you're in hollywood, right?
So he's basically threatening Andy physically because he's trespassing on Jewish soil.
Fuck it. If we take attention away from Hollywood celebs and give it to a bunch of Internet personalities then it will totally fuck ((their)) shit up. Can you not see that? Please tell me how that’s a bad a thing.
mister metokur/jim
you fucking queers I swear..
Good goy theres no jewry in youtube or Amazon you sure showed them!!!!!1
thats because they dont like to be exposed. fucking hypocrite kikes make up 80% of comedians but tell one jew joke and they call you an anti-semitic holohoax denier.
>So he's basically threatening Andy physically because he's trespassing on Jewish soil.
that is the way of the heeb rat
Ow now I see why he uses an avatar all the time.
Damn, James really couldn't shake those Asian facial features... poor dude
Who is that nigress
"you know your in hollywood right"
this shit happens all the time,but 'please' don't meme asian andy into being /our guy/ because he's politically incorrect and a cheeky cunt, you'll ruin him the same way you ruin anything fun
james allsup's ex
If you deem a cringy meme about the brutal massacre of a minority 'joke material', I might have bad news for you: Get a psychiatrich check, that mental illness of yours is growing to be debilitating. Be 'free' of something you can manage, like your psychotic episodes. Your abusive drinking father, you disgusting depression... These are all much closer than a jew will ever be to you. Clean yourself.
Fuck whos james
Andy did nothing wrong
It's not him.
a hapa nazi
he has no shame and big balls but he's still a mentally ill internet dweller like everyone else, he's hardly gonna get up in that kikes face especially not on stream
look up his road rage video though, he's pretty funny when he gets mad
yeah fat chink has retard strength
Is that Chris?
that driver was not jewish
a jew would have drove him and took the money
>inb4 i have no idea how uber works
i refuse to use fucking apps for a fucking cab
Chris warski
no it's asian andy you mong
autist who irl streams and is fine with edgy humour unlike every other streamer who hates it because they want to get sponsored
Right near me. Fuck in and out burger.
nice dirty vietnigger you have representing nazis btw
yeah asian andy is our new choice for hitler 2.0
fuck off
Nigga that whoring piece of trash would drain your bank account in zero time, then move to the next target, male or female