Bad news robots. NEET services are getting slashed across the country. Any NEET without children or work or school are now classified as ABAWD: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents. ABAWD have 3 months to get their shit together or they get their NEETBUX taken away. You will lose food stamps by 3 months, Unemployment benefits are being defunded, government disability SSI checks are targeted for defunding by 2020 and the requirements are being tightened,
NEET golden era is over. Say hello to ABAWD
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Deal with it.
You wanted Trump in office so bad, now lie in your shit.
>able bodied
Lmao not me
As long as it applies to non-whites, I'm fine with it.
Neetcucks destroyed
LMFAO enjoy working at McDonald's because no one else will hire you
Non-whites (tend to) have children. Parents keep benefits and in fact get more depending on family size.
Rage factoid: Non-US citizens can get benefits:
> Non-citizens who are eligible based on their immigration status must also satisfy other SNAP eligibility requirements such as income and resource limits to receive SNAP benefits.
Amazon just raised minimum wage to $15 an hour
I don't think you know what "minimum wage" means.
I don't?
Enlighten me then, because I'm pretty sure I do.
>forgets a majority of welfare independent people in the US are black or hispanic
Blacks will essentially destroy themselves over money instead of getting jobs.
Dont get so cocky about the situation. They will drain their resources dry than expand to surrounding, more white areas. You expect them to die off but once Roe vs Wade is repealed their population will EXPLODE. Nine meals from anarchy. It will be violent.
this clamping down on NEETs already happened in the UK, i was put through the wringer and almost lost my bux.
fortunately in the end though i was allowed to keep the absolutely minimum level of disablity benefits, good thing too because without it i would be dead quite soon after being homeless because i don't know what to do.
it's the lowest wage that a company is allowed to pay
it's set by the government, not a company
The context here is "minimum wage" refers to the minimum wage to be paid to employees by amazon. The point he was making is clear, stop being so semantic
I don't even live in the US.
Can't wait to see the war zone it turns into though.
that's not what the phrase means
you don't use a common phrase that means one thing to describe something completely different
except that's the proper usage? if amazon's pay starts at 15/hr, that means it is the minimum wage you can earn at amazon. stop being a nigger.
>except that's the proper usage?
that's not the point retard
it's called connotation
were all going to be NEETS because ai and robots will automate all jobs soon enough. labour force participation has been steadily declining for years, and with automation it will continue to go down. unemployment is deceptive because it doesnt count people who gave up, labor force participation is much more accurate
soon everyone will be NEETs. will the government be able to support everyone forever?
peronally im slowly trying to get a job to prepare for this
This kills the warehousecuck
Why are people with children not included in this? The biggest welfare drains are minorities who pop out kids at 15 and don't stop til they're 30 despite having low or no income the entire time.
I mean great, crack down on neets - part of the money I could be using on my hobbies is being sent to some fatass playing league of legends from the time he wakes up at 6pm til the time he goes to bed at 8am.
Trump is changing the law so non-citizens can be deported if they become a public charge.
It's not neetbux but food stamps, get it right. It's only able-bodied people (aka niggers) as the majority of Jow Forums dwelling NEETs are too physically/mentally ill to work so will continue to get free money.
Kill yourself you autistic piece of shit. I hate fuckers like you.
I already lived in a country without neetbuxs and I do fine, I just steal from people
But it's the incorrect usage. Minimum wage is still $7.25, amazon has nothing to do with it.
Having kids is more beneficial to society than not having kids. Chances are they aren't going to be NEETS even if their parents are.
I have no neetbix either, please teach me your ways fampai
If this is anything like the UK where this already happened it won't be enough to have "autism" to get free money, they'll start cutting you off. Even people with actual disabilities have been cut off. And when the labour party in the UK complains about this they get called "communist"
I can only imagine it will be even worse in the U.S since the Republicans are even more heartless than the UK conservative party
This this mofos voted for the Republicans not knowing how eveil they were know they are going to get fucked by them .
55%of all welfare recipients are white .
Blacks are like ~9% of our population though
>ABAWD have 3 months to get their shit together or they get their NEETBUX taken away. You will lose food stamps by 3 months, Unemployment benefits are being defunded, government disability SSI checks are targeted for defunding by 2020 and the requirements are being tightened,
sauce that isn't a link to a Jow Forums thread or a youtube video please
amazon increased THEIR minimum wage, not THE minimum wage
>Blacks will essentially destroy themselves over money instead of getting jobs.
>forgets this is expected and part of the plan
Certain People have been pushing for more class and racial tension for literally decades.
the internet finally made the dream a reality.
divide and conquer is working exactly as planned.
next up, Act III, pay attention.
>starting salary
At least that used to describe the lowest wage an employer would pay someone starting out at the lowest level in that company/business
Because the grocerycuck has been dying hard for a few years now
keep dreaming, a race war will never happen autist.
I can't wait for this to spread to fast food. Sheetz has shown us the way.
i don't want a race war to happen and that's not what i'm suggesting is about to happen but thank you for your (You).
If it was as simple as "lol we should make them have a race war" it would've happened long ago. that's not the explicit plan here.
I am a programmer so thankfully it will take the robots a bit longer to fully automate my job, and I can save up to retire by then. I will live like a king since goods will be produced super cheaply due to full automation and prices will sink since nobody will have money to pay for them. It will be like retiring to a poorfag country except everyone will speak Spanish.
Lbj was right
no no no IT'S NOT FAIR I WANTED TO BE A NEETcuck so bad BROS
Pretty much , I have distaste for racism not because I give a shit about blacks or whatever but because I constantly see it being used as a way to manipulate useful idiots.
Well you guys could just go out and vote Democrat.
Move to a cuck socialist yuropean country if you want bux so bad. Bonus if you can pass for being African or Muslim. Just pretend to be a rapefugee and youll get service over there
To get the big daddy out, we have to wait 2 years.
But local voting is an option
Could still do it out of spite
hahaha fucking awesome. I hate you leeches, i've wage salved for almost 2 decades and now own a huge house and nice car. You fucks are like domestic economic migrants. Get a job or get the fuck in the gutter where you belong.
Before the butthurt NEETs pull out the smug pepes and start talking about rage wage, I just want to say that I agree with you; which is why I got into the business of tracking down fraudsters and taking their bux away.
Why am l not 50 points ahead you might ask!?!?
Literally a NEETbux bounty hunter ITT
Fuck it's over for you guys. Join the military or get a girl pregnant or something
>gypsy detected
Don't worry, they're coming for your kind soon
>implying four chan NEETs would get hired there
You're barely good enough to scrub e toilets at a local fast food restaurants
The obvious answer is to make a neet commune.
sorry, I was a bernie bro. I couldn't support Hillary
but you'd need someone to actually do some work in the commune...
blacks exist for a reason....
>TFW Leaf
>Disability amount got raised last month
I'm not a nigger, so I qualify to get cash anyway.
and who's going to do the work to get them? blacks don't enslave themselves.
well they do but only in africa.
Hillary won the popular vote by millions
we didn't want this
just some hicks in flyover states did, and also russia, who purged democrats from the voter registries in swing states
I'll make them work at gunpoint for a bonus. perfect job for a low skill neet.
How do I start doing this? Seems like a comfy job.
Just so you guys know, the amazon pay of $15/hr includes stock options and bonuses which you will never get. It's not the base pay.
>sorry, I was a bernie bro. I couldn't support Hillary
the sign of a true fucking retard. which of her policy points did you disagree with?
oh wait. you didn't even fucking read them, did you.
I'm not a NEET. I think this is a great development. Labor market is in full swing. Get a job faggots.
Working is comfy, just get a job that you dont have to interact with normalfags in. This mostly targets lazy violent niggers, NEETs losing out is an unfortunate side effect
Same situation here, been living on the third world my entire life and I do just fine. Comfort really does breed weakness.
The world is toughening up, same in Europe. I'm lucky enough to keep my bux though.
>any NEET without work or school school
fucking kek. You're a fucking idiot OP.
sorry, women don't belong in politics
I can't believe someone would vote for Trump for such a braindead reason
>implying trumptards aren't actually that braindead
These are the fruitloops who believe pizzagate is a real thing and that QAnon is not some basement dwelling sperg who employs fortune-teller tactics to appear legitimate.
Less leeches on society.
Why would I want to have NEETs competing for work and driving my wage down? Just let them have their stipend dammit. What good is a lower tax if I'll be making less money anyways?
We will kill all of you city dwelling fags soon enough.
If their kids just turn out to be criminals that's not beneficial.
>homeless problem is America
>we have much work to do
>first we shall cut taxes, especially for the rich
>because the rich will definitely not use that tax break to invest in a reduction of their labor force to increase long term profits
>because those based businessmen certainly won't use that extra money to consolidate the market resulting in fewer jobs.
>next step is cutting welfare
>obviously the homeless problem will fix itself if we put more autistic losers.on the streets
How many of these "white" welfare recipients are actually Mexican?
So still no sauce? I got a weird phone call earlier, is that what this is about?
Not as many as you think
>mostly single white mothers and a lot od poor rural white "trash"
What about NEETS who are diagnosed autists? I cannot hold a job due to my autism, am I just gonna be homeless now?
maybe we deserve this fate
I didn't vote Trumo though
You won't be singing the same tune when you've got competition for fucking pickpocketing and scamming people.
That's the general idea.
>let's fix the problem by completely ignoring the cause of the problem
> I am a programmer so thankfully it will take the robots a bit longer to fully automate my job, and I can save up to retire by then.
Stage 1: denial
Wait, really? Fuck. I've been fired without any payment from every job I tried to work at, or mostly just downright rejected at the application stage. I haven't been able to make a single buck in my life. Guess I'm just gonna die.
jokes on neets, i'm a house guard
>he doesn't realize brown people in other parts of the world will do his job for a fraction of the cost.
>hey bob, instead of paying user $30 an hour why don't we outsource to Apu, Raj, and Piyush for $28 an hour combined and not have to worry about extra costs associated with an in-house programmer?
guess i'll just have to die
>just leave everything behind a come up with thousands of dollars to move and get raped by sandniggers
>got into the business of tracking down fraudsters and taking their bux away
that's a thing?
If they had their way that's about what would happen.
Basically both sides are just playing tug of war and don't give a flying fuck that plenty of red blooded Americans are getting dragged around in the mud pit
Why can't they just kill me? The bullets cost less than keeping me alive. Why can't I just get off the ride?
Alternatively you could go kill someone and let the prison system provide 3 hots and a cot.
Hell, you might actually get to have sex on the reg, too. Although you would have to w the woman in that situation...assuming that isn't already the case....
>I'm not actually suggesting you do this
No, I want to die, not be prison gay.
First comment best comment. Jow Forums really is a bunch of fucking idiots.