Girls don't care about your height

surprisingly refreshing and here is the proof.

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It isnt about whether any girl thinks that Im short, just the ones that I want to like me.

I do. Shortest I'll go for is 5'10"

girls will always go for the 6'+ tall average faced guy that the handsome manlet.
always go for shorties.

You betrayed my trust op. Now I'm just sad

>girls will always go for the 6'+ tall average faced guy
Ugly lanklet cope

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>girls will always go for the 6'+ tall average faced guy that the handsome manlet.
t. fembot

>You betrayed my trust op. Now I'm just sad
let this be a lesson for you, give up on women and stop valuing yourself in how much you get laid or have sex.

According to most of the women who actually cited a height, the manlet cutoff is somewhere under 5'6-5'9. And 5'6 is short as fuck so there you go, even the kind of trash women who post on facebook about how they hate "short" men are still only talking about guys 5'5 and under.

>always go for shorties.
and then you get rejected or cucked by a guy taller than you.
how will it take for you to finally understand that women will never be able to give your that and are uncapable of that.

Anyone willing to compile something like this has a lot of issues. You know what's actually more unattractive then being short? Being incredibly insecure.

I found this while bored and to me it was insightful, I always wanted to know how women mind worked and what I found is that they are ironically the most insecure beings on earth.
the desire what they lack, why do yout hink they make a list in their profiles while looking for a mate? they lack what they want.

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>even the kind of trash women who post on facebook about how they hate "short" men are still only talking about guys 5'5 and under.
the mental gymnastics and rationalization is insane and funny

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>tfw 6'2 and handsome
still no gf what the fuck

Height standards arent as stupid as Jow Forums wants you to think but being under 5'10 does put you are a disadvantage as a male

>tfw manletism has crippled my chances of getting a gf


I'm not short, I just feel bad for normal guys who buy into the Jow Forums propaganda and think that they're short at 5'9-10.

Ive never seen this one before.

Unless you are below 5ft5 you still have a chance, not a good chance but a chance

The one thing i miss about having a tumblr account was the manlet love posts/blogs, it may be corny but atleast is better that the constant insecurity and bullying on Jow Forums

>ever having a tumblr account
>for any reason

>guys think they're short at 5'9"-10"
Why would they think that? Sure, some tater thot size queens will probably call them short, but the cutoff is at 5'9", which is the minimum height to donate sperm.
I know a former NASA engineer who's 5'7". Despite his intelligence, he's considered genetic trash because he's under 5'9"

t. fucking manlet

>be me
>be 5' 6"
i shed a single tear

Why do we even allow women to have public opinions? At every turn its obviously a mistake.

I'm 5'11" so technically not a true manlet but this disgusting shit pisses me off.

>I'm 5'11" so technically not a true manlet

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>i shed a single tear
I would cry too if I was that short.
oh who are we kidding, unless you are from 6'1" to 6'3" then consider yourself out of the damn market, you simply don't have a chance unless you are on the 20%.
but don't worry, you can still be happy and the best thing ever would be the fact that you don't have to deal with bullshit.

Shut the fuck up 5 10 is literally average height

>Why do we even allow women to have public opinions? At every turn its obviously a mistake.
who knows, but the pendulum is going to soon swing back so don't worry.
>I'm 5'11" so technically not a true manlet but this disgusting shit pisses me off.
dude, currently if you ar 6'0 or taller then you are in, since for women if you are 5 then you better don't try it.
its funny since all you have to do is remove their makeup and break their stiletto in order to give them a reality check.

Anything above 5'10 is perfectly fine, women see anything at or above 5'10 as tall and even then the ideal height is like 5'11-6'2 as a white male before it starts going from attractive to intimidating.

>Shut the fuck up 5 10 is literally average height
exactly, women desire the ABOVE AVERAGE.
you are the type of guy they settle down with after they had their fun and then proceed to cuck and divorce afterwards, ergo, a betabux.
or you are the top 20%(now 15%) or you are NOT IN.

nice one user
seems like nobody got it

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>Be me
>Be 6'1 but that's average in Dutchlandia
>Get no gf's

>Friend is 5'8
>He is the coolest shit ever
>Got a cute baby face
>Gets all the girls

Wtf this isn't how it's supposed to be.

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In my uni classes guys can be split into two groups: tall guys and short. I'm 5'10 myself and feel extremely feminine when I happen to walk between a group of tall guys. Shorter guys are quieter and tall guys speak shorter sentences but it makes them sound confident. As long as there are a few tall guys there then you're gonna look short not 'normal'. I witness it everyday, but I also see some 'average height' hapas with girlfriends but it's rare and the girl is usually shorter and pudgy.

women desire what they can't have
its literally genetic
bet you behave like a damn white knight cuck

>Short men serve no purpose. What are they good for?
Building civilization

No I'm an autist. I make friends everywhere but I have no emotional intelligence.
That friend of mine is such a fun dude to be around. I guess personality does matter.

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>5'4" Asian manlet with 5.0" dick
>still get female attention because I have a cute feminine face
Shit, guys. Even UberChad gets rejected by certain qts. You gotta work what you got, and work the demographic that'll be into you.

Stacy could be hot as fuck, but she isn't the ideal mate for everyone, is she?

>be worried about my height
>huge swathes of the image clarify short is 5'8 and below
>tfw 5'10

this actually made me feel better op thanks

>An asian 8 inches shorter then me has a dick thats 0.5 inches bigger then mine
Blow my head off senpai.

Who is her?

All this is ignoring the fact that women can't judge height for shit. I'm 5'11" but when they guess my height its always 6'1 or 6'2.

This is why women need to be replaced with sex robots.

>tfw 5'10"
>tfw average looks at best
>tfw gf

>I guess personality does matter.
When trying to get as many promiscuous women to sexually desire you as possible without real strings attached and for the sake of becoming the cock carousel, physical characteristics are most important as you will need to stand out physically, look superior to all other men in the same room, and dominate the space you're in to imply sexual prowess. These types of women tend to gravitate to the extra masculine men.
If you're looking for anything more substantial - AKA an actual relationship - you'll need to have something more to offer than just physique. If you want to be able to stay in the same room for longer than duration of a fuck session without getting the urge to bail, you'll both need a personality that fits together.
Different women - much like men - have different personalities. Some traits are less common than others, but unless you're an outlier in behavior it should be possible to find a person with complementary personality traits.
Of course claiming physical attraction is not important is about as ridiculous as claiming it's everything for a steady relationship; you do need to be physically attracted to one another as well, as sex is a pretty important factor and way to fee/be close(r) together.
Contrary to popular robots belief, women also have different tastes in men. Average looks may not give you a 99% success chance in the dating pool, but it's not a black-and-white matter; "always drowning in pussy and having all women in existence beg you for your dick" and "being sexless "cucked" beta provider with a cheating single mom as wife" are not the only 2 options to pick from.
It's easier to think in absolutes as nuances take a certain grasp of a concept to consider, so anything unfamiliar tends to get dealt with in absolutes on here.

Ayaka Sunohara

In my experience they do OP some don't and some do
Usually the ones that do are insecure of thier own height and the ones that don't are also insecure sometimes (more because they're to tall not short) but us low fags are the best they can do (this is also from personal experience)
Basically what I'm trying to say is if a short girls is openly angry at her height or shows signs of insincerity about it you should find another girl and dump her as soon as possible because she'll try and unironically leave you for a 6ft guy. I am not the only guy who has said this I've seen many anons warn others about short girls. so for your emotional safety
I think thats all I have to say

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Underrated post/10
Here's your (you) you earned it m8

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>be femanon
>be in ldr with guy
>hes amazing
>he looks short in his pics but claims to be taller than me (im 5'4, he said somethin like 6')
>don't mind the height
>ff we met irl for the first time
>he's taller than me
>but like not 6'
>love him regardless because height doesn't define you as a person

If those are not trolls then omg guys stop wishing you'd be taller just to fuck a hot girl, consider yourself lucky that you dodged a bullet
If my bf was shorter than me oh boy I would just make fun of him and be his dom mommy

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>tfw manlet (5'4'') but it doesn't even matter because my introverted personality, solitary hobbies and general unworldliness are more than enough to repel women.

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kinda shitty of him to lie about his height, though i can see why he would do that
how tall would you guess is he actually?

>load 60 more images

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>Tfw no shortstack GF
It's all pain guys. All pain

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Like 5'7 or 5'8 probably, I can't really tell

You are as tall as the worlds shortest rugby player, a japanese guy desu

oh no, a drawing.. your point is proven!

it's drawn because you can't make it happen IRL

t. Coping 6'3" lanklet virgin whose oneitis is fucking a 5'7" guy

How tall are you and why are you lying? To cope?

picture says a thousand words
it's showing there are other factors than height
you dense motherfucker

lol it's a fantasy unless you can show it IRL

you short motherfucker

You are living in fantasyland if you think being tall is an advantage. All studies show that the most attractive men are under 6' tall.

>be me
>be a shy and socially awkward male at the age of 18
>be 5'1

all i want is a gf god fucking damn it i should just kill myself now

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Are you a Pajeet or Chang or Juan?

i'm lebanese with a tad of brit and syrian

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>with a tad of brit and syrian
somehow that made me laugh more than it should had.

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A fat Mohammed? You should be able to get girls by pretending to be an oil sheik.

Who said anything about 6'?

Anything under 5'7 is a manlet and no woman wants them

why is that user?

if it's due to my background i'd see why since i quite hate the Lebanese and Syrians for being so fucking obnoxious and loud

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>Anything under 5'7 is a manlet and no woman wants them
Anything under 6'0 is a manlet and no woman wants them

All those men under 5'7" who have gfs and wives would disagree with you.

Says the 6'4" kissless virgin

>A fat Mohammed
>be 89lbs
Also Lebanese and Arabic women are fucking disgusting and will spend most of their days smoking with those really shitty Eastern bongs

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I probably seriously consider committing an hero every time I consciously think about how short and unlovable I am. I'll probably just die alone anyway, why wait until it happens naturally

>i quite hate the Lebanese and Syrians for being so fucking obnoxious and loud
nobody can blame you, I literally am a damn pasty white latino who is completely ashamed of his own people, seriously considering dying my hair ginger and buy top tier blue contact lenses.
I don't hate my culture nor my country, but I fucking hate the people who live on it, I feel they don't deserve to live here and ruin the country.

>Says the 6'4" kissless virgin
better that than a emasculated cuck.
can do whatever the fuck I want, they wish they had some kind of freedom.

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I don't like short men because of their height, I hate them for their personalities

It's a vicious cycle though
As long as people hate on short men, they will continue to be complete shitlords

Wait this is exactly me except I am 182 cm. is this you P?

yes it's quite tough, though luckily for me i get mistaken Asian for some reason, all i need to do now is to get some contacts and to change my name

>i don't hate my culture nor my country
hate both to be honest, Lebanon smells like goat shit everywhere with garbage piles on the sides of the roads with people starving themselves from day to night to mimic the poor while shortly after dining like pigs for the night.

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>I'm short
>but have a nice build I work out
>a little of baby face
Had 2 gfs. If anyone believes this meme is retarded also I'm 21

You don't have a job, you will die a virgin, hownis that doing whatever you want?

Height has now become the least of my worries in life.
I used to be very insecure about being 5'5 (and still am a little bit).
I probably realized that as much as women love a tall man, I have to love myself even more through tough times and a simple minded bitch can't change that.

God damn that picture might be real and thats sad as hell if it is
A women who doesn't wanna procreate with you doesn't love you and thats a FACT

Short guys are usually very whiney when it comes to women as they don't like their gf's to wear heels, be hugged by them, or teased in the slightest. At least thats what I've heard women say about short guys like me. That makes me mad cause short guys are fucking everything up for themselves which means they're fucking things up for me even though I don't bitch when my gf is taller than me or does anything that makes other manlets screech autistically.

Very few short guys are like that. It's mainly memeing. The people saying that are probably still in high school.

and how tall are you ya dumb bitch

I'm 5'6 and I'm not lying that has happened to me a couple of times in my own experience. Women who are insecure of their own height are much much much more likely to leave you for a "6ft" meme than your average roast in my own experience user.
I really don't like short women who are even slightly insecure or angry of their height because they're just not well people.

y'all femanons are fucking retarded subhuman trash

you're not handsome.

>some manlet was triggered enough by the manlet memes to draw this

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It has nothing to do with your height and everything to do with you being a whiny faggot.

Yes they told me it was about my height because it was about me being whiny when I wasn't yep that makes sense. user I've even seen other anons tell others short women suck too you can't possibly tell me I'm wrong for thinking women who are insecure and angry of their height are not going to be good people to date.

You are either retarded or lying. They would have left you the same if you were tall, because you are an angry insecure whiny faggot. They just gave you an excuse instead of the real reason. Or more likely they said nothing and you were just projecting your own insecurities.

>Load 60 more images

I-it's alright, right?

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Idc about height, i want a qt petite grill just as i want tall amazonian gf, but grills even tall ones will want tall guys its sad

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user it's not a lie and I don't think I'm angry or bitter and I don't really know if I have a real height insecurity honestly I mean I don't wear lifts or anything. It's not a mad of being short thing I have no issue with being short. I don't see why you think I'm lying I mean this is really based off a very small number of experiences and other anons experiences. Bad experiences make people think things that you may disagree with theres no reason to be angry at me.

Why do you keep spreading memes? Tall girls in particular have no problem dating guys shorter than them.

I know but theyre rare, its not common, idk where to find em, im either 5'8 or 11 not sure(last Time i checked i was 16 and 5'6) height isnt my problem really but you cant lie and Say most grills are fine with short guys

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