Creative robot thread

Do you create anything, user? drawings? sculptures? music? you're free to share it with me. id love to see it. I draw baboons because they are the only thing i despise more than myself

Attached: baboon.png (468x548, 480K)

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That is really good. Do you do other apes? I can't post it because it's not really visual, but I create tabletop roleplaying campaigns for my friend group.

Hey lads. Didn't we used to have a pastebin? I just finished re-vamping my sound and dropped a new track. Moving away from /animecore lo-fi/ and into much larger, dreamier, cinematic sounding material. What do you boys think?


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I just finished a halloween-themed video:

What's so bad about baboons?

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I make weird shitty shit

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They disgust me. They are big stinky killer monkeys with huge pink asses. And yet they fascinate me. I have some sort of respect or maybe fear for these savage beasts of nature.

I do mandrills and baboons primarily but gorillas and small African and Asian monkeys are interesting too. And your tabletop stuff sounds interesting. What is your theme or aesthetic for them?

That's cool, user. I'm not that into SoundCloud lofi stuff myself but your work sounds very dreamy, yet strangely earthy. Maybe it's the dryness of the stomping contrasting against the soft synth sounds

That video was fucking cursed bro.

I'm the drummer in a black metal band
I dig it unironically

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That's not shitty at all, dude. I love your aesthetic. Maybe your composition is a little crowded but that is all. Very impressive.

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piano song

piano concerto

flute song

it's alright, though it's a tad slow and not really anything is happening for most of it

I "create" philosophy but noone values it because they're retarded.

Philosophy about the opression of gamers or actual philosophy...?

i try to write, ive written some stuff that i kinda like even though it's pretty rough around the edges. but i need to quit weed if i'm going to make any concrete progress with it.

I feel ya, user. I also write sometimes and I also feel it very rough. Weed can help though. I've written some short things about the feelings of paranoia and hopelessness that bad trips tend to give me

I write. I have a chapter I should really be working on tonight.

It's mostly just fanfiction. DC, Elder Scrolls, SS13, Runescape on some occasions. I'm not out to create my own world because I don't have a whole lot of interest in it. I like these ones.

it just adds a whole lot of fucking noise man

I get it. Maybe try to replace it with living... That's what I'm trying to do

>finally FINALLY making my fucking video game
I can't wait to make the world as depressed as I am.

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Can't wait to see that shit

Which one of yours is your favorite work?

i don't have any time today, but I take pictures with my analogue camera

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I got a creepy bust of jesus for my birthday so I made it even creepier
If its cool to plug my art Instagram, its @dyatlovcraft

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they scanned it badly

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Top tier /out/ meme my friend.

bro how do you get your sounds?

I always wondered what made that flame effect at the top of pictures, I used to love it as a kid

I have a lot of sci-fi based daydreams, alien worlds and stuff like that. I thought I might try to put it into writing one day, get it out of my system.

Thanks man, I really appreciate you taking a listen! Im getting really tired of Lo-Fi, honestly
Can't fix taste, man. Slow is the point :^)
Sampled the drums from a film--found the scene on youtube, and converted the whole video to an mp3. Then I sampled single drums and clacks out from that, and copy-pasted them into the beat. The rest of the melody is all synthesized. Sorry if pleb

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sorry, forgot--the vocal samples are from the same film

>tfw no computer so cant program

Fucking hell I really want to make video games again

The pastebin is still around.
It's been updated not so long ago, thanks for your concern.

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I needed this, that's the most beautiful thing i heard in ages.
Thanks for sharing lad.

I edit footage over tracks I find inspiring.

Good to see you're still at it, keep it up!
This vid is the second most viewed, thanks for having let me use your material.

i made this short track the other day

that's cool man, dang


dude i love these, savin em to look at and go "wow" to some more later

made me laugh, enjoyed it a lot, thanks for making it

what are your opinions on it?

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Good day lads. Here's my shit again. Will come back in a bit to look at all of your stuff. A shower needs to happen first though

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yo this stuff is really chill, sounds nice

The track is nice for what it is. Good that you kept it short in it's current state. Would be nice to get a more complete version

do ways of killing myself count?

Thanks for the compliment. If you dig a little deeper you'll find some stuff that isn't so chill. I just make whatever comes to mind really

thanks dude, it'll be going on my demo compilation once the rest of the tracks are complete. i'd like to record a more developed version later on some time, though im not sure when since i've got a lot of stuff i wanna get onto doing next

haha just as I read that "Unfinished Garbage" started playing, its pretty hype, i really enjoyed the Guitar shit series by the way.
that's cool though man, good to not box yrself in and explore different genres and vibes

No one ever says anything when I respond to these threads but I make music

I make videos and I take photos.

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Drew this a while back.
Original post.

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It's got a nice vibe to it. Definitely some high quality stuff. Where'd you get those vocals?

14 year olds aren't allowed to post here son.

It's a free studio vocal sample pack. Thanks though. Glad someone listened for once

What do you see in this image lads? I had no idea what I was doing.

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Damn that's sick as hell. That's some Junji Ito shit

Not a fan of metal in general but the drumming is pretty dope

Really like that piece. You got any other work you could post?

Writebro here. I haven't written anything in a while but lately I've been feeling the urges again. I think I'm going to start back up and actually dedicate myself to it and see what I can do. I've written mostly fantasy and scifi, prose and in comic book form.

I'm also teaching myself guitar and want to start a musical program one day.

You mean like DC Comics? What kinda ideas you got, man?

>tfw really want to make video games but too much of a brainlet for it

Short stories, but I have been discouraged from writing more because my best online friend was not interested in reading one when I asked if they would like to.

This one is just the first from a specific journal. Only one from it I put into a pastebin.

Used to write poetry also, but I became self conscious about it and stopped with that too.

Start writing again. Fuck the other guy if he doesn't wanna read it. Do it for yourself and not for others

Trying to learn how to draw, started in late August bought betty Edwards books "drawing on the right side of the brain" currently at chapter 8.
Anyway this is my attempt at drawing a one point perspective of a hallway and I hope any of you can give me tips as I believe something in my drawing just isn't right.

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This right here. So few people listen to my music but I'm doing it for me. It's cool as fuck if you like it too but it's not meant for you.

I miss playing SS13, I was a well known player on a HRP server, but I was honestly... Addicted. I have priorities and SS13 just can't fit, unfortunately. I will get back into it when I can afford to spend the time.

Yup that's the attitude one needs to have. Art is supposed to be therapeutic. Completely self centered.

>high energy
>trap-hip hop

looking for feedback, hit me with feedback and lmk if you wanna collab etc

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Should I take up drawing? It feels like a waste of time at my age of 25.

Look at the upper left corner. The line doesn't seem to line up with your vanishing point

Big mistake a lot of people make, it's never too late to start any artistic pursuit. Just do it if you want to

I do not like myself nor doing things just for myself and their opinion matters a lot to me. They are well read and I sort of implied it was self referential so I assumed they did not want to read anything amateurish or about me. My main motivation is to share and I did with someone else who offered nice critique I valued, but I become discouraged easily and have difficulty finding motivation. Only started that journal after I showed someone another story I made I posted here on this board and they liked it so they encouraged me to make a journal again.

Well, seems that's your attitude problem. Other people don't matter. Write because you have to. Write because you need to put your thoughts to paper. Don't write so that others may like it

sounds good if you could record it in a fancy studio. get some fancy art you could probably make some mullah.

I just ordered that book. What should I study if I want to draw for comic books?

Well, I'm actually pretty much clueless when it comes to visual art. Never went beyond highschool art class. Comics are a language of their own. The way you arrange images, where page turns happen and so on and so forth all effect the way the reader experiences the comic. This might look pretty weird but this stream is actually pretty okay when it comes to learning a bit about comics.

Sorry guys i had to go to the universiy this morning and just came back. Well that "flame effect" ist basicly the unexposed film. You have to know, every film has a piece that cannot be exposed. It's essential because you have to put that piece in the camera winder. The whole film is ruined, If you open the backside of the camera with the part of the film that can be exposed.
Nice to hear! Thank you user
I have tons of analogue Pictures, but i cannot post the ones without the white borders, duo to file size limit

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Damn my head hurts, why is university so exhausting lol

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Just dumping some pics, because these threads have normally the highest quality posts

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Go to /ic/ there is a long detailed guide spanning several books

whats this anime girl mad at, give me ideas

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me and im sorry

Got a blog where you post your photos where I can follow you at?

I make rap shit sometimes. Here's something I did

I like your music, keep it up. : )

I make sculptures from magnets

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Damn i fell asleep lol
Uhm i post every now and then on instagram @siicknature

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describe how you look and ill draw you in there, doesnt have to be how you actually look, you could be a pirate or a sewer worker or something

a shaved gorilla with giant muscles, very ashamed and crying

I have a really shitty youtube channel where I make avant-garde videos.

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Please post more ape drawings

Baboons are great. Ruthless as fuck.

Please please PLEASE respond

I see what is going on here, and everywhere.

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I've started doing drawings for inktober (some artist thing during the month of october where you draw one thing a day) to improve my skills. I'm not exactly the most talented but I see some potential in myself. I do poetry like an utter faggot sometimes too

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Post some poetry bro


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this is so solid,

Working on my newest warhammer army, have a shity pic of my giant war-turtle.

And yeah I've cleaned up since then.

Attached: turtle.jpg (660x880, 67K)

Nice little song you made there. Even the singing has it's charme

I am a graffiti writer. This is one of my most recent pieces

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thats real clean man gj

Now you just have to tag the real thing on some public property.

Sketched this out today, you guys can have it.

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I have already tagged a couple of times in my village (8000 people so not "really" a village) but I acted like a tard and now police are rewarding 300 euros for hints. So right now i'm still good because no one saw me but if something happens next time I could be fucked so I won't tag for a while.

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