Why do normies after years of drugs use tell everyone to not do drugs?
Why do normies after years of drugs use tell everyone to not do drugs?
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Because drugs have bad consequences but also happen to be addictive
Because it's a miserable fucking life to lead, all I do is drink and do drugs and I want to be dead every single waking moment
because you are dumb loser who can't use drugs responsibly and controllably.
If you use drugs responsibly it can enhance your life and help you in many ways, just dumb normies with no self control shove drugs down throat expecting everything to self resolve and be better.
Because normalfags are too retarded to keep up responsible drug use, and assume that everyone else is as retarded as them
But they started in the first place. Who the fuck thinks "Hey, let's smoke meth!"?
More drugs for them.
>assblasted drug fiend failure
>he has friends to get drugs from
Fucking normalnigger.
You're one of those people that thinks they can drive while drunk, aren't you?
you understand difference between responsible use of substances and irresponsible?
Responsible = you drink 1 beer and know your limits or if you drink more you wait longer till it goes out of your system before you drive.
Irresponsible = HAHA DUDE BROO LETS GET WASTEDDD haha *drinks 10 beers in 1 hour* Sheeeit I NEED TO drive back home HAHA no worries I can do it!
People do drugs because they are already depressed and it makes them feel happier. The drugs didn't cause the depression the depression caused the drugs.
And the drugs in turn end up worsening the depression when you've depleted your serotonin receptors after a binge. That's how drug spirals work.
Meth makes you lose weight if you're fat and gives you lots more energy. That's why.
>Who the fuck thinks "Hey, let's smoke meth!"?
yeah that's pretty much how it went
Then it is not much of a loss, is it?
If you can keep getting it and can afford it you can keep the happiness going indefinitely. Drug addicts are only unhappy when they can't get drugs.
Or when the drugs end up destroying their bodies and minds. It's not sustainable. And with more money comes more drugs. It's the whole hedonistic treadmill shit or whatever.
Not bashing drugs, I love them. Just saying it's a dangerous game to play with a lot of them,
>willing wanting to become a slave to a substance
the actual sad part about taking hard drugs is that even if you manage to be clean for awhile, you'll never truly be the same again, no matter what. the chance of relapse(70% relapse within first few months) is still high and it'll be a never ending battle to stay off it.
you experienced something your brain was not naturally supposed to ever feel and it'll fuck with you forever
Amphetamines make you lose weight so you're not fat anymore, makes you spend less money on food, gives you more energy, and more focus. I wouldn't use meth but the other amphetamines are good.
That is why I say responsible DRUG use!
Use low doses and not all drugs. Weed, Alcohol and low downers are shit drugs, I only use drugs that are uppers and make me more productive.
Weed is for bumfuck losers
>more productive
sure thing
Hey man, I'm more productive at doing drugs!
It messes up your brain chemistry. These effects last after you stop and you will never get the old you back again. In the case of methamphetamine it's neurotoxic. If you willingly start a meth habit you're very naive.
If your brain is already fucked in one way though you can find a drug that fucks the brain in the opposite way and then it cancels out your fucked up brain.
because not doing them is good
but it's also because they've ridden the carousel long enough
Amphetamines give you more energy and focus and make you lose weight. They are uppers not downers.
it messes your brain if you overdose and use neurotoxic cumulative substances.
>you can find a drug that fucks the brain in the opposite way and then it cancels out your fucked up brain.
>drug use
pick one
If you have low energy, low concentration, don't want to do anything and are addicted to food but amphetamines solve all these problems it's more responsible to use amphetamines than to stay fat and unproductive.
Everything has a price and nothing is without consequence. Your "responsible" drug use will catch up to you in the form of emotional outbursts, higher tolerance and even more suicidal thoughts. Quit while you still can user. I know it can be tough but you're only digging yourself a deeper hole that one day you'll have to get out from.
Because they've learned from their own mistakes and don't want others to fall victim to the same terrible actions and their consequences?
I did mdma a few times and it was nice
The main problem was not mdma itself being physically addictive, I could go on a rave and eat pills because it was so enticing that I didnt give a shit about my exams in the next week
The most dangerous thing is that drugs become a part of your life and you become progressively disinterested in normal activities because its so boring compared to being high
Because normies lack self control and those drugs probably ruined their lives, so they tell others not to do drugs so their lives won't be ruined too.
You have absolutely no knowledge on these substances but you speak from your ignorance and memory of buzzwords you remembered like ADDICTION, ABUSE, AGGRESSIVE, JUNKIE, WITHDRAWL, CRAWING... you have absolutely no knowledge how they work or anything, you just spin these buzzwords from media propaganda that sucessfuly brainwashed you but without any actuall knowledge.
AMPHETAMINE = Adderal, doctors prescribe it to ADHD, ADD patients and they take it for decades without consequences, but somehow in this case its not harmfull
But yet when you use words like drugs, speed, amps you suddenly start thinking of all buzzwords you heard associeted with drugs and you imagine some bum injecting needles under the bridge.
Adderal is pretty fucking bad.
>decades without consequences
No, they definitely have consequences. A ton of kids are addicted to that shit. All I can say is get out while you still can. Just because a doctor prescribes it doesn't make it good.
Doctors over prescribing pills is why we're in the situation we're in.
I spoke out of compassion and empathy. I used to be addicted to codeine and thought I could regulate it and handle it myself. But the doses kept getting higher and higher until one day I decided to take my own life and I was staring down bridge about to jump when I thought about where it all went wrong and it was the first time I took those pills came to mind. Denial is the first step user.
Because they had their fun and now they feel the consequences. They would have done it forever if their organs could have keep up. Now they are forced to put it down and now they are smart.
I don't have the energy to do a job and mask myself socially at the same time. Some people need the prescribed drugs . I'd rather have success with some consequences later than constant failure because socializing is so exhausting. People here should try having an actual psychiatric condition before they talk all high and mighty.
This reminds me of stoners who smoke weed 3 times a day for a past couple of years but always say that they're not addicted to it.
I don't think addiction is bad. Addiction is good if the substance makes you happier and more functional. Addiction is only bad if you can't afford it or if it causes more problems than it solves.
I've never dated. I've no friends. I've had chronic depression for 6 years.(attempted suicide) I only leave my place to put gas in my car and buy food.
Never needed drugs as an outlet. I won't ever do them either because drugs is the reason my real dad almost killed my mom when I was younger.
Pussies who take drugs then blab about how others simply 'dont understand their condition' piss me off.
At a certain point addiction doesn't feel good, it just stops you from feeling bad. Not at all the same thing.
you dumb ass, food can literally be drug?
What is drug? Its chemical compound I mean its logical but question is what kind positive and negative effects does it exert on someone?
If I eat too much sugar, fat food I will develop serious cardiovascular and other problems which can kill me and from which millions die.
So talking about medical drugs or stimulans can be consumed for decades in normal low doses without any physical or psychological harm and with that you could conclude they are safer than drinking coca cola in long term.
So if you are going to use Buzzword "drug" then specify what you mean by drug, and I am not talking about crocodile and lsd and other bullshit that has no real value apart from losing your mind in trip..
Coffee is also stimulant "drug" that are consumed by masses and nobody says anything only normies who abuse substances give it a bad name.
Yeah I've overdosed in a suicide attempt and I've felt like a different person ever since. Basically a husk. Dat brain damage doe
experience tells the truth and warns against mistakes
well bro you had bigger issues than drugs, drugs were side effect of your depression, anxiety.
Scientist made experiments with mouse where they gave them everything they needed and were never tempted to use addictive substance, on other hand mouses that were deprived of fun, social contact and other basic human needs were abusing substance..
Heroin is gave to thousands of people in hospitals that are seriously injured and have great pain and need to be in hospital for weeks and after therapy they don't come back to take heroin or have any urge to use it.
Stupid it will sound but you would have to work on your depression first and not seek any short term shit. Take CBT therapy which saved me from miserable dungeon my mind was playing with me
Lmao. I wonder what's it's like to be in your shoes and lack even the smallest amount of self-awareness.
Let me spoon-feed this to you. People make dumb decisions when they're young. When you're 17 and someone offers you an Adderall to snort, a lot of people don't start having an existential crisis and consider the future implications of snorting the Adderall. They just do it. Eventually they probably figure out via friends or Google that snorting meth is pretty similar to snorting Adderall... So they try it once. Doing someone one time can't be that bad, can it? Addiction isn't something that happens to people like me (most people like to think this). They try snorting meth one more time maybe a few weeks later and then maybe another time a week after that. They figure that it can help them a bunch with productivity so they decide to take it once for completing an essay. Eventually this turns into a habit and they decide that snorting meth just isn't as fun anymore... So they decide to smoke it for the first time. Smoking meth makes them feel amazing. It's like the first time they snorted it but it's even more euphoric with an amazing rush. You don't forget that feeling no matter how hard you try.
Despite this long-winded response, I probably won't get through your thick skull in the slightest. You'll still have the ignorant mindset of "Just don't get addicted you stupid normie/weak-willed loser". If that is anything similar to your regular thought patterns, then I might be able to tell you why you're a robot.
Problem is that more than 50% of people wouldnt use them in a responsible way.
We already have so much trouble with alcohol and people getting addicted to it or doing dumb shit with it.
Now imagine with something even havier and more addicting.
Drugs are banned because most people are too dumb to use them is a responsible way.
But then again, if people were really that smart, they wouldnt take drugs anyway.
You can buy drugs online.
So why would you even try them then? Brainlets.
it's sad because this faggot would probably get hired with this kind of shit on his fb than anyone without any social media profiles lol