Hey lads whatre you all drinking on this Wednesday night or Thursday morning sorry for phonefagginf but I cant seem to find my computer
Why’s R9K drinking tonite
Amaretto and sour wine. Should have hit the bar/liquor store before they close.
Why we all drinking tonight lads?
Cheap Brandy. I usually save the IPAs for special occasion and hard liquor when I just need to feel it real quickly.
Tonight it's pinnacle vodka! And I'd like to speak to a human so please drop all your replies here for a (You).
Used to drink brandy a lot too. Usually drink irish whiskeys or cheap beer because i'm a temporarily unemployed ass. IPAs are always a treat for me though.
Wish the taxes on booze weren't so ridiculous here. Doesn't help with the drinking, just leaves me less money for food and rent.
hell yea I love the whipped pinnacle and its always so cheap and good.. whats on your mind user
Ive got my trusty honey whiskey. nice and snooth
It's 9am and I have been up from 7, I want a beer already
Ooooh, I've never heard of that. I usually just drink the default stuff.
>whats on your mind user
Absolutely nothing at all. Drinking makes me feel free of my own constant conscious. So I'd like to hear what's on YOUR mind instead.
haha well im the OP and Im just trying to help. I just finished my bottle and wanted to shitpost so here I am. Mow im outside smoking a cig. I joust found a really sweet chick on some dating app and Im at a bit of a crossroads because im also talking to another grill that seems nice aswell. I donno who to pick because theyre both equally nice and I dont wanna make the wrong choice but deep down I know theyre both the wrong choice because im MGTOW and Id liek to stay single
Redbull my dear robotic friend. How are you feeling?
Some of mums shitty cheap wine
I have no money tonight
Only redbull? And Im ok. My situation as explained above is a blessing in disguise in my opinion but I dont knownif im ready for any of this because Im still not fully over my ex. how are you user?
I know the feeling. I hate wine but you gotta do what you gotta do
That sucks. Give it time. I recently got out of a LDR and she was a rancid whore who cheated on me. Mentally degrading them helps.
Only redbull tonight. I always have one, ice cold, the morning after I drink though. That's when they taste the best. The sugar and B vitamins basically cure my hangover. Hope you have a cosy night user.
I've heard it's good but can never be bothered to try it. You drink straight or with mix? On the rocks?
its pretty good either way. I prefer to drink straight from the bottle or on the rocks. I have mixed it with coke before and it was pretty good. If you dont wanna pay for the jack daniels honey whiskey the Jim beam is just as good imo
I hope im not drinking...
I usually stick to Jameson or J&B straight out of either a flask or the bottle. Get's me a little too fucked though sometimes and after a while it starts to just taste like candy.
Have you ever tried Crown Royale apple? Kinda good, but a bit too sweet for my taste. There also used to be a good pumpkin spice flavoured rye (basic shit I know) that was decent and decently strong but I have too many bad memories associated from that drink to stomach it anymore.
Fuuuvk I missclicked and am now typing this a second time
Anyways I basically wanted to say Crown Royale was ok Ive never had rye let alone pumpkin spice rye and Ive almost died from flavored svedka so I know how it is
nothing, because I'm not a degenerate piece of shit who has to distract himself from the fact that he is a worthless human being.
Yeah, usually stay away from flavoured shit because it causes me to overdrink. Same with some spiced rums like sailor jerry's. Tastes amazing but holy shit at 45% and tasting like sugar you can go over so easy and not even know it,.
>no fun allowed
Originally original
you alcoholics disgust me, I just smoke a little meth to take the edge off
Oh man. back in high school I would always drink fireball and boy did that get to me after a while
Now thats a real mans drug. keeps you productive
TFW all out of booze and still wide awake at 4 AM.
Oh fuck man, I remember when I found out fireball and cider tasted good together. To the day the smell of fireball makes me gag.
On an unrelated note, you ever try absinthe?
mmmm a nice relaxing bit of meth
this is now a METH thread
tfw you'll never get your hands on some military grade meth
Is fireball the best cheap alcohol? I want to start drinking again, but I literally have no income, its about 20 bucks for a large bottle of it which is about 4 bucks a night to get drunk. I prefer rum since it changes in taste as you drink, any good cheap rum?
Kraken, Sailor Jerry's. Maybe Rhey and Nephew if you mix and really wanna get sideways.
Depending on where you live, Everclear is the cheapest thing to drink. 97% though so be careful cause 2-3 shots can mess you up BIG time (and it tastes like garbage). Mix with OJ and you can barely taste it though.
Seagram's 7. Personally I think it tastes like shit but I just chug it straight from the bottle, shiver and shake and sputter a little bit, and then I'm good.
Rogue Nation Brutal, my dude! I'm just fuckin bored. I work 10h tomorrow too! xdDD
Still got a full bottle of this left
johnny walker red label later on
I need to start tapering, but
nabbed this from work earlier
>tennessee honey
that shits pretty damn good
I almost never buy it though because I'm cheap
a nice glass of OJ, pretty tasty, made it myself, god I fucking LOVE oranges