Wagecuck 2018

How's it going lads. How are you holding out

Time for another general wagecuck thread. Get in here and let of some steam. This is a safe space. Share stories of your wagecuck

Postive stories also welcome.

Neets GTFO

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>tfw got into uni so parents would stop forcing me to get a job
so far its comfy. i sit in dorm and play league of legends everyday. The only downside is that my roomate has a pile of socks in his closet that smell like death

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Are the talking the course seriously user

>Make 1600 a week
>take home 1100 after taxes

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I have to, if I fail uni its back to wageslaving for me
and im studying history so its kinda hard to fail

You'll get it back in May. Maybe.

The wagie reaction when the NEET takes his money to spend it on tendies

Well i am not sure, there are some cons:
>hour long commute
>together with commute, work takes cca 10,5 hours each day
>pay could be better
>boss takes the work too seriously
and pros
>job is not hard, sitting in front of the PC writing shit nobody reads
>I can afford more then 3 LPs a month
>cca half time of my job is spend on phoneposting
>mostly left alone in the office
tldr i like the money but i miss the free time, if I seitch to different job for more moniez i will miss probably the god perks of this job

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>tfw volunteering whilst looking for work
>tfw voluntary stuff to make my CV look good is more fun than actual work
lads how do I get a job as a radio presenter? I'm doing it for my local community radio as a hobby and it's far more enjoyable than any other job I've done or applied for.

My coworkers are great, my job is easy and my boss is nice.

Some days I unironically look forward to going to work. IDK if it's a good thing.

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whats your job? I wouldn't mind something like that

I try to get a job after 5 years of neeting and send my cv, but no answer so far. I aim for cleaning jobs, something I could do alone without people bothering me. wish me luck

desu most cleaning companies prefer women, unless you're looking into janitorial stuff.

well, yeah, I guess you could say janitorial. also hotels

ah where i live there's a lot of house cleaners.

What's an LP. How much do you get paid?

Honestly the underpinning problem is that you have to pretend like you care. Wagecuck jobs are so often customer service, and even if not, are in a company that has a culture of being SUPER POSITIVE all the time. If I was allowed to not have to act like anything but myself, then it'd be much more enjoyable. Let me just hand you your burger; why do I have to give you a cheshire grin and tell you to have a wonderful mcday(tm)

Is chair sniffing around actual thing?

There's alot of hot women in my office and wouldn't mind a sniff of them seats. Just heard apparently it's a thing?

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What smell do you actually expect?

I dunno. I'm not expecting shit. But maybe a hint. It's probably just to sniff knowing the ass was there. The girls are clean and we'll grommed so knowing their clean sexy ass was there kinda be a turn on.

To be honest I just wanna know from other office anons of it's a thing? I thought here would be the best place to ask

Bumping because these threads have potential

>work 13 hours a day
>1800 burgerbucks a month
>loaded glock under bosses desk
>think about grabbing it and ending it everyday

Delaying the inevitable
Can't study forever ;^)

Is it that bad? Got any stories to share?

Ex NEET here, I like working. It's fulfilling doing a days work and coming home actually feels rewarding because I deserve it, not just lounging around all day.

So is being a neet just a meme then?

The neet shit poster here used to go on about learning new things and playing instruments as well as banging your gf

90% of my coworkers are niggers and its hell.
They fuck with me just for the fact I'm white. They often joke about me shooting the place up, making a bomb, mocking anything I do slightly out of ordinary, try to instigate things, and try to trip me up and prove I'm racist.
One of the few white people is an old bitter man who fucks with me just because he wasted his life and is still working min wage at his age while I'm young.
I can't wait to transfer tbqh

Note down everything they do regarding the racism. Note days, times and a small summary of the event.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I'm sure the police, or even a lawyer wouldn't care because you are white and you can't be racist to white people apparently

4 years of studying, anything can happen in 4 years, maybe ww3 will occur and we all will be drafted

>be me
>general manager at a pizza slut
>old lady tells me her pizza is dry as a cracker
>look at order
>thin and crispy
>did you order a thin and crispy pizza?
>old lady: yeah but this is just a cracker
>your right mam thats what a thin and crispy pizza is its thin and crispy like a cracker
>is there any thing else i can do for you?
>old lady:i want a refund
>look at pizza over half gone
>mam most of this pizza is eatten i cant give you anything
>old lady: i wanna speak to your manager
>I'm the gm mam but if you want the corprate number here it is
>she leaves
>the district manager emails me the next day
>call him and we laugh about it

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I got started at a different subway downtown. It's great we get tips here and its busy as fuck so shift flies by. Plus its subway so its hella easy.

currently working overnights at a chicken place in a truck stop
thats right i sell tendies all night long
but really its the easiest job ever i just clean all night and no one bothers me that and i think my co workers are scared of me since I'm a bit of a psycho and with shout back at angry truckers

It's okay, I make 6k a week and take 3k home

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Only thing worse than wagecucking is being unemployed
>third week in
>thought today was tuesday or wednesday
>turns out it's thursday
>haven't left my apartment more than 4 times in past 2 weeks, 2 grocery trips, 1 interview, 1 errand
>watching savings slowly evaporate
>no desire to apply for jobs, just tired
>thought I'd be productive and work on my hobby
>have not, just do nothing all day, 5 hours can pass and I will have no recollection of what I did
I did clean my apartment yesterday but that's it.

LP is long playing record, aka vinyl.
I have above average wage in my country, which is $5/hour.

>be jannie at a grocery store
>clean shit up for first 4 hours
>spend rest of time shitposting in the bathroom and other hiding spots around the store

Have yet to be caught in over a year of working here, and my boss always tells me what a great job I do and even said hes considering giving me a raise. Some days are tough though, but those always feel rewarding at least.

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The worst part about working is having to get out of bed when I really just want to lay back down and feel the warm blankets carry me back to dreamland.

>work in extremely dusty room
>have a strong allergy
Every day, i can feel getting closer to death by suffocation.

wagies get the rope

its pretty bad desu. kind of fucked myself over. but im getting a new job in a trade so maybe things will improve. id have to really sit and think abt stories

Just quit my job, ask me anything robots

Starting with the obvious: What was your job and why did you lose it?

quit* yes indeed I can't read

Ill just copypaste from what I wrote the other day when I was considering quitting
Been working as a junior sysadmin in what was a one man job for a few months now. Holy fuck this is a shitshow
>still using fucking Novell Groupwise and shit
>every fucking account has local admin rights >machines get infected left and right
>boss doesnt give a fuck
>dosent even reimage them
>didnt even have images for installation before I came
>just used the factory default with Novell shit and office
>machines bloated to hell, most on 2gb of RAM
>I do more than him yet make 1/10th of what he makes
>unironically uses outdated shit citing security through obscurity
>unironically still has XP machines connected to the internet even after getting the network partially infected through them
Thinking of quitting this shit, give it to me straight lads. How JUST is my job? Did I mention I make 17 hr in a high income area?

>see my paycheck pending in my account that currently has $56

it's not bad. could be better i guess

>have to go to work tomorrow
I wish i had the guts to kill myself so fucking much

>have to go to work tomorrow
me too

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No call from factory yet. Feels bad

What are you expecting? Did you have an interview or something?

Wish I had the guts to apply

yes. not that user but I was a neet last year and lounging around and doing jack shit was draining on my mental health. I coped by staying up absurdly late (think like 7 or 8 am) and waking up in the evenings because my friends would be home by then and I could play videogames together. I also coped by playing a bunch of rpgs just to escape reality. It was fucking bad user. Still, wow I'n back in uni and it's still fucking terrible even when I have shit to do because uni only adds stress. Really wagecucking sounds ideal but I've never worked a day in my life. This is coming from a zoomerbabby by the way if that changes anything

Underated post, nice one lad, always been a fan of slacking off on the sly.

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No. It just seems hopeful because they're """desperate""" and I have the support of a facility that helps people who have struggled in life get back on their feet.

>have to go to work today
You guys have it easy

>work in a small office
>I'm the manager
>Think its gonna be like The Office and I'm Steve Carell.
>I'm not
>The whole office is Steve Carell
>Everyone around me is fucking retarded
>I'm pretty sure I'm the sole reason our office stays open.

Currently working on a farm for 10 dollars a day, dont worry this is my choice, and ive never been happier bros

3 days a week I get to see dogs all day. Sometimes there's a lot and they're too loud. Sometimes there's just a few and I get to play with them for hours.

4 days a week I work in a busy zone. Sometimes I have to deal with angry people, but not too much. Most of the time I stand and count things. Today wasn't too bad and I get paid much more than the dog job.

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I wanna kill myself. I work for minimum fucking wage at a McDonald's that can't keep any employees longer than a week, my mother who I've been living with because I'm too poor to move out has been unemployed for months now and is still in no hurry to find a job, I have no car, no friends, no money, no anything.

My work life is shit, my home life is shit. I wish I was dead.

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>Neets GTFO
silly wagies working whilst I sit at home fapping and GET YOUR TAX MONEY.
I fap to anime girls while you work hahah

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There's a qt asian grill at my job who seems to like me. Really thinking about going for it.

Kek, wagecucks need to create a thread to support one another so they can feel better about their miserable lives.

you should given her a new pizza m8. She would have come again. Now you just lost a customer

at least you realize that this is worse than a shitty job. Took me almost 30 years to learn that

I did this thinking I'd still have time to turn it around
Until it was too late and I couldn't afford rent and had to move back in with my mom.
I told myself I'd get right back on my feet.
That was 2 years ago.
Now I'm 30, still living at home, working a part time minimum wage job, and am $40K in student debt with no degree.
Also I'm a virgin.

Nah fuck that noise you arent fooling nobody, a SHITTY job you probably dont like will never be better than neeting especially if you live in a country with welfare youre almost set lmao

Yes being a comfy NEET is a meme. The only people who like being NEET are stupid trannies.

I was NEET for 3 years, worst time of my life.

another night at UPS tonight

Not getting ahead in life feels bad and it probably is, but as a youngster that doesnt really have a need to work at the moment why should I?
My only incentive would be the money other than that id try to better myself and fuck it fapping to anime is better than working a dead end retail job.

>be me
>earn $25/hr at blue collar wagekek job
>$20 after taxes
>after counting commute time, deducting cost of gas and lunch, comes out to $16/hr
>only $1/hr more than my comfy-ass home business that requires almost no commute time and no waking up at 5am
Getting ready to quit soon, lads. I'd rather work at my self-employment "job" and earn basically the same hourly rate but be /max comfy/

Dog trainer here/pet supply store worker

The customers are getting on my fucking nerves recently, and my coworkers keep singing up dogs who are agressive/anxious for me to help even though it's against policy and I've told them a bunch of times. All I do is teach obedience.

Trying to invest in cryptocurrency to get out of this hellhole. I only make $600 every 2 weeks, which I waste on stupid shit.

I've bought some things on auction sites that I'm planning on reselling.

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Also spent $80 yesterday on a fucking iPhone scree repair that I could have just done at home, that was like, 40% of the money that I had in my bank account at the time.

it is better to get out of that deadly spiral of being isolated. Even if you only do it for a few weeks, it's better than doing nothing because it gets you to value your life again. It might give you the energy to look for a better job

It's ridiculous that "minimum wage" jobs don't actually pay enough to live on...

Fuck this shithole of a country, I want to move to Norway.

>self-employment "job"
what do you do user? sounds like a dream. it better not be some mlm shit though




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i miss being a neet anons

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>co-worker is crying again

I don't work. For a little while, at least, i'm free as a bird.

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Alright anons, we need to unionize. Any McDonalds employees ready to rise up and fight back against shekelburg?

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If you want to make more money then learn a skill and become useful.

kek, i make like 350 every two weeks





>US, bachelors degree
>jobs pay 20/hour
>no paid vacation or pension or health insurance at all
>had to take on 50k in debt to get degree
This is the best country in the world? Really? Holy fuck I got screwed hard. God damn everything. I HATE THIS COUNTRY RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Wagecucks are sad. Imagine trading your life for a meager paycheck. Lmao

I lived the low wage low prestige job life for a little bit but I never did retail or fast food. It's rough seeing people in their late 20's or 30's stuck in the minimum wage grind.
t. 50k government cuck

lmao how is mcwagecucking even real just become a nightguard

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This is precisely why college degrees are becoming more and more meaningless. The only way to make a decent wage is to find a high skill job that's in demand before you can make enough money to raise a family. And people wonder why Americans and Japs don't want to fuck any more.
>America can't unionize as well, so we should be happy with our current 6.5% participation rate
Stay cucked.

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>bag loader at airport
>comfy job for robot
>zero interaction with normie passengers
>get to work alone
>coworkers are also robots
>get to feel good about doing manly work
>get praised by boss for being a modest quiet worker
>asked if I want to progress
>next level is driver and talking to people constantly
>tell him no I have no interest
Could be better lads but then again could be a hell of a lot worse. Prior to this I was a NEET which got old very fast.

To be fair. Here is the best place to ask

They're starting to fire people at the big blue bank I work for, so there's that.

So far I'm safe.

Thanks for asking, I'm in construction and work with normie dudebros five days a week. They know I don't belong and generally leave me to my tasks and ask for help when they don't know something. It's hard not being a type A personality in my line of work but the owner let's me slide because I'm good at my job. I really hate this gentrification phase in the Midwest.

Well you are here after all, so how good could your life be Mr. Neet?

Terrible. I hate every waking second of this bullshit. Slaving away, spending most of the day either at work or travelling to/from work. All to barely stay afloat living in a dump apartment crawling with bugs, with mentally ill junkies next door.

To top it off I have no friends at all, let alone a partner. There's nothing to look forward to, nothing that justifies any of this suffering. Suicide booths when?

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ever considered doing drugs/alcohol?

How much I like my job depends on who else is on shift with me that day. Sometimes it's a few lads, sometimes it's a bunch of drooling retarded zombies.
I'll be able to pay off my student loan completely within the next year or less, so I'll be able to actually start saving money and get my own place. I guess I'm making roughly the amount of money I need to to live the way I want to live once that shit is paid off.

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telling people to have a good day is easy and comes natural on the other side of the register. you just live a depressing life with no goals.

Maybe don't go for a "racist" angle and go for a general harassment angle, with emphasis that it is hindering your workflow.

More ambitious goals than working a McJob for sure

Hey all,

I'm thinking of studying to be a physical therapy assistant OR massage therapist. I've always enjoyed massaging and been interested in doing it as a career. I thought about massage therapy but apparently most people burn-out easily and it's not well paying either, so I'm not too sure about that.

Is it worth it? I'm about to finish my degree in arts, but I was never too interested in it and from the beginning wanted to do something like physical therapy but my father was against it and my mum implied I was too much of a brainlet to be a physiotherapist, but being an assistant is something I'd rather be anyway

I live on an island in which we have lots of tourists and rich Russians live here too so maybe massage therapy can be a good choice too? Does anyone know more about this stuff to give me advice?

Are you female? Originally of course