>in work
>staring at spreadsheet
>it starts raining outside
>coworker: "it's raining"
>me: "yeah"
adulthood wasn't meant to be like this
>in work
>staring at spreadsheet
>it starts raining outside
>coworker: "it's raining"
>me: "yeah"
adulthood wasn't meant to be like this
>>coworker: "it's raining"
why do people do this? do they think I can't see and hear the fucking rain by myself? Do I really need some cunt to come and tell me what's going on outside?
>hey hows it going?
>good and you?
>good thanks
Just an excuse for verbal interaction. Just learn NPC speak and you will move up in life.
doing anything fun this weekend?
>How was your weekend?
>Too short! Haha!
It's small talk. Coworker hopes you can come up with something interesting to talk about in your response.
>n-no just.... hanging out... maybe read a bit...
>Wow user I could never just stay inside by myself all day haha. Anyways so I'm following these people on Instagram and you wouldn't believe the crazy things .. ... . .. .
I'm gonna snap one day I swear
Literally everyone on the planet hates small talk. There are comedian skits and facebook memes about it. No one actually talks about the weather with sincere interest. So why do we do it?
>Can't believe summer is already over! That went by quick!! Haha!
>pretty bad weather huh?
>yeah hope it gets better
>at work
>nobody talks to me, I am seen as a weirdo
>try to make small talk one day
>it starts raining
>lean over to the girl next to me
>'I'm going to go outside and bend over haha, and wash my constipated butt... better rainin than strainin!'
>she acts disgusted and tells me not to talk to her
I wish normies would talk to me
>better rainin than strainin
Do you ever think before you talk?
I wish I was a wagecuck with a comfy office job
uni is fucking stressful and I'm a slacking piece of shit that can't focus on studying so I get shit grades and getting shit grades only fuels my anxiety and self hatred fuck fuck FUCK
i LITERALLY spent an hour the night before thinking about jokes I could make to my coworkers
>you, a dumb
>me, an intellectual
free car wash
>work full-time at a dispensary in California
>$16 HR plus health benefits
>you can smoke on break/lunch inside the break room
>customers are chill af, always happy to get weed
>small talk is always something fun as both the worker and the customer are high
NPC's only exist within the tech community
Sup my dude you good? What's your major? Let's figure something out. How come you can't focus?What fuels your passion?
>Sup my dude you good?
physically I guess so but my head's a mess. thanks for asking
>What's your major?
economics and business economics. I chose this because my brother did it and he said it was easy and fun enough. I have no passions myself. I really do feel like a robot. Last year I tried mechanical engineering but that shit was just too tough. This is easier I think, but the lectures don't help at all and the classes only go over the assigned homework that I try to do but fail miserably at because I didn't read the chapter it was about. I want to, but I can never commit to reading it. If I decide to read it I'll stretch it out by being distracted which cause some reading that should only take 15 minutes to half an hour with just actually reading and digesting up to an hour or more. Time I could've otherwise spent doing more fun things, but instead I go to forums/imageboards or watch youtube videos like some kind of drone. This is just a cycle that repeats itself and I can't seem to escape it. Sorry for rambling on user but this felt like a good opportunity to vent.
>I wish I was a wagecuck with a comfy office job
Wagecuck with comfy office job here
It gets boring over the time, nothing to do, noone but normie co-workers to talk, I just shitpost all day in here and hope it ends so I can go home and sleep
>Every fucking day is the same just end my suffering please
>so what do you do when you get home?
All good dude, you remind me of myself when I was in my early 20s. What I think you should do is take a break. Take some rest, your mental health is much more important than you believe. It can be the instrument that gives you life or it can lead you to destruction. I was having a nightmare semester too and I procrastinated heavily on all my classes to realize that I needed a break from this hypercompetitive society. Do this
1.) Rough out this semester as hard as you can. Commit to at least 1 hour a day to actual studying
2.) If you fail, so the fuck what, you're taking a break next semester anyways
3.) Try to find other majors that interest you, there could be a subconscious reason that your brain is telling you to not study in the first place.
4.) Breathe and relax, it's ok to take some rest for yourself
Your brain needs to relax right now user and it's stressing you out to tell you that it wants actual change. Take it day by day, I know I sound like a cliche self-help book but it actually works.
>>so what do you do when you get home?
What's good answer to this ?
>Crying to get myself to sleep
>Waking in the middle of night considering suicide
>Go to work
Wtf Normans what do u expect
Thanks for the advice user but the thing is, I have to get all my study credits this year (60, and I have to subjects this semester one for 8 and another for 4) or else I'll get kicked out and I can't study at the same faculty for 4 years. This is really stressing me out and I don't think I can afford to rough out this semester. Doesn't help that I can only do 4 resits and they're all in July.
>Get a qt girl's info
>She posts this
>walking to class alongside classmate
>headphones on
>"Hey user, what's our first class?"
>"It's so fucking cold today"
>"Damn I'm tired"
>"I'm going to shit myself, fuck"
>"Did we have any homework?"
We have 6 fucking classes together, plus 40 minutes of lunch break, why the fuck can't normies walk for 7 minutes in silence?
>40 minutes of lunch break
What? We barely squeeze in 30.
that image is more complex than anything I thought possible from this stupid meme
I know it's stupid but I like NPC memes
some people just sense externally - if you're really not an NPC, you'd find meaning in every conversation and always be asking and stating things that bring others out of their regular day-to-day coding
you could respond to something as simple as "it's raining" with asking them about their favorite weather, or the worst time they got caught in the rain - get to know people and they'll become party characters
originally painful
I get it but remember who put you into this position in the first place.
Your past self
Would getting kicked out be all that bad? Would being a craftsman in society be terrible?
Don't let your anxiety get you man, I was going to kill myself over a bad grade and it would've been terrible knowing the experiences I went through. Good luck user
We have 2 breaks of 20 minutes.
Our subjects are divided in blocks of 2 hours, so to not splice one of the subject's block with a single lunch break, we get two.
>you could respond to something as simple as "it's raining" with asking them about their favorite weather
can you fucking imagine saying that? thats fucking stupid and you'd get slated for saying something so autistic
Nobody actually ever mentions Instagram ever
>Hey how was your Christmas?
>What did you do?
>Did you get anything nice?
>How was your New Years?
>Got any resolutions?
Npcs don't exist at all
Only the populace of Jow Forums is so autistic and jaded that they think they are special for fapping to loli and playing vidya all day
Just because you are a degenerate doesn't mean you have thoughts of your own
Its the reverse IMO. The people who think they're PCs are NPCs. It makes more sense.
They're just programmed to sit at the computer all day, and not say much. They have limited responses and do limited things, only sit around, because limited animations. Its why we barely have any skills and cant do anything well.
Its why we're called robots, we're the NPCs
video game protagonists probably seem pretty autistic for a lot of reasons too, but they're also the only ones in control
This is the effect oblivion had on the world
>be me
>at work
>get to use a spreadsheet for a couple of hours
These are the highlights of my week. I legit enjoy it.
This is correct. We are the NPCs guys. FUUCKING PCs REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
at least you're not a blue collar
Well first you should go back in time and not send that bitch a fucking wojack you retard. God damn. Next, after not sending the wojack, you try not to sound pathetic and lonely. Women do not want to fix you.
>sending memes to a girl
>"my life is a lonely one"
>at least you're not a blue collar
Yea it could be worse I guess but this is not win either, days go really slow ..
And there's nothing to do on my days off
someone should make that but everyone is actually a wojak wearing an npc mask wearing a wojak mask and the center wojak has glasses on that make it look like everyone is just an npc wearing a wojak mask
But she's literally r9k tier.
I doubt it (she has an ex and texts like a stacy)
Tell us about her (post her picture if you want)
What was it meant to be like? I remember even as a kid I knew adulthood was garbage and that life can't get any better than childhood, which is why I didn't want to grow up, so I never did.
Eastern Europe?
But that wouldn't accurately reflect reality like that one does.
nah, west. I'm in weedland
we should ask finland after all their citizens would point out it was hot even in the internet the whole summer
A hobby or interest which makes you not sound like a depressed lunatic on the edge of shooting up your middle school, mostly
>Long nose
>Rail thin
>Weak blonde hair
>Socially awkward
>has an ex
>writes like a thot
come on user, how can you be so mistaken ?
>what's new with you?
What the fuck is a good answer to this for a depressed robot who does nothing except work eat and sleep?
Have you tried not being a boring person?
>"i tried out X show... didn't like it/liked it/etc"
>"i bought X.. didn't like it/liked it/etc"
>"i started reading X... don't like it/like it/etc"
and then use that as a passage to end the conversation, move on to something else, etc
They're just trying to start a conversation, they say something for the sake of saying something. In some contexts it's a bit necessary unless you want things to be awkward. My go-to small talk starter is "Wow, I sure am tired" or something along those lines
Babysteps, user. You should work up from the basics first.
my old supervisor used to take out his phone and share deep philosophical cartoons from instagram during the morning "five minute meeting"
he would ask each person to say what they thought the picture meant, and then tell them how they were wrong and explain what it actually meant
>No one actually talks about the weather with sincere interest
I do. Originally.
You're retarded and this makes literally no sense
Npcs are always a majority not a minority, the other way around makes no sense
In the elevator, week three of forced contact with HR Stacy:
>So what are you doing this weekend?
>"Nothing special, the usual, hehe."
>You don't leave your house much do you.
I fucking hate dealing with boring normie co workers who you don't want to tell what you are doing on the weekend because they'll act like retards about it and tell everyone and try to get you sacked so you be coy about it then they come out with some shit like what you said 'you don't leave your house much' 'you don't do much'. No cunt, you are going to go to a chain restaurant with your beta provider bf then go home and watch Dancing With The Stars or some shit so don't try to act like you are better than me and I am boring because if I tell you I am going to go out drinking and then attend a 48 hour cocaine party you are going to get weird as fuck about it so fuck off you ugly boring normie cunt.
It is the combination of arrogance and ignorance than completely grates on me when having to interact with boring normies. 5 minutes of conversation gives me a fucking headache when I have to hear their 'hialrious' about how crazy their weekend was because they had half a bottle of wine then went home and went to bed. Then they act like I am boring because I don't reciprocate, only because my story will actually be funny and entertaining but they'll just starts rumours about how user is a crazy druggie or some shit. You can't win.
my fellow wagies were bitching about their wives and gfs and then turned to me:
>"You're married, right?"
>"You have a girlfriend though, right?"
>coworker2 from a distance:"Fuck no he doesn't have a girlfriend!"
>coworker1: "Then he has no problems!!"
>I-if you say so...
I'm literally a 28.6 year old kissless circumcised virgin (KCV) who was fired by his shrink for not getting less depressed, no problems haha
>"Are you married user?"
>"I mean you're single?"
I had to sort of hint that I go out and get laid with one night stands or something, I told them that I "get by."
>tfw in reality a 29 year old virgin that hasn't interacted with a female not related to me in a significant way in 10 years
What am i supposed to say in response to "it's raining"
i dont like that colo of skin in wojak
This is why I listen to music while working. Too many of these sorts of comments and I'd die
I do the same thing. I've tried but I just can't stand the normie talk of my coworkers.
People like us will never know, we're not good with small talk.
Just say "Sure is" or "Yup," something as equally low-effort. Maybe glance out the window to make it look like you're at least a little interested
>waiting for elevator at work
>stacy coworker sees me as the elevator comes
>she takes stairs instead
do I actually look like Id rape her or something
why didn't you quit wagey?
fpbp. This shit is why you HAVE to be a normie to be able to pull off smalltalk
>be me
>medfag working at a hospital
>literally everyone I know only talks about patients and medical cases
>go to a dinner with them
>everyone is still talking about patients and medical cases
>go to some kind of pre-baby birth party
>everyone is still talking about patients and medical cases
>meet one of my co-workers at the store
>>he starts talking about patients and medical cases
>mfw this is my life until I die
Why the fuck did I not join the air force? I wish people would fucking detach themselves from their routine and talk about the weather for once.
during summer
>its sunny today
>that means it will be hot today
>it will rain later
>that means it will be cooler
and on it goes
>works at a dispensary
>thinks he's anything but a complete fucking loser
Why such a dick? If he isn't like 30 then working there sounds like a pretty sweet gig. Doesn't mean it's his whole life
I think it's just confirmation. I do it sometimes, it's like I can't really acknowledge that it's raining unless I say it.
this is fuckin art
I wish adulthood was like Seinfeld. That's what we thought it would be in the 90s.
>In psychology course
>Teacher makes us discuss small topics with people sitting next to us
>I'm sitting next to Chad
>"Okay everyone, while I take attendance, please talk to your neighbor about your favorite thing to do on Friday night."
>Chad talks about going to parties and drinking
>"I watch anime, and then go to sleep"
>He laughs
>I don't feel ashamed anymore
>I don't feel anything anymore
>at work
>every girl first asks if I'm gay and after I say no asks if I have a gf
What do they mean by this?
>he doesn't spend several minutes looking out the window when it's raining because everything looks so pretty
Never been round this neck of the woods but you guys are all so cute and normal. You just fuck up on the cardinal rule of not giving the game away and staying in character when in public.
Are you all actually depressed or?
what about talking ti stacy or going to some party with normies, you eventually get to fuck or whatever
no poopoopeepee jokes to coworkers friend
>what about talking ti stacy
No idea how should I talk to anyone, I'm just boring and I don't have much to say
>or going to some party with normies, you eventually get to fuck or whatever
Even when I get to party I end up staying away from everyone not understanding what's going on or why are they so happy so I rather stay home
I used excel a few times in high school. Why do you like it so much?
>someone should make X
But I do that
>you notice she's not taking the elevator
>you immediately switch to stairs with her
>"you're right, we should excercise more often!"
Hint you're gay and never worry about being frowned upon for being single again
Also stop posting that awful clip
>Female co-worker is complaining to other female co-worker how her bf calls her racist for not having sex with him every day.
>Other co-worker unironically comforts her saying being too tired or not in the mood doesn't make you racist.
>She turns to me and asks me for my opinion.
>No idea how to respond to such a stupid question on such a retarded topic so I shrug like usual and they take it as me agreeing with them.