Why don't you just settle for a 2/10 gf, Jow Forums?
Why don't you just settle for a 2/10 gf, Jow Forums?
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Post a 2/10 first.
2/10 is too low, how about a 4/10?
But I just did you silly user
Just accept you're ugly and find yourself a girl in your level. Looksmatching was never this easy.
>Not settling for a cute 2/10 girl
Your standards are way too high.
That's not a 2/10 tho, she's like a 4.
I'm pretty much a 4 or 5 myself. I'm ugly but not the ugliest.
2's and 1's are, very, very bad. Anything 2 and 1 is getting into actually disabled and deformed territory.
Who is this qt
Can I just get a 10/10 Buffy bf please? Look how cool he looks!
is she a 1/10? i mean.. look at her
Except that's a man. How stupid do you feel now?
who the fuck is this, I keep seeing them I need to know unironically
>Tfw ywn have a 2/10 gf to comfort you
Why live?
This broad's called Audrey
Artsy girl on the outside but rumor has it she's a big time slut
Whats the girls name in the pic
I follow her on insta too but what makes you say that
PLEASE post her insta
Huh I thought it was pic related I go to school with her
There was a thread recently where they posted some lewds she sent to some guy on her DMs
Awwww, she's really cute and seems kind of wholesome. I hope she's not the school whore.
I think it has been posted already or in another thread
this person is cute who are they i must know
this is why
Can someone post her instagram?
Had a 3/10 gf once when I was 19.... felt bad for the girl but she blew me on command. Broke up with her by giving her some bullshit excuse that I was moving to another city when I wasnt, and then i ran into her at the supermarket like a month later lmao
Oh my god. I jacked off to that image like 5 years ago when I discovered hentai at 14. like, I jacked off to it on google images maybe 20 times. holy fuck
Can someone try posting a picture of an actual girl that's less than a 6? Please?
Post more Piggy-chan bros
Glad she's become somewhat popular in here desu
Wait wasn't Sunny piggy-chan?? Thought this was Lydia chan or some shit
Yea, that title belongs to Sunny....don't know who this skank is.
keep up with the times gramps
and it's been confirmed her name's audrey
More like 2d is salvation and 3d harlots will burn
The only two not sexy girls in this thread.
herzjager iirc
Because I can't even get a 1/10
I would if she wasn't fat. Unironically. I would be 100% okay with an ugly GF if she was an okay weight.
Because even a 2/10 only wants Chad. How many times do we need to go over this? No matter how ugly a woman is, she only wants Chad. If she settles for someone who isn't Chad, she's thinking about Chad. She will leave someone in a heartbeat if it means getting Chad.
this was posted earlier, they said it's the body of OP's girl but can't confirm since no face
tried checking her instagram but it wasn't there
tfw fat 3/10
That looks like Borat's wife
How many fucking times need it be said. All women are whores who will leave you the second a better prospect appears
I tried this, it wasn't worth it. She was entitled as fuck and didn't know her place
the fucking gospel truth
can I get an A-I-hate-wo-men
Holy fucking kek original lmao
I can't even get a 2/10 because I'm below an 8/10.
If you're a guy with average or ugly looks give up.
Join the (fembot only) discord server UwU
she's so ugly bros but i want her.
I guarantee you she rates herself as a 7 or an 8
you're both hopeless virgins.
she could easily be a 7-8 with makeup on.
you hate women
>this is considered a 4
I'd rate her a 7. I can't tell whether people in this thread are being ironic or not.
I prefer veronika
Show them then user
She's artsy
show the whole drawing pls
and how many anons orbit this bitch lmao
who this frog looking bitch
nazi cunt
she's nazi
post moar plox brobot
>claims to be nazi
>literally fucked a spic called jeremy in hs
at least thats what i heard
Thats the whole pic
Idk how many but literally who cares for them
do you have more?
She's a nize actually
how do you know this
and how do you explain the race mixing thing huh
>how do you explain the race mixing thing huh
she's mixed race as well, like what's your point nibba
idk seems kinda hypocritical to me
do you have any more pics or smth
go get em yourself tiger
seems hypocritical to you bc you don't actually know what nazism is about
she could be a fascist then
Jeremy is a guy from New York she was obsessed with, he's from 'politigram'. Theres no way she fucked him or that he goes to her school
wait isnt this the same skank
how tf do you know all these facts about this bitch? she just added me like a month ago but does nothing but post shitty pics and the occasional selfie
>Talking with friends, lose them mid conversation because some random girl walked into their peripheral
>At work typing up some documents, some girl comes over and asks me where one of the other managers are. I tell her I saw him not too long ago, but he can't be far. She says it's not a big deal and walks off. See manager shortly after that, tell him some girl was looking for him. He immediately wants more details as to who it is. Tell him fuck idk there's maybe 6 girls here right now. She's hispanic, short, can't tell her size because baggy clothing but average to slightly thicc. He's just baffled I didn't remember how big her boobs were or her hair color or some other specific thing.
>Go grocery shopping with brother, we get out of the store and he starts going on about some girl he wants to bang. He talks about it like I should know exactly who he's talking about during the course of all the people we walked by.
I don't get it. Most of the guys I know who do this shit are in relationships. Are they just incredibly sexually frustrated or what? People have always been white noise to me until I have a reason to listen to them.
Women don't make me tense, I just treat them like I treat everyone else. Guess that explains why I'm 30 and have a depressing dating history.
Maybe you have to actually talk to her to know about her idk
theres something called DMing and striking up a conversation
Guys operate exactly the same way but with Stacy. Yeah sure as a 2/10 I can get a robot to be his fuckdoll to pound while he thinks about Stacy.
Fucking everyone wants to fuck and be with good looking people deep inside.
my man you're not missing out on anything these cunts say they most likely are failed orbiters who whiteknight this hole like many other betas defend their internet ladies' honour. This girl in particular is at best a 4 and has the personality of a cardboard box, not sure what the fuzz is about.
I prefer 10/10 girls like ember
She photoshops herself and a whore no thanks
But that's wrong, and you should do something about that insecurity.
I take it back, it's wrong unless you mess with low quality dudes. If a man of integrity is with you, it's because he wants to be with you. A low quality shithead will always fantasize about greener pastures.
Proof? She has a shitty samsung in most photos. How are you meant to photoshop that blurry mess. She looks the same on livestreams
>doesn't even mention the e dating fiasco
other than that spot on
there's this little kind of "community" on instagram of normies swarming here in the board for le epic memes but you sometimes find qt grills like that ember girl or kevina
You got my attention, pal
>Why don't you just settle for a 2/10 gf, Jow Forums?
I don't want my kids to be fucking retarded
This. Ig is full of fucking scum. Real keks down there
How the fuck is this the first time that got said on this board?
But no one wants to be with 2/10 people. Especially a person with integrity.
Wow thanks for being so helpful assholes
>e dating fiasco
literally what?
>thread about robots' high standards
>85% of the posts are discussing some literal who fat goblin who looks like Jack black
Great thread faggots
why do girls all talk like this? super social media ewhores
Again, that's wrong. There's more than looks that make up how attractive people are. You're not dumb, because contrary to what many will say, it does take some form of intelligence and possibly masochism, this is Jow Forums after all to end up in this thread. So that leaves looks. If you look like shit because you ate too much, well get your fat ass on a cut, or don't. You'd be amazed how much the world changes when you stop being fat. I can't possible think of any medically fucked person that would be undatable and also able to be posting here. If you're typing everything out by breathing through a tube, that's fucking impressive.
That said, I'm open to the possibility that I'm wrong. What makes you a 2.
She, like literally every single girl who cried about being ugly and lonely on social media,developed a group of orbiters among them like 10 hispanics, some british guys and some murricans. One of the spics was bragging some time ago about how she was his "gf" and how they were dating... through instagram.
I know.
Looks like a dude desu tbqh ngl ngl
Hold the phone. Let me get this straight, people orbit girls online, fall in love with them, but when said girl dates someone online they say its cringey?
I've done everything I can, I take care of myself, go to gym etc. The rest can only be fixed with a lot of money (need surgery and orthodontics) and I'm poor and not smart enough to get rich.
I just look like shit. Some people just look undesirable and I'm one of them. Simple as that. No one genuinely likes ugly people and ugly people will never find true affection. That's reserved for good looking people only. The rest of us will just settle while dreaming of being with good looking people or be alone. It's just unlucky genetic flaw just like any other disabilities.
>Date girl online
Yep it checks out alright. Can't think of anything lower.
Is this 12year old looking tranny going to be the new zoomer meme?
Sam slapped those cheeks so hard she is still walking funny.
Enough with this cunt's legion of orbiters trying to push this ugly dyke down our throats
All you did was avoid the question and give me more pity talk you wet blanket. What makes you a 2.
considering subjective 10/10 qt's showed obvious romantic interest in me, I probably won't settle for anything less than a 4/10. But then again I'm getting older and won't ever look better so idk.
why do girls like to say heck instead of actually swearing now? are they """ironically""" swearing or do they seriously think that swearing is edgy?